This activity requires everyone to step outside of his or her comfort zone. I identify myself as Black or African-American. Most individuals are both a target and an agent of oppression, due to: Because of these internalized factors, individuals have unearned privilege.. 1. In a historical context, race has played a large part in how our society has evolved, and it shapes the way we see others and how we experience our lives. By Joy Oguntimein. Just as we mentioned earlier in this article, we must communicate with each other in the workplace over the issue of diversity. Participating in this activity can help teammates learn to communicate and improve listening skills. I identify as undocumented or have a close family member who is. How Organizations Are Failing Black Workersand How to Do Better by Adia Harvey Wingfield. To tackle the gender pay gap in your business, you should start by measuring it. I feel comfortable talking about race and ethnicity with people who are not of my race. This event can help employees discover their voice and feel more confident making themselves heard at work and telling their unique story. There has been tension between you two ever since, and now you need . Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses. The diversity toolkit outlined here may be used as a guideline and can be modified to better fit your groups unique needs. Two, it allows them to be creative and provides you the opportunity to see this creativity. The team can even go on a virtual food tour and learn about different dishes specific to a community, region, or country. I have a hidden disability (physical or learning). What did it feel like to step into the circle? Businesses of all shapes and sizes are currently experiencing changes in the makeup of their workforce - from alterations in the economic landscape, technological advances, globalization, and - for the first time in the U.S. - members of five generations working, living, buying, driving, and aging together with one another. Diversity and inclusion topics and discussions may be a bit tricky, because these are matters concerning peoples values and belief systems, and you can trust that a lot of people hold these things close to heart. DiscussionWhat is privilege? Invite students or staff members to bring food, games, crafts, or other cultural objects to share. ActivityUnpacking the Invisible Knapsack. The integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. Provide health and wellness reimbursements. To hold remote book clubs, first create a Slack channel for the group. 1. Multicultural fair. What was your reaction to this exercise? Evaluating Benefits and Challenges of Workplace Diversity As diversity in the workplace increases, interacting and communicating with your coworkers will present specific challenges and rewards. a) You ignore the comment and continue to facilitate the discussion. of the information you present here. 1. This is a common diversity training topic and it is one of the most commonly discussed as well for a good reason. Unconscious bias is usually perceived as one of the biggest disablers of diversity. Been followed by someone, despite expressing disinterest. Taking that leap is a great opportunity to set the tone for inclusion throughout your organizationand a learning experience to take with you throughout life. Members may download one copy of our sample forms and templates for your personal use within your organization. Each story and poem is set up as an activ-ity that includes a brief discussion and several thought-provoking questions. Any you wish had been asked? 2. Please let me know Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. Start publishing your vacantjobs for people with disabilitieson our platform. It stems from fear and we may not even be the slightest bit aware of our actions. This exercise can show the diversity of thought within the group while also revealing similarities. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You can conduct role-plays in group settings or individually. Facebook|LinkedIn|Pinterest|Twitter. temp_style.textContent = '.ms-rtestate-field >, .ms-rtestate-field > .fltter .is-empty.d-none, {display:block !important;}'; One, it saves you a lot of work. For this activity, start by setting up a diversity snapshot board in a shared office area. 1. Diversity activities, also referred to as DEI activities (diversity, equity, and inclusion), are essential in keeping employee engagement high in the modern . Members can get help with HR questions via phone, chat or email. ObjectiveThe following activity is particularly useful when working with participants who dont know one another very well. Disability and Cognitive, Racial diversity. The following activities are intended for groups of 10 to 60 people. DEI training is hard to do effectively. For example, team members can act out sample dialogues on Zoom, perhaps with one employee playing a part and the other reacting organically. Plus, work from home employees tend to feel alienated more often than in-office counterparts, and a lack of attention to diversity issues can make employees feel even less of a sense of belonging. Or, the group can have a team lunch and order a certain cuisine, and members of the corresponding community can share the cultural significance and personal memories relating to the food. You must: 4) identify the diversity issues in the scenario 5) discuss possible solutions to the problem 6) briefly describe your issues and solutions to the class. Diversity offers many benefits to both companies and employees, such as greater creativity and innovation . b) Use an "I" statement: "I didn't find that joke funny. Introduction. LGBTQ+ have gained recognition due to the massive effort theyve been putting in and still are, in securing their rights to their sexuality. However, giving employees equal opportunities to guide the group during gatherings is a good place to start. If so, how did you get them? Care packages are one of the most fun work from home diversity and inclusion activities. The first core concept is culture, which is: The second core concept is identity, which is: Age, gender, religious or spiritual affiliation, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status are all identities. This should be included in the training so that employees know how to accept these people whether they come as fellow workers or customers. As we've been helping companies create a more inclusive and diverse workplace with unconscious bias training, we've been lucky to accumulate some very rich qualitative data in the form of stories of diversity and unconscious bias that are shared in response to the course . If your group is large, break into diverse small groups of five or six to make sure everyone has an opportunity to share their story. At the very least, participants meet someone new and exchange ideas with that person. 