i do apologize if i offend anyone in this comment, i meant no disrespect with my curiosities. http://marie-juliejahenny.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_1.html?m=1. We are not aware of any Catholic sites that sell them, although there probably are. Same as above. Talk to no one outside the house. Shame on you. I got up found my wife and told her what had happen. Lovely brave comment of someone kinda searching for the real truth but never having found the concrete evidence. d. "During this darkness artificial light will be impossible. I would like to comment on this since you probably never actually looked at the whole Marie Julie Jahneys visions. According to the website, this is what will happen during the Three Days of Darkness. In consequence of the information received, His Holiness himself shall nominate a most Christian king for the government of France, Religion shall be persecuted, and priests massacred Churches shall be closed, but only for a short time. Then my body starting moving around the room, all the while I kept praying, My Jesus I Love You. So I raised my arms up as high as they would raise and began to pray, My Jesus I Love You, my Jesus I Love You. yet someone who practices a different religion will say different due to they are loyal to their god. Wonderful family-run company. though i believe that there is possibly a god, or possibly going to be an apocalypse, i am curious to know why this three days of darkness would be Gods wrath. By being through our link, you support our site. We have touched upon the Three Days of Darkness in a document that we published on-line in the year 2000 (1). Signs before the coming 3 days of darkness 58,166 views Apr 14, 2019 1.9K Dislike Share Mike 444 50.1K subscribers Hi in this video I have a very detailed message from the prophecy 444 site. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. New testament, cant remember right now which gospel. Three Days of Darkness What is this 3 days of darkness all about that is supposed . Then all of a sudden I started saying the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God, the Holy Catholic church is the True church of God, I continued saying this until I was in the corner of the room above five women. The three days of darkness will be on a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Three Days of Darkness by Lynne Johnson The Warning 2021 3 Signs before the 3 Days of Darkness! On the strength of our discussion my nephew gave me a beeswax candle, which I need to get blessed. The air shall be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms." (Blessed Anna Maria Taigi) What is the prophecy of the three days . Thanks for the Beeswax correction. When I first heard about the Three Days of Darkness, I wavered between being amused and being spooked. Pray the Rosary. When they appear to be unduly disturbed and restless, know that the day is not far away. The Exodus from Egyptian bondage is a marvelous type of the end of the world. Darkness will come for three days, surpassing the star that is the sun. We will go more into these prophecies and their origin in the bible, later on in this article. My next dream happen in the same manner. DREAMS THAT I HAD THAT WAS SO REAL, I CAN NOT FORGET Why would you risk it? Persevere in prayer, so that your adversary shall have no dominion over you. Three Days of Darkness. The dream: I saw a real bright light; it was all white, like I was looking straight into a bright light bulb. There will be a great ecumenical council to remove the new mass, to undo the revolution of Vatican 2 and the proclamation of Mary as Co-Redemptrix. March 29, 2021 Carlos Caso-Rosendi. Have you ever encouraged anyone else to do one of these things, or otherwise approved of them? YESSSS!!!! Do not look out. The following is a detailed description of the warning that Padre Pio is said to have received from Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are blessed beyond reason to be able to see these things my friend! 3 signs before the 3 days of darkness 2021candytuft companion plants. Our God is a merciful God and all will have the chance to repent and turn towards His eternal favour. Though it is predicted to be April 4, 2021 so hooray!!! Day would be as night, they warned. the way i see it, dont worry about others, everyone will have their own beliefs, but rioting, killing, ext is why you should be punished. . After praying for quite a long time, about my wonder if there was a God and if there was, who He was. There are lots of places to buy candles that you can use as blessed candles. Included in the package above. Oh ok thanks for answering my question also will the demons only kill the non Catholics? Three Signs of the End. Hi Cathleen, you can buy them anywhere, including on Amazon. During these three days the people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy. I was very happy and started yelling to everybody that he was back. The 3 Days OS biblical, long before Catholicism. During these three days of terrifying darkness, no windows must be opened because no one will be able to see the earth and the terrible color it will have in those days of punishment without dying at once. These, and all of the volumes carry the nihil obstat and imprimatur, so you read with confidence and security. 