5). Inasmuch as the heart is the most important part of man--for out of it are the issues of life--it would be natural to expect that Satan, when he intended to do mischief to manhood, would be sure to make his strongest Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 4: 1858ContentmentWe, my brethren, might well be willing to endure Paul's infirmities, and share the cold dungeon with him, if we too might by any means attain unto such a degree of contentment. Contact. With a flush of earnestness on his face, he tried, but found he could paint no better with the master's brush than with his own. The word Jehovah means the self-existing One, the "I am"; and it is generally used as a direct revelation of what God is. She put her feet on one shelf of the rock, then on a second, and then on a third; and in this manner, amid the trembling hearts of all who were looking on, she rose to the very top of the cliff, and at last whilst the breasts of those below were heaving, came down step by step, until, amid the shouts of the villagers, she stood at the bottom of the rock with the child on her bosom. Christ strengthens with an inspiration of Divine energy. A. Over its western portal may still be read, graven on a brazen plate, the words, 'Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.' 4). Kids (3) Teens (1) Clear & Biblical Preaching; Try PRO Free; Popular Preaching Resources. It is a good thing to rejoice in the Lord. . When he came in sight of the stake he exclaimed, "Oh! Do you suppose your Father will let you carry the banner of His victory and His gladness on to Rev. The great Mosque of Constantinople was once a Christian church, dedicated to the Holy Wisdom. It is not peace with God, but the peace of God. We may trust it and be deceived by it. "Without me nothing." The great Mosque of Constantinople was once a Christian church, dedicated to the Holy Wisdom. He felt he needed more strength to bear the dread ordeal in a worthy manner, so being left a few moments to himself, he cried in an agony of prayer that God would more sensibly reveal Himself to him. Thou art, if not the only, yet the chief object of their labours, their work being either to confirm and strengthen thee in thy way, that thou mayest so stand fast in the Lord, or remove impediments, make crooked things Hugh BinningThe Works of the Rev. iv. Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.'--PHIL. Iv. His miracles have made many a life path brighter, and they yield constant consolation. Thou art, if not the only, yet the chief object of their labours, their work being either to confirm and strengthen thee in thy way, that thou mayest so stand fast in the Lord, or remove impediments, make crooked things Hugh BinningThe Works of the Rev. Why, because between her and the babe there was a tie; that woman was the mother of the babe. Not by miracle or magic; not by acting upon us without our knowledge or against our will, but through our own intelligent and active powers.2. The painter was dead, and the boy, feeling inflamed with longing to be an artist, wished for the great master's brush, with the idea that it would inspire him with his genius. His miracles have made many a life path brighter, and they yield constant consolation. In all life's experiences, conflicts, emergencies, Christ has preceded us. 6). (Text in conjunction with John 15:5.) THE HUMAN CONFIRMATION. Iv. 6. )The fountain of strengthJ. iv. A sailor tried to climb the ascent, but his strong limbs trembled, and he was at last obliged to give up the attempt. Even when you fall into divers temptations, reckon it joy, and delight, and God will make your reckoning good. Paul gives particular instances, then generalizes. Weakness is not a misfortune but a crime, needing not pity but blame. With a flush of earnestness on his face, he tried, but found he could paint no better with the master's brush than with his own. ii. A. And as to Christ Thy LordPreface. Winsome courtesy and delicate considerateness lay in his character, in beautiful union with fiery impetuosity and undaunted tenacity of conviction. By His having done all things Himself. The words were few, and uttered feebly; they were the words of a feeble child, in a poor home, where the only ornament was that of a meek, and quiet, and affectionate mother; but these words seemed to lift the burden from the very heart; they seemed to make the world more beautiful than ever it was before; they brought home to my heart a great and a blessed truth. As in all his letters, the Apostle follows the natural instinct of making his last words loving words. 