2023, all rights reserved | Terms | Privacy, list of more work-safe Never Have I Ever prompts, diversity and inclusion activities for virtual teams, virtual diversity activities for the workplace, diversity and inclusion games for virtual teams, diversity and inclusion activities while working from home. I have attended a religious or spiritual service that is not of my own religious and spiritual identity. How does familiarity affect our perception of a words correctness? So what should we as HR professionals do? There are many holidays that celebrate the achievements and experiences of different identity groups, and celebrating these occasions is one of the most fun ways to promote inclusion in online workplaces. The community can give you a target for the diverse . Storytelling Workshops are two hour training sessions led by a master of the craft. Allow employees to practice their religion in the workplace. Does everyone really want to be treated the same way you want to be treated? var currentLocation = getCookie("SHRM_Core_CurrentUser_LocationID"); 2023 The University of Southern California for its USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. Repeat several times so that each person gets feedback and support from different people in the group. Employee resource groups are staff-led special interest groups that typically revolve around certain identities, such as religions, parenting, or race. You can also do this activity asynchronously by randomly matching employees with a Slack app like Donut, and asking those employees to meet on Zoom or message on Slack to complete the task. Been told to go back where you came from.. Did anyone break a stereotype for you? You can also print out cards and play in person. This shows that the advantages of D&I practices cannot be overemphasized. Try an Inclusion Icebreaker! Unfortunately, such situations are not an anomaly for me and other people of diverse origins. Employees can learn about the figure by doing their own research, or you can provide a mini-profile for context. How a person identifies can affect many facets of his or her life. Voluntary. What did you learn? Disciplinary action should be taken against falters. These (D&I) diversity and inclusion talking points should help with the discussions that may come up in meetings between employers and employees. Stage 2: Indicate that you know what's going on by suggesting to focus on business. To Retain Employees, Focus on InclusionNot Just Diversity by Karen Brown. Starting a virtual book club is a way to . Hold Regular Culture Days. Before the end of the breakout session, the moderator will ask for a volunteer to speak for the group upon returning to the larger group . Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. To do this exercise, split teammates into pairs or small groups by using the breakout room feature in Zoom. Sexual orientation. We have 30+ experiences to choose from, and thousands of five star reviews. Best management practices on racism should be discussed and workers encouraged not to be instigators of racism. Or, you can simply make more of an effort to source seasonal care package products from diverse businesses. He asks the office manager to look the resume . Here is a master collection of quotes to share at work, including a list of diversity and inclusion quotes. Diversity is discussed in a broad sense in this publication through a variety of stories and poems. This exercise highlights the similarities and differences between team members and helps colleagues find common ground. "I don't celebrate Kwanzaa," I answered, smiling. Rotating meeting leads gives employees equal experience guiding meetings and sharing perspectives, and gets team members familiar with respecting each other as authorities. Oppression is the result of the use of institutional privilege and power, wherein one person or group benefits at the expense of another. to your blog? This activity provides a glimpse into colleagues nonwork lives and helps teammates get to know and understand each other better. Virtual art galleries are one of the more creative online diversity and inclusion moment ideas. My blog site is in the exact same area of I will probably be again to read rather more, thanks for that info. There is no one guide to do this. Below are several suggested agreements. Any company that wants to take complete advantage of the opportunity that can come from intercultural work must pay attention to it. Diversity training also helps people understand the perspective of others and embrace the differences . The Respect Discussion. Intro to Implicit Bias in Workplace Scenarios. For example, employees with different backgrounds can brief what holy days or holidays are essential to them. Hopefully, this toolkit has helped to create new understanding among your participants. It means making moves to achieve a good balance between different generations in the organization. Completing this training is not the end, but merely the beginning. We will use this activity to get to know one another on a deeper level. Team members can tune into online talks while working remotely, and can listen passively or comment and question in the chat. } Real-World True Stories of Diversity and Bias : What We Can Learn. Some of these are generational differences, an aging workforce, lack of loyalty, difficulty to engage and attract new college graduates, the economic recession, and growing talent needs in some areas with meltdowns in others. In diversity training seminars, it