"Does the Beale Ciphers' Code of Numbers Detail Hidden Treasure?" anonymous associate: I wish Roy Dallas good luck as well, though Id have to say that every claimed decrypt of any cipher mystery Ive seen to date containing the word gematria rapidly proves to be worthless. 11 Beale cipher number two (Innis and Innis, pp. Was located by (No source given. This would involve seeking out texts of the time period and comparing them to the ciphers. associated withthe Beale Vault & ExcavationSitewithin Bedford County, Virginia. Not that Im not friendly, because I am. Ive often speculated about whether the missing treasure featured in National Treasure is buried beneath The Lawn at UVA and would hint at this whenever I walk people around the Academical Village. The images below, transcribed from the pamphlet, show the original line-breaks for easy comparison. He claimed to have solved 100 of them in a six-month period, according to a 2000 Scientific American article. But the exact location was on one of the other pages, in a coded message that the anonymous author conveniently for the mystery wasn't able to solve. The pamphlet has two labels for 480. after word 630 ("eat") and before word 654 ("to") one word must be removed (probably "the"). There is a reference at the end of the Beale Papers which points the would be treasure hunter to the next text to use to decode one of the cyphers. The treasure was packed in iron pots with lids and buried in a stone-lined vault. Larry: A couple more thoughts related to American buffalo demograohics prior to almost total decimation of the plains variety by the 1880s. [20], Edgar Allan Poe has been suggested as the pamphlet's real author because he had an interest in cryptography. Welcome To The Beale Treasure The Beale ciphers are a set of ciphertexts (3 ciphers) that supposedly discloses the location of a buried treasure of gold and silver valued at more than $80 million. Perhaps it included the key to his locked box too. The Tortoise is the ancient treasure hunter. The differences are shown here as {alleged decipherment | actual decipherment}: I have deposited, in the county of Bedford, about four miles from Buford's, in an excavation or vault, six feet below the surface of the ground, the following articles, belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number {3, | three} herewith: The first deposit consisted of {one thousand | ten hundred} and fourteen pounds of gold, and {three thousand | thirty-} eight hundred and twelve pounds of silver, deposited {November, 1819 | Nov. eighteen nineteen}. A Cipher's the Key to the Treasure in Them Thar Hills: A Treasure Buried Deep in Bedford County: Beale Treasure - Fact or Fiction: Beale, The Beale Papers: Has the Beale Treasure Code Been Solved? 1817, not much chance at all Larry. Of course, only someone who has broken the two remaining codes would know if all of this is true or not. The Beale ciphers are a set of three ciphertexts, one of which allegedly states the location of a buried treasure of gold, silver and jewels estimated to be worth over US$43 million as of January 2018. During the period of their ascendency, the huge herds ranged across the great plains where prairie grasses were in abundance. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. . (Members agreed to donate 10 percent of the proceeds to the association if they ever actually found the treasure.). 25 February 2021. Well never know. The treasure is supposedly gone so there is nothing to protect (they do post the lattitude/longitude of the vault on the site), and the method of cryptography used is outdated and has no military or intellectual property value. 71+2=142= L [27], Another method to check the validity of the ciphers is to investigate some statistical aspects in different number bases. An aspect of this mystery that Im sure people are far to cynical to want to consider is, I believe all of this was created, perpetuated, and set out into the world by a single person. I DO NOT!!!. No chance at all. If I had solved it, I would want the world to know I did it and give details to prove it. A survey of U.S. Census records in 1810 shows two persons named Thomas Beale, in Connecticut and New Hampshire. The second cracked cipher outlines the contents of the buried treasure as follows: The Beale Papers definitely make me more curious about the mysterious elevator hiding in plain sight at the edge of Thomas Jeffersons Academical Village at UVA. Thats what any treasure hunter worth his salt would do! Im far more convinced that the Thomas Beale in question may well have been the one Ive just posted about here: http://ciphermysteries.com/2015/05/23/the-two-thomas-beales . Some would have at the very least, told the other twenty or thirty of Beales group. An early researcher, Carl Hammer of Sperry UNIVAC,[9] used supercomputers of the late 1960s to analyze the ciphers and found that while the ciphers were poorly encoded, the two undeciphered ones did not show the patterns one would expect of randomly chosen numbers and probably encoded an intelligible text. This websitecurrently offers a glimpse ofourdiscoveries According to the story, the innkeeper opened the box 23years later, and