no bumps no itchness. ), ( Have become very spiritual and connected to God this year. Feel free to email me at for photos taking this morning. I took a few pictures to get a better look. Hi Everyone,I'm 32 years old and am now researching marks I've had on my body since childhood. It is not common to see a red spot when you awaken. To learn what we believe to be the cause, read our RGMP Dossier, linked on the right hand column of this page. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. I called my father, who is my Pastor (neither of us believe in aliens) and texted him pictures and he was deeply troubled. They are able to jump. 1 Myodesopsia often occurs during the aging process and is usually harmless. Waking Up With Bruises on Legs . I just wanted to know if I could get an opinion on these marks? Red spot(bloodshot) outer part of left eye for 3 and on blurry vision.eye drops don't help anymore? Vertebrobasilar insufficiency - A medical situation characterized by poor blood flow to the back of the brain. I lost count. seeing red spots when waking up. My friends have always been bewildered of the sight of these marks. on fire and causing him He seeks to understand the multifaceted nature of these experiences and the way they relate to our evolution and daily lives.Check out more in Jordon's Profile, Out-of-body experiencer, and ex-ghost hunter, Brian finally found his way onto the RGMP Investigation Team after a recurrence of the grid marks prompted him to resume his decades long search into the phenomenon. I joke now whenever I find one that I must have been downloaded into or uploaded while sleeping.The one a month ago was strange as it was mid-afternoon and I was suddenly overwhelmingly tired. I have had a tough time trying to figure it out,it makes me uncomfortable around in public. If you see floating objects every time you wake up in the morning, it might be due to an eye condition called myodesopsia. That took care of the pains but every year the rash comes back. I checked again after an hour or so and the mark was gone. Red spot on my eye moved to the colored part of my eye and i see blinking lights? Mine appeared yesterday right where my leg meets my butt in the exact same pattern as you describe. It could also be in growth o Could be most anything. The first thing is the lighting. 14 ), ( However, this happened during the morning hours he was in the living room asleep while everyone was upstairs, he fell into one of those deeps naps and next thing you know he woke up with these marks exactly one year later. Waking up to red spots on the skin can be frustrating. Apparently it can. I've had the same problem lately. Please check in regularly and follow us. I know lucid dreams can be disrupting at times to your well-being and sense of security. I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror and saw a grid pattern in the shape of a triangle on my shoulder. The mark lasted over a week and then just disappeared. I awoke to see a perfect grid pattern, dead straight lines. DR can lead to blindness. I dont think Im gonna show it to my doctor. Dry, mildly burning, mildly red eyes for couple of weeks. We didn't receive a way to contact you and we're hoping to discuss your lifetime of grid mark appearances. My brother found some dots on my shoulder am i Okey Im too scared tho. And because of that I was late to class. it kinda creeped me out. But when I get the spots on my legs. From where I was, it was about as tall as two US quarters. Or a possible chemical reaction. I do have migraines and wonder if this might be related to that. Flashes of spiritual light symbolize the presence of . I can't sleep till after 3:00am because if i fall asleep before my blood pressure will drop and i will start to feel pins and needles pressure in my head. You can also read about our research findings in our recently released dossier, available in the right hand column of this site. We cannot follow up on cases without a way to contact. Pls say something. Have these red grid marks on my butt cheeks. I didn't even notice the marks my gf did bad got worried.hear me out what if where being tagged. My girlfriend noticed marks on my back and we don't know how they appear looks like 2 lines and a honey cone shape at the end of it who knows what this is. can't believe this is happening too as I am currently doing a research project on aliens for my final year in university! Macular degeneration doesn't just happen to adults; it can also occur in children and adolescents. Atom A blast of hot gas If you're not careful, you might begin to notice your vision deteriorating because of the condition. Please email us at: experientialdreaming@gmail.comThanks. I have pictures as well. Our conclusions and investigation are explained in our RGMP Dossier, available for purchase on the right hand column of this site. The grid appeared like dark grey lines when that happened. Theyve appeared on my right shoulder blade and my lower spine a few times, and I've seen lights in the sky with my friend on the same nights, one night before it occurred I was woken by a loud kind of turbine sound and saw a huge red laser like light pulse quickly above me in my room for like a brief second then everything became normal my friend was asleep in the room with me and was not awoken or anything in fact he was the one that discovered the marks the next day, I don't believe in aliens but this is weird and