projectile in the forward messing compartment. The Commanding Officer then gave orders to abandon ship. Shortly thereafter the enemy searchlights were turned on this task group. The planes in the hangar were set on fire, the bridge hit, 1.1" clipping room in the foremast hit, battle II hit, and turret III was hit and jammed in train. About 0200 ASTORIA had to turn right to clear QUINCY's line of fire. This hit was followed by others in the supply office (Hit No. The first hit (No. Each party existed without the knowledge of the other as they were separated by the intense fire raging on the well deck and the upper deck amidships. Quincy's captain, Samuel N. Moore, gave the order to commence firing, but the gun crews were not ready. The flaming ships also presented perfect targets to the enemy submarine(s) operating in the near vicinity. does not retain your payment information if you make a purchase. The approximate locations of these hits are shown on Plate II. 4. Ships of the U.S. Navy, 1940-1945 CA-39 USS Quincy. There were light breezes from the southwest with a ceiling of about 1500 ft. With the heel and trim by the bow, free flooding fore and aft through the riddled bulkheads on the second deck occurred, destroying a large portion of the water plane area with the result that the stability of the ship was reduced and finally eliminated completely. [4], Quincy sortied with Cruiser Divisions, Pacific Fleet on 20 May on a tactical exercise which was the first of many such maneuvers that she participated in during 19371938. At least 36 hits were received in the spaces discussed above. Home; About HullNumber; Before you Register; Tell a Shipmate . From 0200 to 0206 ASTORIA was under an extremely heavy concentration of fire. 27 and 26, respectively), one in the hangar and the other through the boats on the boat deck, set aircraft and boats on fire. The model is now at the Navy Museum, Washington Navy Yard. Radio I was struck at least once (Hit No. This reduced the speed to nine knots. Quincy's captain ordered his cruiser to charge towards the eastern Japanese column, but as she turned to do so Quincy was hit by two torpedoes from Tenry, causing severe damage. This list was 10 by about 1130 when a heavy explosion took place on the port side in way of the forward 5" magazines. In connection with elimination of existing fire hazards aboard ship, the Bureau is actively cooperating with the forces afloat to accomplish this. Damage to QUINCY and VINCENNES was so extensive that loss of the vessels was inevitable. The ship listed about 15 to port.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. No. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? This is undoubtedly due to the fact that the intense heat from the fires later detonated these duds. She then steamed to Malta via the Straits of Messina. Bureau of Ships Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS Quincy (CA 71), Report an offensive or inappropriate entry, My Uncle George Stone died on this ship in 1942. Decommissioned in 1946, the ship was placed in reserve at Bremerton, Wash. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the QUINCY was recommissioned in January 1952. The ready-service boxes serving guns No. If you contact a Shipmate through HullNumber, your email address is not displayed in the message to your Shipmate. USS Quincy(CA-39) in New York harbour on 23 May 1942 History United States Name Quincy Namesake City of Quincy, Massachusetts Ordered 13 February 1929 Awarded 9 January 1933 Builder Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Fore River Shipyard, Quincy, Massachusetts Cost $8,196,000 (contract price) Laid down 15 November 1933 Launched 19 June 1935 As in ASTORIA, hits received in this engagement are numbered for convenience from forward to aft without regard to time, size, or source. One or two 9-gun salvos were fired when QUINCY's course was changed to the right, bringing her stern through the enemy's fire. 3 fireroom. does not share your information. In ASTORIA action, it is interesting to note the effect of 8" A.P. 11. The after mess hall was hit at least once (Hit No. 3 blower leading into the No. The new year saw the ship visiting Cannes, France; Valenica, Spain and Oran, Algeria, before the QUINCY returned to Norfolk. After an overhaul at Mare Island Navy Yard, Quincy resumed tactical operations with her division off San Clemente, California, until her redeployment to the Atlantic on 4 January 1939. 4 fireroom as he attempted to enter the uptakes leading from this fireroom. This is borne out by a statement of a survivor. 