then decades after that gave the three encrypted ciphertexts to a friend before he died. This page was last edited on 19 December 2022, at 13:01. Yet contemporary records show he did not start in that position until at least 1823. Well done Thomas J. Am I accusing the people who created the site of any deception. [31], For the geographic code classification system, see, Statistical analysis of the last digits in the Beale Ciphers. You would have to revew r/DeeCiphers and r/MapTheory to understand more. The Secret History of the Rosicrucians 4. In the words of one researcher "To me, the pamphlet story has all the earmarks of a fake . [24] In 1843 he used a cryptogram as plot device in his short story "The Gold-Bug". To extract the hidden message, the following five modifications must be applied to the original text: Finally, in the decoded text there are six errors, probably due to wrong transcription of the original paper: Additional Declaration differences affect paper number 1: word 210 of the modified text ("more") is shown as "now"; words 919 and 920 of the modified text ("fellow citizens") are shown hyphenated (also affects paper number 3); two extra words ("made" and "the") are shown in modified text positions 1058 and 1188; a word is removed ("of") after modified text position 1125. [5] He also is recorded as becoming a Master Mason in 1863.[1]. 2), an unusually long monotonic increasing letter string ab f defghiijklmmn o h pp occurred in the decoded text, see gillogly "the beale cipher: a dissenting opinion" (1980) The second was made Dec. eighteen twenty-one, and consisted of nineteen hundred and seven pounds of gold, and twelve hundred and eighty-eight of silver; also jewels, obtained in St.Louis in exchange to save transportation, and valued at thirteen thousand dollars. It was thrilling to read about the effort, and see pictures of the site described. The Beale ciphers, also referred to as the Beale Papers, are a set of three ciphertexts, one of which allegedly states the location of a buried treasure of gold, silver and jewels estimated to be worth over $63 million USD as of September 2011. This indicates that the ciphers are fraudulent. Sending a letter from St.Louis a few months later, Beale promised Morriss that a friend in St.Louis would mail the key to the cryptograms; however, it never arrived. Naturally, this launchedthe efforts of treasure hunters for the next 120+ years. The directionsto thevault To be precise, the Beale Papers comprise not one long ciphertext (putting the VMs thorny Currier A-B language continuum issue to one side) but three short codetexts, all allegedly dating from 1819-1821: part 2 was publicly announced in 1885 already solved (for its codebook, the encoder used a slightly mangled/miscopied version of the Declaration of Independence) but the directions to the buried treasure were in the undecoded part 1, while the shorter (and also undecoded) part 3 listed the people involved. I find it quite inexplicable that the Beale shooting party should travel so far west in the first instance, unless gold exploration was always part of their quest. So What Was The Point Of It All? The only thing I know to be fact concerning the tricky cipher is, that at least part of it is based on Jeffersons United States Declaration of Independence, which was of itself inked for the Continental Congress of 4th July, 1776, on only the very finest pre birth, bovine velum parchment. 1. Chisum: that particular Thomas Beale (1807-1849) spent almost all his life in London, apart from the two-year trip on a whaling ship in 1830 he described in his book. I plan on plodding through it more, checking to see if there is some cohesion here. The group wasn't sure exactly what to do with their newfound riches, but eventually, they entrusted it to Beale, who traveled back east and buried it in a cave near a tavern in Bedford County, "which all of us had visited, and which was considered a perfectly safe depository," according to the letter. A pamphlet published in 1885, entitled The Beale Papers, is the source of this story. Morriss had no luck in solving the ciphers, and decades later left the box and its contents to an unnamed friend. to the Beale Vaultwere entirely decoded from this cipher and no other.Beale's use of landmarks, the location of the There are warnings throughout Beales letter to Morriss about spending valuable time searching for the treasure. Let alone the fact that, if by luck, any had they managed to hang onto their foolish scalps for the journey, the picky Spanish occupiers at the time, were unlikely to roll out any welcome mats upon doubtful arrival of any gringo, invaders of their territory. That was an understatement. In 1845, Morriss finally broke the lock on the container, found the mysterious papers with nothing but numbers, and passed them off to his friend James Ward. Had they wished, they could have satisfied their blood lust pleasure far closer to home, in Missouri, with its access to vast plains on the western banks of the Big Muddy. 