This is Yama, and already hes associated with wisdom, being very intelligent., Later, in one of the Upanishads, the Katha Upanishad, Yama is a teacher, and so hes even further associated with wisdom. The name Bhairava indicating one of Shivas main forms and the various attributes/implements like the trident, tiger-skin, ashes, drum (Skt: damaru), etc. Transcript for Advice to a Yamantaka Initiate. Yamantaka Meditation. It can also subdue the four maras, Devaputra mara, Skanda mara, Klesa mara, and Mrtyu mara. Then do a very powerful dedication, to Yamantaka at the end and that will be very good. Dont fail to request him! But the next day when he came he had missed the Guru. Chakrasamvara (Heruka) is a mother tantra practice of anuttarayoga tantra. I personally find it quite fascinating and actually quite helpful to see what actually has happened with this practice, how does it actually fit into history, the religious development, and so on. By representing them by all the arms and legs and heads, it helps us to keep all of these things simultaneously in our consciousness. I think thats a clearer way of saying it. And both Yama and Yamantaka have a buffalo head, a water buffalo head. So its a method.) Ra Lotsawa meditated for eleven months. One can guess though. Inner and Outer Yamaraja are blue/black, and the Secret Yamaraja is red. So environmental, meaning place, time meaning how far away it is from the Buddha first turned the wheel of Dharma to the end of the Dharma, which is 5,000 years. Its very, very important to read that and contemplate. We think how awful it is that everybodys suffering, and we really want to work with an unbelievable amount of effort to actually attain the state of a Buddha so that we can be of best help to everyone. Lalitavajra was studying this Concert of Names of Manjushri, and in that text he came across some lines in the section Praising Mirror-like Deep Awareness. I wont read the full lines, because we dont have so much time, but just the parts of the lines. His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting a policeman providing security as he arrives at the Kalachakra Ground on the third day of his teachings in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India on December 26, 2018. At the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama, he went back to his own monastery, Tashilhunpo (bKras-shis lhun-po), and many Mongols came to Tashilhunpo to study with him., So already, through the influence of the Fourth Panchen Lama, Yamantaka practice had reached the Mongols. It is possible, though, that in western Tibet (Ngari) where Atisha taught, Vajrabhairava teachings were already present directly via Ugyen. He got the insight that we need a Guru to cross the ocean of samsara. So one can do a Yamantaka torma, an entourage of Yamantaka torma, and a ten wrathful deity which you will see in a sadhana torma. The remaining chapters of The Condensed Chapters of the Root Tantra deal with: The Three Chapter Explanatory Tantra contains: The Musk Shrew Chapter deals with the attainment of powers through the use of the skin of an animal called the musk-shrew (til-la). Now, when we learn this, what is the effect on us in terms of our practice? And on tsog day you do Yamantakas mantra three times more than your normal. We need a combination of compassion we want to help others and force and strength that Im not going to let all this junk thats going on in my mind prevent me from being able to help others, like laziness: I dont feel like doing it. But if its, if things change because we understand, then things would have changed because many people understand that point once they have studied Buddhism. And he walks all the way over to Swat Valley in western Pakistan. Dan juga selain tata ritual, vihara Vajra Bhumi Sriwijaya juga telah menyediakan sutra dan mantra yang dapat shixiong shijie download. It is even more extraordinary to be able to receive regular guidance from such an experienced practitioner as Les, who has received extensive teachings from Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden . And so this (motivation) is an enormous, tremendous compassion for everybody. (2) You remember I said that Vajrabhairava is the container within which you combine Guhyasamaja practices and Chakrasamvara practices in the Gelugpa way of practicing? "Like other wrathful deities, Yamantaka gives the forces of the Shadow [in the Jungian sense] a symbol that hooks their energy and provides a channel and direction for their expression and transformation" (Preece, p. 187). Yamantakas tantra, (Tibetan words], means it has seven special attributes, seven special attributes. So we can be very good Buddhist practitioners