57 Now the time had come for Elizabeth to give birth, and she gave birth to a son. [30] This below was not a dream, as I was a wake, but came to my mind so fast, but I had time to think about it. Are we being tricked with tv and movies into taking The Most High Gods name in vain in these end days??? The Coming Three Days of Darkness "There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. It had the most complete information I could find, but I also found some more info on EWTN. May God bless you abundantly!what an amazing story! It need only be 51% beeswax that is what the Church uses. Whether that refers to the Three Days of Darkness or not, is debatable. "During these three days of darkness, there is not going to be one demon left in hell. Heres the link: https://youtu.be/0LcwESh0tZk, Where do i get yhese can DC les bleseed like does it matter if its a Christian catholic or any type of priest. Then, just a few years ago, I was commenting to someone on youtube about the three days of darkness and that person was asking me where what I was talking about, was even at, in the bible. These posters that are claiming to know the date, telling others that they must do so and so, are really not practicing Christs teachings at all. The women looked like they were scared or worried, and I said to them do not worry, all Christians go to Heaven. Then my body floated over to the middle of the room and went perpendicular to the floor, with my face toward the floor and about 18 above the floor. 2022 update: When we hear about wars and rumors of wars, including the prospect of nuclear war, we cannot help but think about the prophecy of the Three days of Darkness. LOVE IS THE KEY THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. and of course they are beeswax. Thunder and lightning will cause those who have no faith or trust in My Power, to die of fear., During these three days of terrifying darkness, no windows must be opened, because no one will be able to see the earth and the terrible color it will have in those days of punishment without dying at once , The sky will be on fire, the earth will split During these three days of darkness let the blessed candle be lighted everywhere, no other light will shine. One of the Three Days of Darkness prophecies says, "the wind will carry with it poisonous gases which will be diffused over the entire earth." We all remember seeing the movie "The Ten Commandments, where the angel of death takes the form of a gas/vapor. We will need them to publish the glory of the Cross. (8th of December 1882). Civil commotions, contempt for authority, downfall of governments, confusion in high places, corruption, coups detat, civil war, revolution. We use cookies to optimize your website experience. Before the last plague that killed all the firstborn, JEHOVAH plagued Egypt with 3 days of darkness: Do you have beeswax candles ready? The scenario described in the 'Three Days of Dakness' is the time when the Nibiru star system comes closest to the earth and blocks the sun completely, its atmosphere - which is filled with cosmic dust and debris or meteorites as big as basketball and cars - 'mixing' with ours such that its 'poisonous gases' envelops the whole . Im curious to know if this is a traditionalist site; Im presuming its not sedavacantist(?). You may have a different opinion but I cant help but think that it is using Gods be in vain to say the Oh my God phrase. PLANETS ALIGN: An image of the planets aligned and mystic Marie Julie Jahenny (inset) (Image: GETTY/IG) Five planets - Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter - are visible in the night sky at the moment for . And for the last few years, if you have noticed, there has been a big increase in the number of people using the OMG phrase for every little thing in common everyday English. For more information see volumes 5 and 7 from Anne a lay apostle. Then the Pope shall send France a special legate, in order that he may examine the state of affairs and the dispositions of the people. The wind will roar. Thank you for supporting Lifesmything.com and Beautysoancient.com. Get anointed oil and anoint your doors and windows as God instructed the Israelites to do when the 3 days of darkness fell over Israel. The three days prophecy is real, here in Nigeria enugu(olo) to be specificour Agonising Jesus Christ appeared to a young boy Bro Barnabas Nwoye, now a visionary and told him about the great tribulations (that is what Jesus Christ calls the 3days of darkness) and he is preparing his church and the whole world for itthe enemy is in Rome nowyou can search Apostolate of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. The idea of a three days of darkness is not unique. The Catholic Churchs official position on private revelations, is that they are not binding on the faithful. Thus, the 5th proximate sign seems to have begun also.). Forty-eight years ago to the day I played with the Philadelphia Orchestra on May 4, 1972 A.D. Also, the darkness does not have to be in winter. Tell My people to be prepared at all times, for My judgment shall come upon them suddenly and when least expected and not one shall escape My hands, I shall find them all! I was there. No one will escape the terror of these days.. Anna-Maria Taigi (1769-1837) , was an Italian, wife, mother and mystic. A DREAM I HAD APRIL 2 / 2019 I went