26 and 28, respectively) which were reported to have exploded the ready-service boxes starting intense fires. Class: Baltimore-class heavy cruiser Named for: Quincy Complement: 1142 Officers and Enlisted Displacement: 13600 tons Length: 673 feet 5 inches Beam: 70 feet 10 inches Flank Speed: 33 knots Final Disposition: Scrapped in 1974 One of these generators is installed forward on the second deck and one aft. The bridge was engulfed by flames in the middle of the action from No. About this time the stern group flooded the after 8" magazine. USS QUINCY was the fourth BALTIMORE - class heavy cruiser and the third ship in the Navy to bear the name. A powder fire was reported in this turret as a result of the hit in the barbette. he got very emotional when we visited the ship's bell in Quincy in the 1990s. References: 29. Further hits started fires in the movie locker and the cane fender stowage in the after end of the searchlight platform. QUINCY was detached from European duty 1 September and steamed for Boston, arriving one week later. 72. 8) was received on top of the turret but did not penetrate. He was extremely proud to have served our country aboard the Quincy. With respect to improvement and augmentation of fire fighting facilities, the Bureau inaugurated and is executing an extensive program on both existing vessels and new construction. Decommissioned in 1946, the ship was placed in reserve at Bremerton, Wash. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the QUINCY was recommissioned in January 1952. In regard to the incident discussed on ASTORIA in paragraph 25, it appears probable that the 5"/25 caliber ammunition charges were ignited by direct impact of the 8" projectile. Nineteen of the twenty-one primary targets assigned the task force were successfully neutralized or destroyed, thus enabling Army troops to occupy the city that day. About 0900 WILSON came alongside and assisted in the fire fighting for one hour when both HOPKINS and WILSON were called away. After receiving calls by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and other dignitaries, President Roosevelt departed Quincy and continued on to the Crimea by air to attend the Yalta Conference. Her float plane artillery observer pilots were temporarily assigned to VOS-7 flying Spitfires from RNAS Lee-on-Solent (HMS Daedalus). 32. Hits were received from automatic A.A. weapons. From 16 April, Quincy supported the carriers in their strikes on Okinawa, Amami Gunto, and Minami Daito Shima. The address of this blog is 83. Numerous hits were received in the vicinity above radio II. Both QUINCY and VINCENNES were so badly holed that they sank within one hour. After the action, the heat from the fires on the wardroom exploded ammunition in the hoists. Posted this on Nov2016, I am posting the letters from my father, Clark "Buss" Gerdes, to my mother during his tour of duty aboard the USS Quincy in 1952. These incidents are of interest as they bring up the question of ready-service allowances. 16) and again about five minutes later (Hit No. It is not possible for any lightly protected vessel to absorb such punishment and survive. Filling more fields will reduce the number of results. The experiences of ASTORIA in comparison with the experiences of SAN FRANCISCO** afford an excellent contrast of the effectiveness of A.P. The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Quincy (CA 71). 27, USS Chincoteague AVP24 War Damage Report No. 1 boiler room, must have remained intact because it was reported that some telephones remained in service until the ship was abandoned. The 5" H.E., which usually penetrated the light plating and then exploded, caused a moderate amount of structural damage. The forward 5" magazines were not flooded apparently because the hand operating station on the second platform deck could not be reached and power was not available for operation of the electrical controls on the second deck. 7 were hit (Hits Nos. AS-18 Crew Roster . Quincy sustained many direct hits which left 370 men dead and 167 wounded. 1 fireroom was put out of action at this time. 3 and No. At 0155 the gunnery officer on ASTORIA sighted an enemy cruiser force bearing about 230 relative, range 5500 yards. Another hit (No. [1], During the period 6 through 17 June, in conjunction with shore fire control parties and aircraft spotters, Quincy conducted highly accurate pinpoint firing against enemy mobile batteries and concentrations of tanks, trucks, and troops. ASTORIA, plus two destroyers on the night of August 8-9, 1942 comprised Task Group 62.3. 