8:2, 65-66; Ezr. All the ways of a man are clean in his own sight, But the Lord weighs the motives (Prov. Sin cannot enter His presence. 18-19). Leviticus 17:11 - For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life. A New Look at Atonement in Leviticus: The Meaning and Purpose of Kipper Revisited [=Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement, 23]. Knowing that God is both good and sovereign, Paul assures us that God is able to use even the present evils of this world to bring us to the perfection which only heaven will bring (Rom. Our text clearly indicates the superiority of the person of Christ to Aaron. he had to perform the ritual exactly as prescribed in the Law. The Day of Atonement was a time for each Israelite to reflect on his own sinfulness, and to respond appropriately with mourning and repentance. This is the agony which caused Him to agonize in the Garden of Gethsemane. We gratefully rest in His finished work. 14:3-9, 49-53), there is no other sacrifice quite like this, which involves both a dying and a living animal. Leviticus 16:19 Then he shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times, cleanse it, and consecrate it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel. She wants to throw out half of the treasures you have gathered over the year. 13-14). So the priest who is anointed and ordained to serve as priest in his fathers place shall make atonement: he shall thus put on the linen garments, the holy garments, and make atonement for the holy sanctuary; and he shall make atonement for the tent of meeting and for the altar. Lev. Unknown sins are hidden sins, those transgressions which we, in our fallen state, are either unable or unwilling to acknowledge. John 1:14; Heb. God removes our sins as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). 16:16, 19). But this did not negate the need for certain people from the Levitical tribe to serve Gods people as mediators of sorts. 26, 28). Before we discuss the significance of some of the events of the Day of Atonement, let us pause to walk through the entire ceremony which is outlined in Leviticus chapter 16. The Manifestations of Life in John's First Epistle Chapter 8: Great Gospel Words: Redemption Chapter 9: Great Gospel Words: Reconciliation Chapter 10: Great Gospel Words: Forgiveness Chapter 11: Great Gospel Words: Propitiation Chapter 12: Great Gospel Themes - Reconciliation Chapter 13: Great Gospel Themes - Substitution Chapter 14 . Let me briefly mention how this can work, and then leave the reader to ponder the implications. in 1971. I encourage you to ask God to show you what drawing near means for you, today. A Christian counselor from Colorado said, The lack of forgiveness is at the root of most all interpersonal conflicts.. Even though he assisted in bringing Gods people out of Egypt (Exodus 4:14-17), he clearly had feet of clay (Exodus 32:4-6). Only he could perform this function, a ritual that he had to repeat each year. But in the presence of God even the high priest is stripped of all honor: he becomes simply the servant of the King of kings, whose true status is portrayed in the simplicity of his dress. 1-2; B. Leviticus 16: Repentance and Restoration (Day of Atonement). True submission is seeking the best interest of the other, rather than our own interest. God instituted it in Leviticus 16:1-34. I have always had a certain mental picture of the Day of Atonement, and I have just now discovered how partial and incomplete it was. 3:1-6; Ne. (BJ) 32The priest who is anointed and ordained(BK) to succeed his father as high priest is to make atonement. I have always loved to see the spring come each year, with all that it brings, with one notable exceptionspring cleaning. 39:27-29) On this one day the high priest enters the other world, into the very presence of God. Aaron himself could only draw near to God, that is to the Holy of Holies, but once a year. I believe that the Day of Atonement is based on the assumption that some sins never come to the attention of the sinner. The Bible speaks to the importance of forgiving others (Matthew 18:35). The Bible is rich with this vocabulary. In this case, too, the offering on the Day of Atonement was similar to the former offering, but was greater in that there was an entrance into the Holy of Holies. New Testament Christians are not as concerned about unknown sins as they should be. (9) The Day of Atonement was a time for dealing with unknown sins, for which no offering had been made in the past year. The requirement for the people to afflict themselves on the Day of Atonement (Lev. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. 23Then Aaron is to go into the tent of meeting and take off the linen garments(AQ) he put on before he entered the Most Holy Place, and he is to leave them there. Study. 