and not be these religious fanatics that say, All these Buddhologists and the scientific study of the texts, and so on were not interested in that. Theres no contradiction. Once you have that yidam, it is the yidam of Tsongkhapa, it is the vehicle in which Tsongkhapa became Enlightened. Dancing costume and mask of Yamantaka, worn by Tibetan monks (Buddhists) during Cham Dance. Then you get three different ways of looking at the same thing. This sadhana practice is intended only for those people who have received this Highest Yoga Tantra Initiation from a qualified Lama. Regardless which manifestation of Vajrabhairava you are looking at, he is always depicted as fear-inducing, scary, and intimidating. Now, there are several ways in which we could work to attain the body, speech, and mind of a Buddha. If you memorize this, well give you a yak, well give you a camel, stuff like this. Photo by Lobsang Tsering. Remember Manjushri is the embodiment of the discriminating awareness, the clear mind, the intelligence, the so-called wisdom of the Buddhas. yamantaka mantra benefits. I think that basically what is possible is to just give a little bit of information about it. It was like a dream to Ra Lotsawa. I will name a few for you now. Hence, the person finds it much easier. And all these different Indian traditions have their own variant of them, their own version. From amongst the many lineages of practice to enter Tibet, the main transmissions of Vajrabhairava were those of the two translators Ra Lotsawa and Mal Lotsawa. If you work with very strong energy, the danger is that you become reckless and the energy takes over, and that quickly goes into anger, doesnt it? Yamantaka is the wrathful emanation of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom. As Serkong Rinpoche used to explain: You want to chase thieves away from your gate. According to some scholars thats already by the fourth century. Mother tantra emphasizes the practices for getting the clear-light mind (od-gsal) and understanding of voidness and the mind of a Buddha. Then mantras to be recited for various actions. ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUSHPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GHENDE, NAIWITYE, SHABTA PRATICCHA HUNG SOHA. He has three red, blood-shot eyes; his breath swirls from the anger-creased nose in black clouds, his jaw wide agape with four sharp fangs bared, the tongue flickering like lightning, and orange hair, eyebrows and moustache bristling upward like the fire. Then within that, Yamantakas tantra was not very popular although existent, prior to the King of Dharma, the Second Buddha, Gyalwa Nyipa, Tsongkhapa. This cleansing is most easily accomplished at this time of the year and helps to decrease suffering and increase peace. They are tamed and then given a pledge by Guru Rinpoche or by many other figures to protect practitioners. Now, he wanted to take more, and the dakini told him, Thats enough. Plus it has all these horrible descriptions of these rituals for smashing and killing and doing all sorts of horrible things with these sharp weapons, this wheel of weapons. The Guru refused and said, Ask my disciples if I have any further secret teachings. The disciples said no. On top of that, please read (Tibetan name) is the Six Sessions Guru Yoga, which is to be recited six times a day, written by Kyabje Pabongka Dorje Chang. The Ngor Mandala collection of the Sakya tradition alone, lists eight different forms/lineages of the blue/black buffalo-faced Vajrabhairava which include two from the Gelug tradition and four of red Rakta- or blue Krishna-Yamari without the buffalo head. He is adorned with bracelets, necklaces and a girdle all formed of interlaced bone ornaments, a necklace of snakes and a long necklace of fifty moist human heads. The left legs are extended straight and press upon eight birds and various gods; standing above a sun disc and multi-colored lotus completely surrounded by orange flames of pristine awareness. We already explained how this practice transforms it so that you dont experience ordinary death you change that experience in terms of the clear-light mind, using that to get the understanding of voidness. So you have this division of mother and father in Gelugpa., So in the Guhyasamaja, its talking about all the very, very advanced practices where you use the energy of desire for getting down to the subtlest level, and that is hidden in a different way with these vajra expressions. Its very interesting whats actually here in the root tantras. What you find here in all these chapters of these three texts are very, very strong rituals that are dealing with overcoming harmful beings, and you read them