1. The lady placed the brush belonging to her departed husband in the hand of the boy, saying, "This is his brush; try it, my boy." God wants to rest His workers, Rev. As the result of this, instead of recanting, he cried out triumphantly, "Now I can burn! 13). The horseshoe magnet was not welded or glued to the metal above it, but through the iron wire coiled round it there ran a subtle current of electricity from a galvanic battery. But he was not discouraged. 1. A. Perhaps you found the first dose ineffectual. We must look out of ourselves; and to save us from a vain search God sets Christ before us as our strength and strengthener.I. In every part of our life we have Christ's influence. By His having done all things Himself. You will find that His burden is always light. 1. And as to Christ Thy LordPreface. 7. Philippians 4:4 NLT. 8. This story illustration will help kids remember how very important children are to Jesus, even today. Do not indulge, any of you, the silly notion that you can be contented without learning, or learn without discipline. Chapter 4 The Praying that Glorifies God (John 14:13.) It is not a power that may be exercised naturally, but a science to be acquired gradually. The word and the thing crop up in every chapter, like some hidden brook, ever and anon sparkling out into the sunshine from beneath the shadows. What do you need: - Red and green cards In Philippians 2: 1 -11 Paul writes about the importance of unity. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.' Sloth says it cannot and need not. 6). The exertion of weakness can not produce strength. For example, I can't swallow a car or finish a lesson on time. And so he concludes with prayer and salutations. In every part of our life we have Christ's influence. He told me before some remarkable things of this boy. We have here a remarkable instance of his quick apprehension of the possible effects of his words, and of his nervous anxiety not to wound even unreasonable susceptibilities. We have to walk in His steps.2. You can use these as a series or on their own. It is a good thing to rejoice in the Lord. He healed the sick; sickness can be better borne. There are some things we can do with. $8.95 . Even when you fall into divers temptations, reckon it joy, and delight, and God will make your reckoning good. CHRIST IS THE SOURCE OF CHRISTIAN STRENGTH. 6). The lady then said to him, "You cannot paint like the great master unless you have his spirit."(W. He told me before some remarkable things of this boy. "Be Careful for Nothing" (Phil. A robust Highlander, accustomed to climb the hills, tried next, and even his limbs gave way, and he was in fact precipitated to the bottom. It has been well said that this whole epistle may be summed up in two short sentences: 'I rejoice'; 'Rejoice ye!' iv. . Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Cruden describes this name as the incommunicable name of God. Swallow. May all of us be strong in Him. Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content. You would probably listen with more attention to one less remote from you in years, and may be disposed to Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureHow to Obey an Impossible Injunction'Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.'--PHIL. 6. The words were few, and uttered feebly; they were the words of a feeble child, in a poor home, where the only ornament was that of a meek, and quiet, and affectionate mother; but these words seemed to lift the burden from the very heart; they seemed to make the world more beautiful than ever it was before; they brought home to my heart a great and a blessed truth. Faith+Open: Gather the children. To suffer and endure.(J. In several places an explanatory word is added, revealing some one of His special characteristics; and it is to these that I want particularly Hannah Whitall SmithThe God of All ComfortLinksPhilippians 4:13 NIVPhilippians 4:13 NLTPhilippians 4:13 ESVPhilippians 4:13 NASBPhilippians 4:13 KJVPhilippians 4:13 Bible AppsPhilippians 4:13 ParallelPhilippians 4:13 Biblia ParalelaPhilippians 4:13 Chinese BiblePhilippians 4:13 French BiblePhilippians 4:13 German BiblePhilippians 4:13 CommentariesBible Hub, (3)Nor what is actually my duty, if I go about it in a wrong spirit or way;(4)But Christ will strengthen us for all His will.What can hinder? "Without me nothing." We linger around the four great landmarks, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Gethsemane, Calvary, and they are a ceaseless inspiration to us. By His example, showing us how to do all that He requires in His own life.4. )The fountain of strengthJ. There are some things we can do with. 2. so also, thou, in a special way, art the dearly beloved and longed for, the joy and crown, of every sincere servant of Christ in the gospel, Phil. Philippians 4:13: Christian Omnipotence: W.F. '"Power through the Spirit of ChristW. Chapter 8 The Intercessory Prayers of Christians (Luke 11:5, 6.) Even if the sentences are read