is necessary to pay attention to intentional inclusion. Expedia's Inclusion & Diversity video has a strong message, "Everybody Always Everywhere" This video focuses on letting employees do their best work no matter their "identity groups". Interpersonal actions, behaviors and language. Building Belonging. Help those undergoing transition by giving them time off for surgical procedures or perhaps health issues. Lectures should be prepared on the topics to be presented and properly detailed. Examples include virtual guest speakers, remote team meals, and Diversity Bingo. An agent group has the power to define and name reality, and determine what is normal, real and correct. These exercises are part recognition, part education, and fully intended to promote progress and continue building towards a better world. Had to use a different name to get respect. What was it like not to be in the circle? How do the changes in the words structures change the connotation? Because research suggests having high levels of awareness before training can lead to more engagement in diversity-related programs, UNEION focuses on 1) equipping participants to intervene when . I had enough growing up as a child (however you define enough). In fact, there are many benefits to hiring people with disabilities. Ask participants to find someone in the room they dont know and make an introduction. Find the latest news and members-only resources that can help employers navigate in an uncertain economy. What does it mean to you to show respect? How do you show respect to others? Even taking ten seconds to read the message can introduce recipients to these figures and broaden staffs worldviews. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! $("span.current-site").html("SHRM MENA "); Snapshot board. I have or someone in my family has a physical disability. But creating a sense of belonging in a diverse team can be tricky. What are yours? Interpersonal relationships in the workplace foster more inclusion and create room for additional diversity, as well as the resulting 38% increase in company revenue that comes from diverse innovation. You can create a Slack channel where members can raise issues or questions, share helpful or entertaining information, and connect with coworkers. To make the scenario easier to talk about, add specific first names. faith diversity. All of these behaviors are needed to effectively collaborate with others on the job. The host shares a storytelling framework and leads groups in exercises designed to practice creating and sharing compelling narratives. This can also mean providing time off during religious holidays. It is self-initiated by organizations with a workforce from different ethnicities, religions, nationalities, and demographics. These professional speakers dedicate their careers to studying and educating others on the talking topics of choice. For similar games, check out online team building Bingo and icebreaker Bingo. Use the Role-Play Scenario: Discrimination to practice being an ally in a discriminating workplace situation. This activity helps to establish a basis of respect within the group, helping the participants take the first steps toward creating and maintaining a constructive discussion of social justice and equity. Eating is also an area where most folks are open to exploring, not to mention one of the most delicious ways to connect with different communities. After participants understand the difference between agent and target groups, the facilitator can begin a discussion on oppression. I or someone in my family has had a problem with alcoholism or drug abuse. Next, check out this list of books on business ethics and this list of DEI benefits in the workplace. Workforce Diversity in America. Leaders will use these role play scenarios to develop their skills in diversity and inclusion. By changing the basics of the scenarios, you can convert them for use in another class, like first year composition. Differential and unequal treatment is institutionalized and systematic. Facilitators will be experiencing and addressing the feelings that come with confronting participants notions of identity, privilege, race and sexuality. ActivityMy Fullest Name Source:Awareness Activities, Critical Multicultural Pavilion. Representation can be even harder in remote offices because team members often do not see colleagues at all or interact with a small group of coworkers. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Be sure to post or send the final result to participants, preferably in a forum that encourages communication such as a group email or a Slack thread. The goal of this activity is to warm up participants to sharing about themselves and start revealing a bit about each participants background. It also helps foster relationships which is a vital component of team cooperation, and is especially important in remote offices where teammates interact organically less often. Recognize common diversity and inclusion related misconceptions 2. The latest research carried out by theWorld Economic Forumfinds that the economic divide is getting wider in many regions, and even where its closing, progress is still too slow. I identify myself as Asian or Asian-American. This can sometimes lead to frustration amongst employees and productivity loss. To request permission for specific items, click on the reuse permissions button on the page where you find the item. You get off on the wrong foot with a new coworker. This activity works best if the artist is lesser known, emerging, and local, however you can leave the artist choice up to employees. Be sure that players feel no expectation to share details they may not be comfortable making public in the workplace. Opening up a dialogue on a personal level supports inclusion efforts and can also translate into new ideas and thought processes that can help solve workplace challenges and enhance the organization as a whole. I have a close friend who is a person of color. For this version of the game, we suggest instead of team members taking turns making Never Have I Ever statements, a leader reads through the prompts one by one.
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