I want answers! I need answers because all I've seen so far is about aliens. I've also have a little bit of back pain. Fatigue, increased thirst, and increased urination. First in English, then in five other languages he could think of. A red spot on the eye is often a small blood vessel that burst open. Hi man that happens to me and my brother to we have low blood pressure pots like symptoms as well. I have had these same types of patterns show on my back. Seeing red serves as a warning. I wonder what this is, it happened to my husband and it came back 4 times in a year period, we haven't gotten answers, there's nothing in our house with this pattern, it happens at night while he sleeps, he experiences heave sweating bad headache and vivid nightmares, and they last about 4-7 days to go away. It often comes and goes, and my colleagues often get the chill whenever it comes back showing bright white spots then later after days it fades but not completely. About 1 inch across on my thigh.Appeared over night. Mostly occures on my shoulder blades or my triceps. The lines are straight but curve as I try to move around. Small squares of dots in different places. Hahn describes fleas as dark-colored and the size of a pinhead. It was so symetric, we could not beleive this was a skin rash. And I was dumbing down ;-). If you want to see the pics please e-mail at Grid mark pattern on my butt. Nothing to worry aboutit's been 35 years and I'm still alive and well :). He provides immediate responses to incoming cases, and serves as a caseworker and intermittent author to the site.Check out more in Brian's Profile. Sub conjunctiva hemmorage usually from simple trauma. Do I have to keep telling everyone I don't know what it is. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. 1. I don't know why I never searched online right away but prolly because I thought I was the only one with it. About the shooting pains, you might want to consider seeing an orthopedic specialist, perhaps getting an xray or MRI of your thoracic spine. That night before I went to sleep I was watching a movie on alien abductions. He thought I had scratched too hard or that I had a rash. Darren, could you please get in touch with us at and send a picture of your marks? Here are some of the possible causes of black spots or lines in the vision of the eyes that include the following: 1. I woke and lay awake and stared at it for 5 mins. I have absolutely no recollection of this dream. My dad had the same marks off & on while i was growing up. Seeing Spots in Vision. contained a uniform pattern I do have a desk job, so I'm looking at the monitor for hours. Not wanting to start a debate..just wanted to mention that. I would really just like to know if mine looked like the rest or if it was different. It is experiencers like you who've made this all possible with your willingness to report. Floaters are caused when the vitreous, the gel-like substance that makes up most of the eye, becomes more liquid, stringy and clumps together. Also fast heart . In 2015 it was photographed as such see this article Yep, sometimes even sex can make you bleed. Hi there, I have had these small white dots close to my elbow and they formed a good round circle, funny thing is it's on both arms same locations. 17 I had it checked out by two pharmacists and they were both perplexed and agreed that it was not allergies or bed bugs. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Have really vivid dreams /nightmares that I can remember no problem. He did not had any pain, it was underskin with no bumps. My 6 yo has a square pattern of about 8 smaller squares on his shoulder and about 4 in his back. You hear of animals being able to see and hunt in the middle of the night. Same as everyone else, no pain/itching etc., just two lines of dots on my back. What is it? There are many ways to get rid of face redness quickly that don't require a trip to the dermatologist's office. It's flat no raised bumps but they are in a circular pattern. Later on the morning I realize that he has this grid patter dots in his back. I hope this helps you.Jennifer, I have this strange diamond grid mark on my left bicep that has been there for 3 days I have no idea where it came from. Sometimes . Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. Never disregard or delay professional medical advice in person because of anything on HealthTap. I have been waking to find a series of three pin like dots on my skin for years. Did have vivid dream but not nightmare and was very hot when I woke. The Red Light Ray and Archangel Uriel . Okay so I just experienced this last night when I went to take a nap at about 6 pm and woke up about 9pm, I woke up drenched in sweat and went to tell my sister. Jagged Lines in a Vision: Causes and Symptoms. Thanks!!! Self-treatment will always create complications. Please write - Jim Vance. He peeked his head in through the opening to find computerized panels and lights. Hi Becky, yes please send any pictures you may have to us here at I'm relieved that I'm not the only one. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in a minute. 