16:16). The issue at stake is whether or not God will continue to abide within the camp, in the midst of His people. 11 "Aaron shall bring the bull for his own sin offering to make atonement for himself and his household, . Ezekiel (9:2-3, 11; 10:2, 6-7) and Daniel (10:5; 12:6-7) describe angels as dressed in linen, while Rev. 26The man who releases the goat as a scapegoat(AW) must wash his clothes(AX) and bathe himself with water;(AY) afterward he may come into the camp. In the laws of clean and unclean, we saw how the fall of man in the Garden of Eden brought suffering and adversity to the Israelites. 14:12). He may see this as taking a stand for the truth or for what is right. He might justify domineering over his wife as assuming his biblical place of headship. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. It was a day of national mourning and repentance. Once the priests sins had been atoned for, it was time to make atonement for the community of Israel. The fat of the sin offering was burned on the altar (v. 25), and the remains of the bull and the goat were taken outside the camp, where they were burned (v. 27). On this goat, the sins of the people are placed, and then it is handed over to an Israelite (Azazel? (11) Aaron then entered the tent of meeting, removed his linen garments, washed, and put on his normal priestly garments, (12) The burnt offerings of rams, one for Aaron and his family and the other for the people, was now offered (v. 24). The superiority of Christs one offering to that of Aarons many offerings is also seen in the fact that the results of Christs sacrifice are greater. 22The goat will carry on itself all their sins(AP) to a remote place; and the man shall release it in the wilderness. This note thus serves to underscore the importance of Aarons very meticulous obedience to these instructions. The sacrifices were entered into by faith that what God had prescribed was correct and adequate to handle the guilt and alienation from God that sin causes. Aarons sons died while in the tabernacle, specifically while they were burning incense. The last aspect of the superiority of Christs atonement to Aarons (which we shall consider here) is that Christs sacrifice brought better access to God. Leviticus 16:29 and 23:27 and Numbers 29:7 instruct that "you shall afflict your souls." Leviticus 23:32 makes clear that a full day is intended: "you shall afflict your souls . The priest was to take a goat and do with its blood for the people what he did with the bulls blood for himself. 8:17-18). Harrison, p. 175. ), whose task it is to drive the goat into the wilderness, so that it will never return. A Few More Days Remain to Complete Our Annual Church Survey, Merger of CCCB, SLCC Officially Completed, Pressing On Conference Planned for Seasoned Ministers, Missionaries, THROWBACK THURSDAY: Booker T. Washington a Campbellist? Leviticus makes little sense if wrenched from its wider biblical context. 16:2). It is not until the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ that Satan will finally be put out of circulation forever (cf. 3 And this shall be his uncleanness in his issue: whether his flesh run with his issue, or his flesh be stopped from his issue . It is good to confess those obvious sins, such as the legalization of abortion, but we need to become much more sensitive to the more subtle (unknown?) God's justice has been satisfied. Who Is Lillith and Why Don't We Find Her in Our Bible? The space was so sacred that Aaron was to occupy it himself, without help from anyone else. Materials requiredanimals and clothing, vv. (5) Aaron then took some of the blood of the bull and sprinkled it on the mercy seat seven times (v. 14). The Holy Spirit does not miraculously deliver us from these groanings, but intercedes for us in order to bring us through them safely (Rom. The work was certainly not trivial. the scapegoat 16In this way he will make atonement(AG) for the Most Holy Place(AH) because of the uncleanness and rebellion of the Israelites, whatever their sins have been. Further, Aaron died, but Christ lives forever (Heb. But when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies in performing the atoning ritual of the Day of Atonement, he went before God in simplicity and humility. The Day of Atonement (16)15. Aaron, Moses brother, was the first to serve in this capacity as high priest. It is noteworthy that in this passage, the warning about offering strange incense immediately precedes reference to the Day of Atonement, just as Leviticus 16 introduces the instructions concerning the offerings by referring to the death of Nadab and Abihu, who were smitten of God for offering strange fire (cf. 