11+2= 22= V THIS = 90, Your Beale Papers and Poe fans may wish to review this monograph comparing errors in the Beale 2 cipher and Poes 1840 Broome County Cypher: http://www.lasthauntingofedgarallanpoe.com/Doppelganger_Pattern.pdf. If you know the stories, Beales group was said to be thirty or forty men. 13 George L. Hart, Sr., "The Hart Papers," in Innis and Innis, pp. According to the pamphlet, Beale sent a letter from St.Louis in 1822. After all, according to the text, Beale and party came back and claimed the treasure. Robert Morriss, as represented in the pamphlet, says he was running the Washington Hotel in 1820. These frequencies are not uniformly distributed some digits are more common than others. The men abandoned their recreation and worked the mine, extracting a fortune in gold "as well as silver, which had likewise been found," according to the letter. Despite the Beale Papers' unproven veracity, treasure hunters have not been deterred from trying to find the vault. He pulled out a locked iron box and gave it to Morriss. The man who claimed to have ultimately obtained the documents published them for the public to see, including one of the documents which had been broken usingthe Declaration of Independence as the key. First, these are enciphered documents which have stumped the world for almost 200 years. Nothing above it, and apparently nothing below it either. It even raises some suspicions. The Complex Ciphers Have Been Decoded And Reveal Much More Than Many Thought Possible! Beale! Paper number {1 | one} describes the exact locality of the vault, so that no difficulty will be had in finding it. Second, there is no reason not to provide this information. Copyright 2001 SWN No. Even if it was empty, photographs of the undisturbed vault would be valuable for evidence and to archaeologists, and to history in general. It would be an excellent feel good following so much tragedy, and would show the power that comes from working together to solve a problem. She's the author of the book "Introduction to Codes and Ciphers, Plus 20 Famous Unsolved Codes, Ciphers, and Mysterious Writings," and is founder of the Mysterious Writings website. Please remember to review the rules and frequently asked questions. 1 and thus be able to decode No. I find time to post additional pictures ordocumentation concerning our discovery and work. They've studied the Beale Ciphers mystery in detail, even traveling to Bedford County to scrutinize the area around the former site of Buford's tavern, where Beale supposedly buried the riches. However, the treasure hunters only found Civil War artifacts. The directions to the vault area, construction details, talley of the pots plus contents and the final directions leading to the Beale Vault were entirely decoded from this cipher and no other. The description of the vault says that it is not very big (seven feet at one point), and the site writers claim that it is empty. This includes approximately 35,052troy oz gold, 61,200troy oz silver (worth about US$42m and US$1m, respectively, in January 2017[8]) and jewels worth around US$220,000 in 2017. Apparently, Thomas Jefferson Beale was the typical rich plantation son turned derelict although quite the genius when it came to numbers, ciphers and devious plots who was amodel of manly beauty, favored by ladies and envied by men. Born in 1792 or thereabouts, named after neighbor Virginian Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence, whose Poplar Forest retreat isnt too far from the treasures apparent location, Beale gave the three ciphers to his bud Robert Morriss in 1822 in a locked box and told him to hang onto everything and hed be in touch. 1 is decoded with a key constructed from a correctly numbered doi (a.k.a. Paper number one describes the exact locality of the vault, so that no difficulty will be had in finding it. There has been considerable debate over whether the remaining two ciphertexts are real or hoaxes. . the ciphers are real..they lead to a point, well actually severalthey tell where it wasthey tell where it isand what it isthey tell alot more tooalthough not 30 peoples next of kin haha.is it gold and silver ?or only statues in the sand ?..who are the 3 ?..i could put their names in print but not my place to do socould poe be involved ?..one could easily go down that paththe wrong one of course..along with several other wrong pathsby designonly dogged determination can get one to the endalong the way you will be reduced to the lowest of the low..pure humiliation, but then you will see, and realize it was worth the candleone should keep a close eye on a mr roy dallashis bealekey website seems very quiet as of late.there is a reason why i am suresoon enough you will learn the truth i would think.not a hoax..just a game of working problems to a solutionthe answers are right there. A quick check of the first page of Coles version of part 3 reveals that he didnt read it as a simple cipher or codebook, because repeated code-numbers only rarely get decoded as the same letter (for example, the five instances of 96 get decoded as s / e / r / h / n). The entire thing was to play people against greed and is likely intended to be a sort of F-You to the greedy people who were ultimately just desperate simple people needing money to get by and not be in debt. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. The technique is based on the well-known method of cryptanalysis called "probable word." In this case, success depends on several factors: (1) whether B1 is genuine, (2) whether B1 is a book cipher, similar to No. 120 byDoI = J 120=3+8+8=19=S For reasons unexplained, Morriss didn't break the lock and open the box until 23 years later, in 1845. As the basis for one of his ciphers, "Beale used a rare or unique version," Schmeh explains. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The decoded location cipher is listed as partial content (the very last portion of Dans decoded document), and this is the most difficult area of cipher one to decode. Again, give us the details. When I was about 14 years old, I encountered one of the most fascinating puzzles in history: the Beale Ciphers. Im not leaning towards it being real or a hoax I am considering anything possible pre the publishing of the Beall Papers 1885ish. It could be that the discovery was an indication that the Beale treasure had been found long ago. The Beale hunters had supposedly set off from their winter quarters near Sante Fe in spring 1817, heading in a northerly direction through the Sangre de Cristos along the Rio Grande bearing to the west through mountain passes into South Colorado and beyond to mid state. 179-201. . Canadian sourced hides would have been cheap as (buffalo) chips in Boston at that time, from what I understand and also hides not being easy to prepare for selling back east, should have been a deterant to any such consideration in the first instance. The above is securely packed in iron pots, with iron covers. -CAD, For those interested in further information on DeeCiphers and what else was hidden by Mr. Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens) and The Beale Cipher we invite you to review r/DeeCiphers and r/MapTheory (Algebraic Map Theory evolved from our break of the Beale Cipher) - both of which, unfortunately, are partially masked and occasionally thread introduction or comment -corrupted/hacked by various agencies and groups that find it funny to do so, or in their interest (and not yours) to do so. The Beale ciphers are a set of three ciphertexts, one of which allegedly states the location of a buried treasure of gold, silver and jewels estimated to be worth over US$43million as of January2018. MINUS 7 AND THE PXT IS 89 ADDED 17+7=II3 =I MAKING PIT.DO THE SAME TO IRST. Cryptography/Beale cipher. And the DoI does seem to have played a part in the construction of the (as-yet-undecrypted) B1 and B3 as well as of B2, even if we dont yet know what that part was. From here we can see after the 700+ C2 was decoded back in 1865 or so we can see a pattern. According to the story, the innkeeper opened the box 23 years later, and then decades after that gave the three encrypted ciphertexts to a friend before he died. I bekive it was found and moved to another location will let u know in July 2014, tracker0001: OK, though because people have told me all kinds of similar things in the past that have turned out not to be the case, well have to wait and see, I guess. Knowing human nature, if there was a treasure, it was found almost 200 years ago and kept secret, otherwise, they would be killed by Beales group or someone else that knew where the treasure was. But a true list of family members would lead to Beale who is a hoax. But even if it doesn't, the Beale Ciphers two of which remain unsolved have continued to fascinate both amateur and professional cryptographers, to the point that the National Security Agency actually has compiled a file of articles and reports on the mystery. First, a budding treasure hunter could search for the right key. Required fields are marked *. Its been nearly two whole centuries of endless attempts by the most skilled cryptographers, and yet the mystery has never been solved. The Secret History of the Rosicrucians 6. For those interested in further information on DeeCiphers and what else was hidden by Mr. Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens) and The Beale Cipher we invite you to review r/DeeCiphers and r/MapTheory (Algebraic Map Theory evolved from our break of the Beale Cipher) - both of which, unfortunately, are partially masked and occasionally thread introduction or comment -corrupted/hacked by various . What are the chances that all eleven people died during those years? STAN CLAYTON. "Those unanswered details seem to always keep the door slightly ajar, no matter how hard some slam it. Although I probably have conversed with them elsewhere about the Beale mystery. Morriss received a few letters from Beale, the last one in 1832. It was a message describing the fortune, which consisted of 2,921 pounds (1,325 kilograms) of gold, 5,100 pounds (2,313 kilograms) of silver, and a quantity of jewels that had been obtained in exchange for silver. [29] One explanation for the difference between base 10 and the other ones is that the numbers were produced by a human in base 10, which would mean that the ciphers are fraudulent. 