and they really sound absolutely violent and horrible., The first one, the Condensed Chapters of the Root Tantra,has seven chapters condensed from that 100,000 chapter version (either 100,000 chapters or verses its unclear because the text is lost)., One of the people later in the lineage is Atisha, one of the people who brought it originally to Tibet. It has been identified archaeologically as Swat Valley in northwestern Pakistan, present-day Pakistan. But just understanding it doesnt make you change but realizing it and it becomes second nature will provoke change. He himself wrote commentaries, his students also wrote commentaries on the practice of Yamantaka, and hence today the Yamantaka practice is very prevalent, very powerful and extremely widespread because of these great writings and Lama Tsongkhapas own personal practice. Thats understanding Buddha as someone who was enlightened many, many eons ago, who just manifests becoming enlightened, and who does these incredible things to teach the whole universe. He has thirty-four hands and sixteen legs. So already theres that association from Indian pre-Hindu culture in connection with Yama., Sometimes Yama is called Dharma. This can take many forms: mindful meditation, insight meditation, visualized and deity meditations, mantra or ultimately all of these, which represent Body (mindfulness), Mind (insight and visualization) and Speech (mantra.) The traditional account of how Buddha gave these teachings was that he arose in the form of Yamantaka just as when Buddha gave the teachings of other tantras, like Guhyasamaja and Chakrasamvara, he arose in that form and gave the teachings and he gave these teachings in 100,000 chapters. You should offer two sets, of the offering every single day and recite the Yamantaka mantra, the first one, the second one, 21 times or more but you should focus on the third mantra. Among these rituals theres the construction of whats called a weapon wheel, so a wheel of sharp weapons.. (1878 - 1941 C.E.) So, for example, the higher father tantras are like, higher mother tantras are like Kalachakra, Heruka, the higher father tantras are, for example, like, Guhyasamaja. those that use desire as a path (Guhyasamaja is the example). When the Manchus conquered China, they identified themselves with Yamantaka and Vajrabhairava and Manjushri. There are many, many powers to doing Yamantakas tantra. Now, soon after that, Yama becomes incorporated into the Shiva complex of Hindu deities. Yongdzin Ling Rinpoche, who was the Vajrabhairava teacher of His Holiness, Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche, my own main teacher, who was also a teacher of His Holiness. Thats one of the teachings of whats called virya, perseverance, one of the six far-reaching attitudes. So it combines all the practices always with Manjushri in your heart. Then the Guru disappeared and Ra Lotsawa was left alone. Yamantaka Initiation July 17-18; Search. Then one should do, use a inner offering every single day, as part of the practice and make torma offerings, also two sets of sensory offerings and the sets of sensory offerings is very important. So that means that he incorporates the Guhyasamaja type of practices. Vajrabhairava is using the forceful energy, like of anger but not really anger, because with anger you are completely exaggerating the negative qualities of something, grasping to it to be truly existent, and then I have to get it away from me. Its not that kind of anger, but its the energy of that and its using that, as I said, to forcefully cut through all your ignorance and your self-cherishing and selfishness and so on. Yamantaka (gShin-rje gshed, gShin-rje mthar-byed) is specifically the type of practice that is done to overcome death. It provides the most detail about the methods for generating the four levels of blissful awareness of voidness within the central energy-channel, enabling access to the subtlest level of mind, clear light. It includes numberless hell beings, preta beings, hungry ghosts, animals, and insects in numberless universes. He has thirty-four arms, right? Yamantaka: Yama is death, the Lord of Death, and antaka, the one who puts an end to, so the one who puts an end to the Lord of Death. Yamantaka is in the form of a very, very strong, forceful figure and has Manjushri in his heart (so very peaceful, calm, the complete understanding of reality). Theyre all talking about the same things. He went to return to Tibet and a lady pulled him back when he was about to go. After these thirteen months, he met the Guru again at the monastery and reported all of his insights. How do you describe this person? Its I dont know. He stands in (or rather is caught