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they offered before the LORD, and died ; 2 And the LORD said unto Moses, Speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times into the holy place within the vail before the mercy seat, which is upon . Lev. Jewish tradition has it that the goat was led to a high cliff, and then pushed backward, over the precipice. In the New Testament book of Hebrews, Jesus is identified as the greatest high priest. As a result of my study of this chapter, I have come to break the chapter up somewhat differently: I. IntroductionRequirements: Verses 1-5; A. One of the primary words in the New Testament for forgiveness (Greekaphiemi) picks up on this image. . You know, the rabbis say that that man who was appointed here in Leviticus 16 to take that scapegoat into the wilderness was to journey twelve miles into the wilderness, and then was to remain until that scapegoat was completely out of his sight; and then, he would turn, and he would come back to the people of God. Yes, Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea" ( Micah 7:18, 19, NASB). Satan was defeated on the cross of Christ (John 12:31; 16:11), and yet he is still very much alive and at work, resisting the work and the people of God (2 Cor. The Day of Atonement - Leviticus 16. (8) Just as the Israelite awaited that which the Day of Atonement anticipated, so the Christian awaits that which the atonement of Christ has accomplished. Do Those Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell? 23:26-32; Num. Christ is vastly superior to Aaron, and to all the high priests of Israel. 2:5, 9), we need to make intercession for our nation as well (cf. Atonement theories abound in our day, and because of what is at stake we must do our best to understand them. The first section of our text deals with Aarons personal forgiveness. NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. There is a very logical development of the argument of the Book of Leviticus evident in the first 16 chapters. Other words that help paint pictures of forgiveness are to lift a burden (Hebrewnasa), to extend a pardon (Hebrewsalah), to cover an offense (Hebrewkippur), and to lavish a grace (Greekcharizomai). Beautiful colored materials, intricate embroidery, gold and jewelry made him look like a king. Q. Exod. forms of sin as well. This is not the case, however. CHAPTER 16. 6Aaron is to offer the bull for his own sin offering to make atonement for himself and his household. (P) 5From the Israelite community(Q) he is to take two male goats(R) for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering. Leviticus 16:29 and 23:27 and Numbers 29:7 set the Holy Day on the tenth day of the seventh month (Tishrei). Indeed, these sins, while unknown to the sinner, are blatantly obvious to those who are close to him (or her). The place of Christs ministry is also superior to the place of Aarons ministry. Israel was to be a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:6). (6) Lots were then cast for the two goats, to determine which would be slaughtered and which would be driven away (vv. 29-31. Leviticus 16:1-34. According to the Israelite calendar, it came on the tenth day of the seventh month (cf. 12 He is to take a censer full of burning coals from the altar before the Lord and two handfuls of finely ground fragrant incense and take them behind the curtain. (B) 2The Lord said to Moses: Tell your brother Aaron that he is not to come whenever he chooses(C) into the Most Holy Place(D) behind the curtain(E) in front of the atonement cover(F) on the ark, or else he will die. 3 But in this way Aaron shall come into the Holy Place: with a bull from the herd for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering. Q. Lev. IV. II. ( Leviticus 16:15-19) The goat selected for sacrifice is offered to make atonement for the tabernacle. This lesson treatment is published in the February 14issue ofThe Lookoutmagazine, and is also available online atwww.lookoutmag.com. Clean Community & Sacred Space |Leviticus 16:15-19. He must therefore dress as befits the occasion. and he shall sprinkle it on the mercy seat and in front of the mercy seat. From Kadesh to Moab (20:22-36:13) Part 5: Deuteronomy 19. (13) The earlier sacrifices of the bull and the goat were completed. Chronologically chapter 16 should follow directly after chapter 10, for the first verse of chapter 16 informs us that God gave the instructions of chapter 16 to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron, which, as we know, is recorded in chapter 10. The Day of Atonement. The idea of precipice seems to have been derived from Talmudic tradition, where was translated by steep mountain. The allusion appears to have been to the precipitous slope or rock in the wilderness from which in the post-exilic period the goat was hurled to death. R. K. Harrison, Leviticus: An Introduction and Commentary (Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1980), p. 170. Aaron was to take off his normal priestly garments, wash, then put on special garments because he would later . Is Divorce And Remarriage After Abuse, Neglect, Financial, Or Emotional Issues Okay. Leviticus 16:29-34 and 23:26-32 and Numbers 29:7-11 present similar injunctions to observe Yom Kippur. Additional regulations pertaining to the feast are outlined in Leviticus 23:26-32 and Numbers 29:7-11. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present. To become sensitive to the evils of our age is to become sensitive to the evils which press upon us and tempt us. 8:18-25). Noordtzij argues forcefully for the latter: (1) The term altar in verse 20 must clearly refer to the altar of burnt offering, yet it would have no previous reference apart from verses 18 and 19. Since we who are New Testament believers are priests (1 Pet. (3) Aaron slaughtered the bull for his own sin offering (vv. Leviticus 16 The Day of Atonement 1 The LORD spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron who died when they approached the LORD. 75 Harrison states, In view of this injunction [Day of Atonement to be a permanent statute, v. 34] it is curious that no specific reference to the day of atonement occurs elsewhere in the Old Testament, despite the periodic occurrence of certain significant events in the seventh month (cf. This much we know: Israels forgiveness was effectual (it worked for them then), and yet in reality their sins were rolled back until Jesus could come and be the sacrifice once for all (Hebrews 10). God said, For it is on this day that atonement shall be made for you to cleanse you; you shall be clean from all your sins before the LORD (Lev. Thus, Romans 7 describes the struggles of a Christian and chapter 8, which speaks of our victory in Christ, also speaks of our present frustration, along with all of creation (cf. (M) These are sacred garments;(N) so he must bathe himself with water(O) before he puts them on. It was a busy day for him and extremely important for all the people. Thus, he entered the Most Holy Place a second time on this special day. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But a wise man is he who listens to counsel (Prov. Thus, a godly man must seek the knowledge of his sin from God and from the wise counsel of others. This was expressly for himself and his house. Outline of the ceremonies To leave the goat living, roaming about the wilderness, must have caused some uneasiness and insecurity. 16:29-34), a shorthand reference to self-examination and repentance, was a cl Dr. Mark Scott wrote this treatment of the International Sunday School Lesson. Unlike the other Jewish holidays, the Day of Atonement was no festive event. (BA), 29This is to be a lasting ordinance(BB) for you: On the tenth day of the seventh month(BC) you must deny yourselves[c](BD) and not do any work(BE)whether native-born(BF) or a foreigner residing among you 30because on this day atonement will be made(BG) for you, to cleanse you. In order to be free of our sin, there is no work that we must do but to trust in our High Priest. III. 11-19 Leviticus 23:26-27. We find it difficult to stand back from our culture and see its sins. This would ensure that the priest was pure to mediate for his people. (AK) 19He shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times to cleanse it and to consecrate it from the uncleanness of the Israelites.(AL). Pure Priest | Leviticus 16:11-14 Israel was to be a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:6). Then, when she marries, she continues the same kind of blind conformity. "Obedience on the Day of Atonement" Leviticus 16:11-19, Sunday School Lesson 10.16.2022 taught by Deacon Calvin Smith. Start for FREE. David prayed, Who can discern his errors? From all appearances, the rituals outlined in our text do not begin the days activities for Aaron, but come after the exercise of some of his regular duties. I am sure that he was most diligent to take the goat far away. (10) Now the second goat, the one which was kept alive, had the sins of the nation symbolically laid on its head, and was driven from the camp to a desolate place, from which it must never return (vv. After these duties were performed, the High Priest would commence the ceremonies of the Day of Atonement, as prescribed in our text:70. The issue is not whether or not there is physical healing in the atonement, but rather when we can expect the full manifestation of healing. 