6 byDoI= H 6=6+5+5=16=P Beale's second cryptogram (the deciphered one). But was the entire mystery just an elaborate hoax? Simon Singh's 1999 book The Code Book explains the Beale cipher mystery in one of its chapters. The page of cipher with 600+ characters starts with the number 317. They claimed to have been tracking a massive herd north in May about 250 300 miles from their starting point to a location near to where South Park of sitcom fame, is situated today, which is where they allegedly came upon their gold reefI cant imagine that buffalo (bison) of the numbers suggested would have been encountered anywhere within two to three hundred miles of the hunters location during any part of their trek. Many versions of the Declaration of Independence have been printed, with various adjustments to paragraphing, word inclusion, word changing, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Still, the site is missing a lot of critical information, and there arethings (and lack of things) in the documentation and the pictures which generate more questions than answers. The second cipher can be decrypted fairly easily using a modified copy of the United States Declaration of Independence, but some editing is necessary. Before 1850 the U.S. Census recorded the names of only the heads of households; others in the household were only counted. And the whole thing is a goose chase like moby dick. In addition, the original sale price of the pamphlet, 50cents, was a high price for the time (adjusted for. This indicates a complex behaviour in the solved cipher as one might expect from an encoded message, while the unsolved ciphers have a simpler behaviour. According to the pamphlet, Beale was the leader of a group of 30gentlemen adventurers from Virginia who stumbled upon the rich mine of gold and silver while hunting buffalo. I thought Id mention it here because, as any fule kno, the Beale Papers are one of the few encrypted historical mysteries to parallel the Voynich Manuscript to any significant degree. And why would the person who hid that treasure one Thomas J. Beale write down instructions on how to find the treasure in code on three sheets of paper, entrust a box containing those papers to an innkeeper and then never return for it? During spring through fall, the big herds would have been confined to the plains well to the east, gorging on the abundant, essential prairy grasses necessary to sustain their masses. A person who had advanced knowledge of knowing that this wouldnt be solved for quite a long time and that it was meant for and intended for specific person to decode it. "Even after it's been pretty well debunked, there's something in the human psyche the finding a hidden treasure, something no one else has been able to do that keeps people searching for it," Dunin explains. Humans have limited abilities when it comes to generating random numbers out of thin air. Not to mention the unlikely case scenario of thirty Virginian settlers packing off out west, two thousand land miles at least through mostly unexplored, inhospitable terrain, inhabited only by wild comanche injuns and their even more hostile Comanchero trading pals. Just the math and cryptography knowledge alone would be a feat in itself. Continue to hide information about the treasure, and even generate disinformation to throw fellow treasure hunters and others off the trail. Any treasure hunter in the world needs to keep people from knowing what they know as they pursue the treasure. The contentsarequite valuable. It's amazing how the story can't be conclusively determined to be all false or true.". Is this image above supposed to be the solution to the "Beale Ciphers"? The letters also contain several English words, such as "improvise", not otherwise recorded before the 1820s in English, The second message, describing the treasure, has been deciphered, but the others have not, suggesting a deliberate ploy to encourage interest in deciphering the other two texts, only to discover that they are hoaxes. Read the Wikipedia article for more details. Many have web-sites I do not. The other slight changes probably have no consequences. If he got that letter, he would have immediately known where the treasure was and collected it himself. Was National Treasure loosely based on the Beale Papers? How about the chances that someone got the greedy itch to be ultra rich? I didnt mean that I thought it was the same Thomas Beall, I was thinking maybe the guy was using that as a clue to find a 2nd book to decipher other ciphers with just like the 2nd one is solved with the Declaration of Indepence, I think the 1st and 3rd have the exact same system but the hard part is finding what literature was being used to code them. Ciphers have been decoded and Reveal Much more than Many Thought Possible last digits in the pamphlet, he... Details seem to always keep the door slightly ajar, no matter how hard some slam.. No matter how hard some slam it [ 24 ] in 1843 he used cryptogram! Was and collected it himself Innis, pp it, I encountered one of Beall... The heads of households ; others in the words of one researcher to! It 's amazing how the story ca n't be conclusively determined to be all false true... Just an elaborate hoax Possible pre the publishing of the Beall Papers 1885ish the entire mystery an! 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