18 Their were no shadows. Any update? As i had 1 really strange dream the same night ! Bright Spots in Eyes. blisters, or hickey-like bruises in two others; mark begins to fade within hours of occurrence; pain, discomfort, aching are rare (one case); sensation of heat or minor burning felt at site prior to or during appearance of marks in at least 2 cases; no recollection of pressure, tingling, pinching, or anything at all that would have drawn their attention to the site while it was produced; no reports of itchiness or swelling at or around site to suggest skin reaction, allergy, disease; a few recall bizarre vivid dreams around the time of the marks' appearance; less than 20% (3/17) damp from having severely sweated while they slept, I have narcolepsy and sometimes suffer from hypnopompic/hypnagogic hallucinations, and Im always sleeping and having crazy dreams, but nothing like this has ever happened in my 30+ years on this planet. Checked everything in bed and every possible reason with no answers. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Seeing spots, which are often called floaters, means that you are seeing objects that look like small specks, circles or strands floating in your visual field. When you rub the sleep from your weary eyes, the lights suddenly intensify and bursts of bright colors appear all across your field of vision. Contact dermatitis treatment may involve creams, application of cool water compresses, and applying topical steroids. See black stationary spots on walls only when I wake up. Researchers aren't sure about the exact cause of this skin condition. I just noticed upon waking that I have the honeycomb markings on my rearboth sides in about the same spot. 141 I did not take a photograph when he was 9 months, and really wish now I had. The bald patch remain, but the lump has gone! ), ( When trying on different tops I realized in my mirror I had what looked like a rash. When I woke up my girlfriend noticed a perfect red dot graph marking on my back, no pain and you can't feel them. A few seconds later, the colors settle down again. Glad I found this site. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Don't take any risk by applying eye drops or other medications in your eyes. Thanks for sharing your experience. excess physical strain. I have 3 uniform dots between my thumb and pointer finger ( left hand) making a perfect triangle shape. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. coughing. The spots can be itchy or scaly. Usually, that . Its weird. Keratosis Pilaris: Rough Bumps on Your Arms, Legs, or Cheeks. That happened at about 12am so I tried to wake him but he wouldn't come out of it. No pain or raised area and there was seemingly no reason for it to be there. ), ( I noticed its usually when I sleep on my back with something propped under my neck Medical Ask an Expert Medical Questions This answer was rated: I see SMALL spots when I wake up. Wow, I can't believe that so many people have experienced the same thing, it's so scary! I had many visits in my old house and thought they were done with me, but I guess not. As a partner agent, he contributes valuable information via his entity encounters, shared dreaming, and astral experiences. I only see them when looking to my left or right? But I just wish I could totally cure my self. My boyfriend just woke up today with them., 26weeks pregnant and two days ago my partner pointed out weird dots on my left buttock.. I have had a pounding headache and felt really nauseous all morning. I recommend reading the 'Dreams Around Time of Occurrence' (pg 200) in the Dossier we released. They're not bumpy, or itchy or painful in anyway and the area of skin is smooth to the touch. I was changing my shirt and my son noticed it. The rash doesn't hurt. It sent me looking. Afraid to go to sleep. Thanks! ascended. Thanks again for your help. This time 2 circles on his head, and the lump has gone! He took a few pictures, and from what we can see some of them have faded but some are still prominently there, but it is 9:30 at night. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. I awoke with a large black circle on my upper/outer thigh that may be unrelated. 22 Somehow, that makes me wake up in the middle of the night and see all red for a minute. My mind is blank because there is nothing at home or at work that I can think of that could of caused it. Still no answer about my seeinga green grid on my ceiling when waking up. ground. ( I've been experiencing this since childhood, although not every night, only rarely. About your grid marks, please refer to our dossier listed at the top of the right hand column of this page. Its so unnerving. Seek the help of your eye doctor ASAP. If you have find out email me please knightunderground at gmail. ), ( The dots in the centre are more pronounced and fade out towards the edges of the rectangle. I had a dream that 2 aliens came into my bedroom and stood over me, they were both very tall remember trying to stay awake but fell into a deep sleep. Start with a complete medical eye exam by an Eye MD ophthalmologist, it should include a special test called a macular OCT. And symptoms send any pictures you may have to us here at experientialdreaming @ photos! Uncomfortable around in public recently released Dossier, available in the vision of the brain a photograph when he 9! They are in a summary fashion, and applying topical steroids and entertainment only. The marks my gf did bad got worried.hear me out what if where tagged! Not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription the mark was.! Final year in university are explained in our RGMP Dossier, linked the. 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