35) on the face plate which dislodged a large piece of armor. room about frame 45. Copyright 2023 Various risers are led to the upper decks from the fire main. Turrets I and II fared very little better as they were put out of action after firing only four salvos, two of which were to starboard. She also neutralized and destroyed heavy, long range enemy batteries, supported minesweepers operating under enemy fire, engaged enemy batteries that were firing on the crews of the ships USS Corry (DD-463) and Glennon (DD-620) during their efforts to abandon their ships after they had struck mines and participated in the reduction of the town of Quinville on 12 June.[1]. These explosions and fires completely devastated this area, and after the action only No. DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 20 Years Later, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. The fires amidships which were started early in the action undoubtedly contributed more in an indirect fashion to the loss of these three ships than any other factor. USS Nevada (BB-36), the third United States Navy ship to be named after the 36th state, was the lead ship of the two Nevada-class battleships.Launched in 1914, Nevada was a leap forward in dreadnought technology; four of her new features would be included on almost every subsequent US battleship: triple gun turrets, oil in place of coal for fuel, geared steam turbines for greater range, and . The exact locations of these hits are, of course, unknown, but it appears from the damage reported that one struck on the port side about frame 45 and the other struck on the port side about frame 74. 14). Numerous hits on the main and second deck amidships started fires which soon resulted in the ship becoming a blazing inferno from turret II to the after bulkhead of the hangar. This program involves the installation of additional pumps with independent sources of power, separation of fire mains into loops to reduce probability of a few hits placing the entire system out of operation, installation of fog nozzles and other mechanical aids and rearrangement of inflammable stowage in which essential inflammable materials are to be carried below the waterline and at the extremities of the vessel. The seams were opened and bulged inward but were forced back into place, and no appreciable leakage resulted. There was one plane on each catapult, one on the well deck and two in the hangar. As a result, QUINCY was without fire power about eight minutes after contact with the enemy. The material damage was restricted to the superstructure surfaces above the gun deck and in the hangar. This resulted in the flooding of most of the second deck. The personnel casualties, as on the other two ships, were very heavy. 7) which penetrated without exploding. 3 fireroom; however, the destruction of the blowers by Hits Nos. He was unable to take the fragment with him when he abandoned ship. QUINCY steamed to Portland, England 21 June and joined TF 129. The detonation and ignition by fragments of 5" ammunition will be discussed further in paragraph 89. 52, [USS] Joseph Hewes APA22 War Damage Report No. Gun No. When the conference was completed, she was the site of meetings between the President, King Farouk of Egypt, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethopia and King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia. Besides the damage suffered by gunfire, it appears as though one torpedo (possibly two) struck the port side of VINCENNES. After the transfer of the wounded, plans were made for salvaging the vessel. 43. USS Quincy, a 13,600-ton Baltimore class heavy cruiser, was built at Quincy, Massachusetts, and commissioned in December 1943. 9) She was the only one of her class to retain her Bofors 40 mm gun mounts instead of receiving the newer 3/50 mounts. During this period all fire main risers forward of frame 103 were ruptured; no water was available for fighting fires. USS QUINCY (CA-71) Crew Photos. USS Quincy honors the past crews of the ships that bore this name, the people/Veterans from communities named Quincy and President. and 5" H.E. 1 were out of action, and all power had been lost. She was sold to American Ship Dismantling Co., Portland Oregon on 1 September 1974 for $1,156,667.66. At least 57 hits were received in the spaces discussed above. Various other hits were received in the control stations located on the foremast. At this time the stern and bow groups realized the existence of each other, and at daylight BAGLEY took off the wounded from the stern group. (c) Senior Surviving Officer, QUINCY ltr. The President and his party returned to Quincy on 12 February, following the Yalta Conference with Soviet leader Josef Stalin and Churchill, and the next day received King Farouk of Egypt and Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia. One 8" projectile (Hit No. projectiles. These fires were never brought under control. Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. II turret. Many casualties were sustained by this repair party. His description of the projectile, however, in comparison with material in the records of the Bureau of Ordnance definitely establishes it as a 25mm A.A. H.E. It is not possible for any lightly protected vessel to absorb such punishment and survive. QUINCY and U.S.S. 1 in the officers' galley (Hit No. In the Pilot House itself the only person standing was the signalman at the wheel who was vainly endeavoring to check the ship's swing to starboard to bring her to port. All communications were destroyed and steering control was lost due to the fragments from the last hit. She supported carriers in strikes in the Tokyo Plains area, Honshu, Hokkaido, and Shikoku. Eight-inch A.P. Exposed powder was set on fire, apparently from hot fragments. This recommendation has been approved by the Bureau. Find Your Shipmates . Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 20) penetrated the second deck amidships (90 lb. Complement: 807 officers and enlisted Displacement: 9375 tons Length: 588 feet 2 inches Beam: 61 feet 10 inches Draft: 19 feet 5 in Flank Speed: 32 kn USS Quincy departed Malta 6 February 1945, and arrived at the Great Bitter Lake in the Suez Canal two days later, after calling at Ismalia, Egypt. ASTORIA ltr. VINCENNES ltr. 40. I on the starboard side and jammed the turret in train. The President and his party returned 12 February and the next day received Farouk 1, King of Egypt, and Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia. A minute later the first enemy salvo struck, hitting the bridge, the carpenter shop, the hangar, battle II and the antenna trunk. Although not impossible this is an unusual occurrence. 13. At this time, while still under heavy fire from the enemy, the ship began to list appreciably to port. 10. While in this turn, the left side range finder hoods of turrets I and II were struck. Robert E. Powers aka Rep is my grandfather and was on the USS QUINCY CA-71 during the Korean War as a Radar man 2nd class. Following fitting out and readiness training, she served in the screen of the Fast Carrier Task groups ranging off the coastline of Korea from 25 July 1953 to 1 December 1953. 5) and two in the barbette (Hits Nos. After shakedown cruise in the Gulf of Paria, between Trinidad and Venezuela, the new cruiser was assigned 27 March 1944 to Task Force 22 and trained in Casco Bay, Maine until she steamed to Belfast, Northern Ireland with TG 27.10, arriving 14 May and reporting to Commander, 12th Fleet for duty. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); projectile. The bridge was struck at least twice, once early in the action (Hit No. Although sea floods were provided in these ships, they were ineffective in the case of ASTORIA 5" magazines because by the time the fire was serious enough to threaten these magazines the flood valve controls were inoperable. Sixty kw units similar to those described above are being installed in light cruisers of the CL4 class. There was also a hit (No. The times and even the sequence of events differ to such an extent in the various reports that it has been impossible to construct an account in which all the details agree with the basic elements. Some of the ammunition in the box was ignited as the result of direct impact by the 8" projectile. The heat from this fire forced the crew to abandon the after engine room. Preliminary Design Branch (c) "Required combustible materials should be well separated.". 23. projectiles. By this time the batteries of VINCENNES, QUINCY and ASTORIA had been trained out and commenced firing. This report is based on references (a), (b), (c), and (d) submitted by the Commanding Officer or the Senior Surviving Officer as the case may be. 4 firerooms and the other in way of the I.C. 4 were struck (Hit No. Quincywas decommissioned at Bremerton, Washington, in October 1946. Copyright 2023 1, 5 and 7 were put out of action, after three star shell salvos were fired to starboard, from a series of hits (Nos. The decision has been made, however, by the Vice Chief of Naval Operations that, based on the needs of the service and the results of the tests conducted by the Bureau of Ordnance, the present policy with respect to ready-service is sound and provides adequate ready-service ammunition without excessive hazards. AR-6 Crew Roster . 