72 Wenham, p. 230. also vv. Proverbs has much to say about the unseen evils in our lives: There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death (Prov. The people were clean. His outfit consisted of four simple garments in white linen, even plainer than the vestments of the ordinary priest (Exod. From: Bible Treasury: Volume N3. (BM), 34This is to be a lasting ordinance(BN) for you: Atonement is to be made once a year(BO) for all the sins of the Israelites.. When we trust in Christ as our Savior, His death and the blood He shed washes away our sin and makes us acceptable to God. (8) Cleansing was then made for the holy place (v. 16), seemingly by the sprinkling of the blood of both the bull and the goat. There is also the logical connection. Inasmuch as the day of atonement was a day of sorrow, humiliation, and repentance, the high priest was not to be clad in his rich pontifical robes, but in the simple sacerdotal vestments which were thought to be more appropriate to this occasion. George Bush, Leviticus (Minneapolis, Klock and Klock Publishers [reprint], 1981), pp. *Lesson based on International Sunday School Lesson, 2012, by the Lesson Committee.Scripture quotations are from theNew International Version2011, unless otherwise indicated. The people could not come this near ever. The first impurity was that with which contaminated every Israelite by virtue of being a child of Adam and living in a fallen and corrupted world. God gives instructions on ritual purity (Leviticus 11-15). Bushs view, which I find hard to grasp, is that the second goat typifies Israel, who, due to their disobedience and rejection of Christ, had their sins heaped upon themselves. 53:5). University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns, 2019. 20-22 Leviticus 16:29 and 23:27 and Numbers 29:7 instruct that "you shall afflict your souls." Leviticus 23:32 makes clear that a full day is intended: "you shall afflict your souls . Copyright 2019 by Zondervan. 10:19-22). Understanding the Scriptures Leviticus 16 Linen ( v. 4) White cloth Breeches ( v. 4) Underclothing 4:13-14, 27-28; 5:2-5). God gives instructions to priests (Leviticus 8-10). In the course of his daily sacrifices, Aaron, the High Priest, represented God, and thus his garments were of great beauty and splendor. The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "On exactly the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonement; it shall be a holy convocation for you, and you shall humble your souls and present an offering by fire to the Lord. Exod. In fact, two of Aarons sons already died over inappropriate offerings (10:1-3). What Makes Covenant Theology So Important? cleansing of the participants 69 The rituals outlined in verses 6-10 are reiterated in greater detail in verses 11-22, with the exception of the process of casting lots for the goats, which is only mentioned in verses 7 & 8. 26-28; 2. The LORD God is holy and requires atonement for sin. The Day of Atonement cleansed from both kinds of impurity. . (AM) 21He is to lay both hands on the head of the live goat(AN) and confess(AO) over it all the wickedness and rebellion of the Israelitesall their sinsand put them on the goats head. 12 Then he shall take a censer full of burning coals of fire from the altar before the Lord, with his hands full of sweet incense beaten fine, and bring it inside the veil. Thus, the writer to the Hebrews can say. There are several features of the Day of Atonement which are worthy of our attention, which prepare us to consider the meaning of this text. For those of you who are saved I must admit that I have no idea of what drawing near may mean for you. Exod. The one author of this book, Moses, did not feel that it was necessary to repeat the casting of lots for the goat in verses 11-22 because he had already sufficiently covered the subject in verses 6-10. If a person wanted to eat meat from these animals, he brought his animal to the tabernacle as a peace offering made to the Lord (Leviticus 3). 145-158. 23:26-32). Christs death put away sin altogether: For all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. It is most holy to the LORD (Exod. It has already been explained. King James Version. gain access to 50+ premium resources to enhance your study of Scripture. Rev. I have wondered to myself how long Aarons confession for the peoples sins, briefly mentioned in verse 21, actually took. The role of others, vv. Leviticus 16:11-19 describes the ceremonial requirements that were part of the Day of Atonement. So what about today? Leviticus 16:11-14 describe the purification offering that Aaron . I have always visualized individual Israelites waiting anxiously outside the tent, wondering if Aaron would return, if the sacrifice he offered would be accepted, and if penalty for my sins of the past year would be delayed yet longer. (10) The Day of Atonement was a time for the priest to confess before God the sins of the nation. As a rule I think that most of us are inclined to look at the slaughtered goat as paying for the sins of the people, while the living goat lives, as though it symbolizes the forgiveness of the people. "Obedience on the Day of Atonement", Leviticus 16:11-19. I believe, for example, that both Israels goats for her sin offering symbolize the death of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, in the years to come. Jesus, of course, did not need to offer sacrifices for Himself because He had no sin, but the rest of mankind did. Aaron shall enter the holy place with this: with a bull for a sin . 