in) the warrior pose that will be familiar to those who practice Hatha Yoga. One is Pawo Chigpa, is Solitary Hero, Solitary Hero, Solitary Vajra Terrifier, and then the other one is (Tibetan name) or Thirteen Deity Yamantaka. Theyre all very qualified paths, its just depending on the method. You could have a dog that does that. Kriya Tantra: The Four Types of Mental Stability, The Nature of Appearances: Madhyamaka & Highest Tantra, The Nature of Appearances: Gelug Explanation - Part 5 of 5. I wish you the best. The Yamantaka drubchen, traditionally held near the end of the Tibetan year, is conducted in order to cleanse all obstacles not only for oneself, but for every being in the world. Or you could try to look at it to see that what is said in the Buddhist version does have some historical reference, that the whole development of tantra is really a general thing going on in India, a general way of practicing, and that you have different schools, whether Hindu or Buddhist, each working with it and trying to find the most efficient method for attaining their goals (liberation or enlightenment the way that each of them define it). These teachings were first spread from Urgyen to India in the tenth century by a great master from Nalanda Monastery called Lalitavajra, and then to Tibet in the next century, in the eleventh century. Yama also appears as one of the eight directional protectors that appear, one each, in the eight charnel grounds that surround many anuttarayoga tantra mandalas, such as Yamantaka, Vajrapani Mahachakra, Chakrasamvara, Vajrayogini and Hevajra. Chakrasamvara (Heruka) is a mother tantra practice of anuttarayoga tantra. Anyway, what followed from this is very fascinating. And so he wondered, Who is this Vajrabhairava? Now, why a water buffalo I can only guess. Her physique is robust, matching that of Yamantaka. Kalarupa, the one with the form of kala which is time, time taking a form as the Lord of Death. So he bribed people; he said, Memorize the mantra. So dont get too attached to one form, thinking that This is the way that it is and My tradition is correct, and all the others are wrong. Thats a very closed-minded attitude. So therefore, I rejoice and Im very happy for you and I feel very fortunate and do that initiation well. According to the Ngor Mandalas which correspond to the 139 mandalas of the rgyud sde kun btus (collection of initiation texts, sadhanas, and explanations for those deities) the following individual variations can be distinguished: In the context of this website, we focus on the two main forms practiced as meditational deities in the Gelug school. Before the fire. If you find tsog difficult, never mind. All the texts explain the benefits of having OM MANI PADME HUM [in the prayer wheel]. But the long term disbenefit is that it will take you much longer to become an Enlightened being. Please continue to make your life most meaningful ,with the thought of bodhicitta in every action that you do. He then killed the two thieves and drank their blood from cups made from their skulls (so the skull-cup image). All of that is implicit in these various rituals and things that are explained in the texts which sound as though they are horrible black magic for actually harming others, harmful beings, whereas the intention is for harming the internal enemy, our own selfishness. Remember Lalitavajra, the guy who found it there in Ogyen, hes the tenth century. The first chapter describes the mandala palace thats to be revealed during the initiation, the offerings to be made, the attainments that you can get, and some brief instructions on doing the retreat to gain powers against harmful interferences. So because youve made this offering it inspires me to give you a little bit of information, a little bit of talk and explanation of Yamantaka, which should be translated to you, and you can listen to it very carefully. These are part of the commitments. It was a woman who transmitted all of this and got it all started. Menekuni Sadhana Yamantaka Vajra harus sangat ketat mentaati sila, barangsiapa melanggar sila berat maupun melanggar pancasila tidak boleh menekuninya ; Kecuali memohon pertobatan kepada Vajrasattva, menjapa 21 kali Mantra Sataksara Vajrasattva, setelah menjapanya menyatakan pertobatan, menekuninya hingga muncul fenomena manggala dari buah . Posts. In the highest class of tantra, we hear a lot about using or transforming the disturbing emotions into helping us in the path. And Manjushri transformed himself into Yamantaka, looking very similar to Yama but ten times more powerful and horrible, and Manjushri as Yamantaka then defeated Yama and made him into a protector for Buddhism., So what do we learn from this