1 fireroom and wrecked it. Further, this projectile is believed to have ranged upward and overboard after striking the ready-service locker. These stays are located well clear of all batteries and fire control instruments. 15. Fragments from the hit also severed steering leads which resulted in the loss of steering control. The paint in this space had not been removed. Survivors on the stern collected on the fantail with the Executive Officer in charge. The bombardment of the batteries surrounding the city commenced in conjunction with the Army's assault at 1207. In addition to DesRon 23's Presidential Unit Citation, Spence earned 8 battle stars. He also reported. He remembers so many names but a few that really stick out are Harold Hewitt, Paul Boyd. On the platform below the signal bridge the fire control tube was struck again probably by an 8" projectile (Hit No. As a result of these explosions the hull must have been ruptured, as a port list gradually developed. (b) Or an 8" projectile, which was short in range, penetrated the skin and inner hull below the water line, probably detonating upon penetrating the inner hull, killing all personnel and rupturing the hull sufficiently to permit rapid flooding. 31). 37. The slow degree of flooding which was reported was more apt to have been the result of a projectile hit below the water line. Crew's spaces on the first platform deck immediately above the compartments mentioned in the preceding sentence were flooded. 25), penetrated the kerosene tank under the starboard ladder leading from the well deck to the boat deck and passed through the main deck into the after mess hall, where it detonated. New Orleans class Heavy Cruiser: Displacement: 12,411 tons (full load) .'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. At 0537, 6 June 1944, she engaged shore batteries from her station on the right flank of Utah Beach, Baie de la Seine. Felix L. Johnson in command. Two minutes later No. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. 0 users currently logged in and 68 visitors active. Midship repair parties also suffered a large number of casualties due to 8" and 5" hits. U.S.S. 47, USS Enterprise CV6 War History 1941 - 1945, USS Franklin CV-13 War Damage Report No. A fire was started on the fantail and was fought successfully until the fire main pressure failed. 8 on fire and knocked out No. Later, a projectile (Hit. It is based on the lessons learned from this and other actions. The information submitted by the Commanding Officer or the Senior Surviving Officer of QUINCY and VINCENNES in references (c) and (d) gave only the general vicinity of the hits. This action emphasizes again the absolute necessity of permanently removing inflammables and leaving ashore clothes, records, paint, and other materials that are not essential for the war-time operation of the ship. Some of these are briefly discussed below. CA44/A16-3/(0021) dated 14 August, 1942 - (War Action Report). Numerous hits during the early part of the action put out most of the guns of the secondary battery. 4 fireroom was reported by the Commanding Officer, in reference (d), to have been hit by a torpedo. As a result of these hits the telephone circuits went dead. Upon her arrival back in the United States,Quincywas transferred to the Pacific, where she escorted the fast carriers as they conducted air strikes on targets in the Ryukyus and the Japanese Home Islands during the last five months of World War II. Apparently, when the torpedo exploded, fuel oil in the side tanks was blown into the fireroom and this floated to the surface where it ignited and resulted in the dense smoke which he observed. This article includes information collected from the public domain sources Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships and Naval Vessel Register. About 0209 turret II was struck on the face plate by an 8" shell which penetrated without exploding and set exposed powder on fire. projectiles. The person's command ? The other hit at frame 74 in way of No. After stops in Oakland, Calif., and San Diego, Calif., QUINCY passed the Panama Canal in June and continued to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for six weeks of shakedown training. 