4:13, 22, 27; 5:15, 18). Atonement is an often-used Old Testament term representing a sacrifice for sin. So, too, the believer is saved and sanctified through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago, but the suffering, sickness and struggles resulting from sin will not be eliminated until Christs return. this day the nation of Israel sought atonement for its sins (Leviticus 23:27; 16:29; Numbers 29:7). Leviticus 16:29-34 and 23:26-32 and Numbers 29:7-11 present similar injunctions to observe Yom Kippur. 19:8 portrays the saints in heaven as wearing similar clothes.72. Lev. The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain; also in verses 10 and 26. In the larger context are other important truths about atonement. Proud member One could imagine him confessing for hours. 8:28-30), thus none of those destructive and damaging present evils can separate us from the love of God (Rom. Only a few days remain to complete Christian Standards annual survey designed for every Restoration Movement church (Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ). Kairos Benevolence Fund and International Conference on Missions are combining to jointly power Pressing On: A Conference of Encouragement for Ministers and Missionaries, set for May 9 to 11. You must never downplay your sinfulness before God. The LORD informed Aaron that he should not come into the holy place within the veil b . This meant that no work was to be done. Golden Text: "He shall make an atonement for the holy place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of . 74 Bush goes into a lengthy discussion on the various explanations for the meaning of Azazel, associated with the scapegoat. 8He is to cast lots(T) for the two goatsone lot for the Lord and the other for the scapegoat. All rights reserved worldwide. The whole process was quite detailed but necessary for the people of God to be holy before God, and thus at one with God. The offerings of chapters 4-6 were those which were made for sins unintentionally committed (cp. The Day of Atonement. This is one of the things which the Day of Atonement accomplished for the people. 15He shall then slaughter the goat for the sin offering for the people(AD) and take its blood behind the curtain(AE) and do with it as he did with the bulls blood: He shall sprinkle(AF) it on the atonement cover and in front of it. The Day of Atonement speaks to the importance of Gods forgiveness of us and was at the heart of Israels calendar. It comes down to a matter of faith, and the Bible says, Without faith it is impossible to please him in Hebrews 11:6. It is throughout the scriptures and also at the end of the human race. I thought that the sole purpose of this annual sacrifice was to cleanse the people from their sins. 28; 39). As the Scriptures put it. Here the animals specified were domesticated animals named as the proper beasts for sacrificeox, lamb, or goat (cf. Aaron was to do the same for the tent of meeting. To have killed this second goat, as the Jews may later on have done, would have made the people feel much more secure about this sacrifice. For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens; who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins, and then for the sins of the people, because this He did once for all when He offered up Himself. But we who are trusting in Christ realize that He atoned for our sins once and for all. Day of Atonement in the Bible . Furthermore, I want to urge you to take that first step of application which the writer to the Hebrews urges his readers: Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith (Heb. ; Place of Action: Mount Sinai Golden Text: "And the LORD said unto Moses, Speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times into the holy place within the vail before the mercy seat, which is upon the ark; that he die not: for I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat" (Leviticus 16:2). Mention how this can work, and then pushed backward, over the precipice first to serve people! Transgressions which we, in the New Testament book of Leviticus evident in the larger context are other important about!, 1981 ), pp i am sure that he should not come into the holy of Holies but. And his household, enter the holy of Holies, but Christ lives forever ( cf and 23:26-32 and 29:7... Meaning and Purpose of Kipper Revisited [ =Bulletin for biblical Research Supplement, ]. 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