through slowly, just as they stand, a deep sense of blessing and rest steals into T. 20-23 (R.V.). F. B. Tinling, B. A.In the days of bloody Mary a poor Protestant was condemned to be burned alive. Iv. We must look out of ourselves; and to save us from a vain search God sets Christ before us as our strength and strengthener.I. She put her feet on one shelf of the rock, then on a second, and then on a third; and in this manner, amid the trembling hearts of all who were looking on, she rose to the very top of the cliff, and at last whilst the breasts of those below were heaving, came down step by step, until, amid the shouts of the villagers, she stood at the bottom of the rock with the child on her bosom. Whether conscious or unconscious of it, we are all weak. "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God" (Phil. 'The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.'--PHIL. The brethren which are with me salute you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.'--PHIL. . 4). Chapter 6 Praying with Desire (Mark 11:24.) It applies to man's spiritual life.2. Curriculum. We may trust it and be deceived by it. A fine harmony in the two statements. I. The word Jehovah means the self-existing One, the "I am"; and it is generally used as a direct revelation of what God is. "Let your moderation be known unto all men" (Phil. Jesus often used children as an example of faith and other positive Christian qualities. As in all his letters, the Apostle follows the natural instinct of making his last words loving words. Today we're going to celebrate that with a parade. 6). A. I cannot burn! It is easy for prosperous people, who have nothing to trouble them, to give good advices to suffering hearts; and these are generally as futile as they are easy. Nothing braces a man's nerves like the cold winter's blast. The overarching theme is focused on how we are those who walk with and live as servants of Jesus and yet Rejoice that God is with us in all of our daily living as we strive to "let our gentleness be known and . The painter was dead, and the boy, feeling inflamed with longing to be an artist, wished for the great master's brush, with the idea that it would inspire him with his genius. Perhaps you found the first dose ineffectual. The horseshoe magnet was not welded or glued to the metal above it, but through the iron wire coiled round it there ran a subtle current of electricity from a galvanic battery. And so he concludes with prayer and salutations.Dictionary of Bible ThemesPhilippians 4:131105God, power of5598victory, over spiritual forces5955strength, divine6163faults8485spiritual warfare, conflict9313resurrection, spiritualPhilippians 4:10-134966present, the5939satisfactionPhilippians 4:10-187402offeringsPhilippians 4:11-135871greed, response to6705peace, experiencePhilippians 4:11-145569suffering, hardshipPhilippians 4:12-135805comfortPhilippians 4:13-145776achievementLibraryNovember 24. These closing words fall into three unconnected parts, a doxology, greetings, and a benediction. Those who heard him supposed he intended to recant, but they misunderstood him. But, at last, a poor peasant woman came forward. By His having done all things Himself. THE DIVINE ASSERTION. Hence it follows that we ought always to be in a thankful condition of heart: since we are to pray without ceasing, and are not to pray without thanksgiving, it is clear that we ought to be always ready to give thanks unto the Lord. 6. We begin our Christian life by working, trying and struggling in the energy of the flesh to save Rev. All the saints salute you, especially they that are of Caesar's household. (ver. "I can do all things through Christ" (Phil. "The Peace of God which Passeth all Understanding Shall Keep Your Hearts and Minds" (Phil. But I have all things, and abound: I am filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things that came from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScripturePrayer Perfumed with PraiseThe point to which I would draw your attention is this: that whether it be the general prayer or the specific supplication we are to offer either or both "with thanksgiving." 4). We shall use the figure of a fortress, which is to be kept. I am half afraid that some of you may think, as I have at times thought, that I am too old to preach to the young. Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, rejoice sickness be! We are all weak the great Mosque of Constantinople was once a Christian church, dedicated to Holy... Loving words and delight, and delight, and God will make your good. Silly notion that you can be contented without learning, or learn without discipline life by working trying. Me before some remarkable things of this boy John 14:13. tie that... 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