1 fireroom early in the action as a result of a hit (No. The cruisers of this task group, in a column led by VINCENNES,. About 0300, when smoke was reaching down into the lower deck spaces, the small arms magazine and one group of forward 8" magazines were flooded. With the growth of hostilities in Europe, she was ordered to Task Force 2 (TF 2) and operated with Wasp in the mid-Atlantic, preserving US neutrality from 26 April to 6 June. This turret, like No. Looking for US Navy memorabilia? Rear Admiral Wiltse transferred his flag 17 September to VICKSBURG (CL 86), and 20 September QUINCY joined the 5th Fleet as a unit of the Eastern Japan Force, TF 53, basing in Tokyo Bay. 3 and 4), which put this turret out of action. II turret about frame 38. The narrative of each ship will be taken up independently beginning at 0155 when enemy searchlights illuminated. After a port visit in Haiti, the QUINCY proceeded north to her new homeport of Norfolk, Va., where she arrived on 16 July. Turret III was put out of action after firing only two salvos. 29). As nearly as can be determined, this occurred between 0235 and 0240. These fires eventually necessitated the abandoning of the firerooms and engine rooms due to intense heat and dense smoke. 34) entered the port after corner close to the barbette of turret III and detonated damaging the work bench, test instruments and TAQ transmitter. Home Join Now About Hullnumber Before You Register Tell A Shipmate FAQs Related Links Contact Us. 26. The Bureau of Ordnance tests indicate that detonation of 5"/25 caliber A.A. common projectiles en masse is not to be expected. This general area, as on the other two ships, was hit early in the action. U.S.S. 34. 2 fireroom was never hit; however, a heavy explosion was felt forward which probably came from the torpedo explosion forward. It has been estimated that the average visibility was about 10,000 yards. 20) and an intense fire was started. This space is to be fitted with a CO2 smothering system. The emergency feed pump, located on the centerline against the forward bulkhead at frame 53, was blown off by the effects of an explosion forward - probably from the torpedo explosion at frame 45 in way of the diesel generator room. special treatment steel) passed down into No. In accordance with reference (e), a vertical loop fire main in the forward and after living spaces, separated by at least one deck is being installed in all heavy cruisers in commission. These spaces were abandoned because of flooding. Following a Caribbean shakedown cruise and training in the North. No fragments entered into the turret. She proceeded to Palermo, Sicily, 16 July, arriving two days later. The Bureau of Ordnance has conducted extensive tests relative to this problem as has the Ordnance Department of the Army. On BOISE, 6" Class "A" armor rejected 8" A.P. In a letter to Cincpac, the Bureau has designated an inflammable stowage which is well forward and below the waterline. Structural damage to ASTORIA, although extensive, was not such that loss of the vessel was inevitable. After a call at Alexandria, and a final meeting between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, Quincy steamed for Algiers, arriving on 18 February. I am just guessing. He unfortunately passed away in 2005 in San Diego, CA. room. 80. There are various cross connections between the loop. 17. She steamed westward the afternoon of 24 August to support minesweepers clearing the channel to Port de Bone in the Marseilles area. 90. 64. I received three hits, one in the face plate (Hit No. 57. 1. 2 mess hall were hit repeatedly, apparently the same hits mentioned in the preceding paragraph. projectiles. The Commanding Officer of ASTORIA produced a diagram of the battle which is the basis of most of the times stated in this report as well as the basis of Plate I. A hit (No. At 0330 a rain squall passed over the ship. 5). 57, Wartime Diversion of US Navy Forces in Response to Public Demands for Augmented Coastal Defense-CNA, Wartime Instructions for United States Merchant Vessels 1942, Washington Navy Yard: History of the Naval Gun Factory, 1883-1939, Washington Navy Yard - Pay Roll of Mechanics and Labourers, c1819-1820, WAVE QUARTERS D STATION RULES FOR LIFE AT D, [UPDATED] Washington Navy Yard Station Log November 1822 - December 1889, The Story Behind Names of Different Ranks, History of Warrant Officers in the US Navy, Women's Uniform Regulations, Yeoman (F), US Naval Reserve Force, 1918, Women's Winter Uniform Regulations, Yeoman (F), US Naval Reserve Force, 1919, World War I British and German Naval Messages (1918), World War II Invasion of Normandy 1944 Interrogation of Generalleutnant Rudolf Schmetzer, Deck plans of ASTORIA showing hits and locations of fires, Outboard profile of VINCENNES showing hits. The flooding which resulted caused the ship to capsize 45 minutes later.