story? Origins And it was very, very difficult theres a whole long story and account of how much difficulty he had to get these teachings and to translate them with his Indian master Bharo Chag-drum (Bha-ro Phyag-drum), with whom he studied in Nepal but anyway he translated them and brought them to Tibet., Although a Yamantaka lineage was present at Radreng Monastery, teachings on it were not easy to find. So, mother tantra and father tantra, both can bring you to Enlightenment, but they focus on different types of afflictions to be converted. The pads of the feet and palms of the hands are red, and the nails are like iron hooks. He adopted this form in order to defeat Yama, the lord of death who was arrogantly interfering with karma by claiming victims before their time was up. So in the sensory offerings Yamantaka, the GHENDE, or the perfume is after the flower. Highest Yoga Tantra Initiation from a qualified Lama. So even the most heinous crimes, if we do Yamantakas tantra very well, we can purify in one life. Advanced visualizations of Vajrasattva include his consort, representing the Wisdom of Emptiness. He said, I am in complete possession of wealth as vast as space, I dont need any expensive offerings or praises. Ra Lotsawa had been thinking in too limited a way. And so, similar to that, you always set up a protection space. Thats really quite odd, isnt it? ), Then theres a six-headed, six-armed, six-legged version or variant, which is mentioned in the, And then theres a four-headed, eight-armed, four-legged variant, which is in the collection of jenangs (these subsequent permissions) called, One way is Well, theres just the Buddhist version. Alright, you should read the Six Session Guru Yoga every day, three in the morning, three at night or you can do six times in one shot, it doesnt take very long. But if you understand the way that ancient Indian society functioned, then you see that all of these people lived together, and so you have this common pool there. Buddha appears in a stupa, and theres the dakinis, and all this sort of stuff. Yamantaka, then, represents the goal of the Mahayana practitioner's journey to enlightenment, or the journey itself: in awakening, one adopts the practice of Yamntaka - the practice of terminating death . We happily welcome both sponsorships and donations to make these teachings possible! (The mandala is the palace in which we live as this figure: not that theres a kitchen and a living room or anything like that, but were in this palace. All the former are yidams (meditational deities) whereas Yamaraja (sometimes also called Dharamaraja) is a Dharma protector. Second Buddha means the one thats equal to Sakyamuni after Sakyamuni. It was existent but not popular till Lama Tsongkhapa himself found various types of Yamantaka tantras, example, from the Kagyu and the Sakya. And one of Atishas teachers was Dharmarakshita, who was the author of this mind training (lojong) called Wheel of Sharp Weapons (Theg-pa chen-poi blo-sbyong mtshon-cha khor-lo). In the other schools of Tibetan Buddhsim, Yamantaka seems to be mostly revered as a protector. Your donations support this site and the annual costs of maintaining it. the ritual for collecting the syllables of the three Vajrabhairava mantras. yamantaka mantra benefits. So he walks all the way over there. It seems that the term Yamantaka (and Yamari) is used in a more general way than Vajrabhairava which is restricted to the buffalo-headed yidam of the Gelug and Sakya schools (see Lokesh Chandra). The Sutra path is longer not because the Sutra is slow, the Sutra path is longer is because the Sutric method is less challenging, less pushy and less demanding. This is a Buddha according to Mahayana, who then manifests in so many different forms and in Buddha-fields, and he teaches to hundreds of thousands of devas and asuras and gandharvas all these figures from general Indian mythology or whatever you want to call it all these various beings in these incredible settings, and so on. June 2014. Now, personally I find this very interesting. She asked, Have you received the full teaching? He told her what he had received. Its very, very delicate. So now we have to qualify what I just said. He went there and encountered the Wisdom-dakini (in the form of Vajravetali) and other dakinis who eventually revealed the various Yamantaka tantras to him. Transcription of a lecture, Moscow, Russia, June 2013. Where is Ogyen? If you memorize this verse, well give you cattle. It is one of the mother tantra deity systems within which the six yogas of Naropa are practiced. , a water buffalo head Russia, June 2013 day you do Yamantakas three. 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