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. About 0209, No. This is based on reference (a) which reported that there was a very large hole in the upper deck near the ready-service box. In this category fall such items as fibrous glass for insulation and flame resistant compounds for treating fabrics. All Rights Reserved. 88. USS Quincy sailed out of Belfast Lough, 20 May, for the Clyde and anchored off Greenock, Scotland, to begin special training in shore bombardment. I believe he was a radioman On duty on bridge during D-day, Okinawa, Marseille. After receiving calls by Prime Minister Winston Churchill and other dignitaries, President Roosevelt departed QUINCY and continued on to the Crimea by air. The gunnery officer of ASTORIA recovered one of these projectiles but unfortunately lost it as he was abandoning ship. I was hit (No. It is reported that the fire was put out by immersing the powder bags in the water tanks. No. [4], Quincy got underway for the South Pacific in July with other vessels assembling for the invasion of Guadalcanal. The heavy cruiser sailed for Mers-el-Kebir, North Africa 4 July, arriving there the 10th. Turret No. 21) and library (Hit No. This torpedo hit probably resulted in the flooding of all of the magazines on the second platform deck between frames 30 and 45 and the crew's spaces on the first platform between frames 30 and 40. Plate III shows the paths and damage resulting from 35 of the most important of these hits. Hit No. She sank, bow first, at 02:38, being the first ship sunk in the area which was later known as Ironbottom Sound. 34 and 37) exploded ammunition in ready-service lockers and set fire to the cane fenders stowed aft of the searchlight platform. The uptakes leading from this fire forced the crew to abandon the after engine room space had been. 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The heavy cruiser: Displacement: 12,411 tons ( full load ) of all batteries and fire control was. And 5 '' H.E., which put this turret as a result of direct impact by the 8 ''.! 26 and 28, respectively ) which were reported to have exploded the ready-service locker this... 1945, USS Enterprise CV6 War History 1941 - 1945, USS Chincoteague AVP24 damage... The CL4 class Quincy steamed to Portland, England 21 June and TF... Pacific in July with other vessels assembling for the South Pacific in July with other vessels assembling for invasion. Flying Spitfires from RNAS Lee-on-Solent ( HMS Daedalus ) following a Caribbean shakedown cruise and training in 1990s... To American ship Dismantling Co., Portland Oregon on 1 September 1974 for $ 1,156,667.66 midship parties... Again probably by an 8 '' and 5 '' /25 caliber A.A. common projectiles en is... { } ) ; projectile from 0200 to 0206 ASTORIA was under an extremely heavy concentration fire! 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Near vicinity Quincy was the fourth BALTIMORE - class heavy cruiser: Displacement: tons. A letter to Cincpac, the ship began uss quincy crew list list appreciably to de! In ASTORIA action, it appears as though one torpedo ( possibly two struck. You are in your Shipmate 's memories perfect targets to the superstructure surfaces above the compartments mentioned in middle! The foremast the last hit casualties, as a port list gradually developed enemy uss quincy crew list illuminated left side range hoods... Was restricted to the Crimea by air CV-13 War damage Report No got very when. As fibrous glass for insulation and flame resistant compounds for treating fabrics control tube was at. Left side range finder hoods of turrets i and II were struck of SAN FRANCISCO * * an. The light plating and then exploded, caused a moderate amount of damage! Known as Ironbottom Sound these incidents are of interest as they bring up question... Damage suffered by gunfire, it is based on the face plate which dislodged a large of. Were so badly holed that they sank within one hour when both HOPKINS and WILSON were called away side VINCENNES! A large piece of armor during the early part of the turret in.... In train Commanding Officer then gave orders to abandon ship preceding sentence were flooded bore this name the... You are in your Shipmate 's memories cruiser force bearing about 230 relative range! Gun deck and two in the spaces discussed above and after the action as a result of these hits to. This turret out of action after firing only two salvos, but the gun were. Fire fighting for one hour water was available for fighting fires forward of frame 103 were ruptured ; water! State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your Shipmate 's memories War action )...
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