and told my wife the dream. bishop wayne t jackson daughter; 3 signs before the 3 days of darkness 2021. I dont know if they are beeswax. Throughout history, various seers and even saints, have alluded to a coming terrifying chastisement that would last for three days. 22 And Moses stretch forth his hand towards heaven: and there came horrible darkness in all the land of Egypt for three days.. if i believed in any god it would not change how am i. the only thing that would change is my belief in god or not. Even if i was god, you all would turn your backs due to you dont believe something unless you can see it for your own eyes, what makes Christianity or Catholicism any less real than the other gods? I may be adding 2 and 2 and getting 7 as at this moment I lack clear discernment on my journey last night. After a minute she said. This is when you would buy and stock up on any food supplies, clothes and water, and other survival supplies. but let me ask this. According to conspiracy theorists, the signs are already there that the three days of darkness are coming. Free library section. Conspiracy site Planet X News says that the signs are: "Global auroras beyond the poles. The only time I had heard about any type of end times prophecies was in Protestant books like Left Behind, which describes the Great Tribulation, a catastrophic time of Christian persecution, and horrific natural disasters and plagues of biblical proportions, after a so-called rapture. The kind and gentle voice said, That is Jesus of Mercy and that is Jesus of Justice, and I woke up. This may certainly be one way God could cleanse His Church! Not just blessed WAX candles, but blessed BEESWAX candles. THE MANDELA EFFECT!!!! 2. Although I think it has something to do with the warning God is going give to the world. Admonish others to do the same because the time is near at hand in which I shall visit My unfaithful people because they have not heeded the time of My grace. 3 signs before the 3 days of darkness 2021mark giangreco cheryl burton video. Required fields are marked *. A movie was made a couple of years ago. FIRST DREAM I have no doubt that supernatural type events has been withheld from mankind for so long, that when they are common again in every day life, most peoples mind will not be able to accept it. Then she took me to Jesus. The other will be sent from Heaven. It is said that Padre Pio wrote a private letter to the Commission of Heroldsbach appointed by the Vatican. Certainly not the all good Father of all. I came to the same conclusion. You lost me at Beeswax. God made the rules and your arguments wont change that. homosexuals giving lectures in schools), immodest fashions (e.g. These are freely available for download from the free library section of the directionforourtimes.com website. Oh, our Catholic faith, rich and beautiful, abundant in mercy & grace? God will preserve the property of the elect, including their animals. I can tell you, its not a phony. A woman appeared. I do remember the words of candles in the messages. the 3 days of darkness has started today. So the ones who believe that Jesus is God, that He died for our sins, was laid in a grave and rose again after 3 days, those people alone will be saved no ifs or buts no matter how good you think you are. Private revelations are not intended to be part of Catholic teaching, beyond a few. Some will be so shocked by the true state of their souls they will die. The one mere man thought he should change bc he didnt understand? I dont know what time it was, it must have been between 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM, All I know I was a sleep. And therefore they do not hear his voice! And dont forget the Illumination of Conscience, our last chance from God giving us a moment when all will be forced to see their consciences as they truly are, and a last chance to convert. ." three days less one night.". In any case, its clear to almost everyone that we are in a time of depravity and disobedience of Gods laws that can only culminate in Gods chastisement. After a time thunderbolts will be heard. My Grama said just before she died ( she was not catholic ) Your Catholic church is described in the book of Revelation in the bible. .Scriptures in . What are we to think of the Three Days of Darkness in 2022? There are no 'three days of darkness' in the Fatima Third Secret, no tilting of the earth axis, no 8-hour global earthquake. The darkness shall last a day and a night, followed by another day and a night, and another day--but on the night following, the stars will shine again, and on the next morning the sun shall rise again, and it will be SPRINGTIME! Gotta pay them bills. There are some similarities between the Three Days of Darkness and the passage in Exodus. Those who disregard this advice will be killed instantly. hi, i see your point, i was raised a catholic and am not the greatest one, i have my regrets and have sinned or gone astray. I dont jump in without knowing. . three days less one night., The earth will be covered in darkness, she quoted the Virgin Mary as saying on 20th of September 1882, and hell will be loosed on earth. So I went and checked, and to my amazement, any mention of the three days of darkness event, had also completely SUPERNATURALLY disappeared. I can tell you, its not a phony. Three days of supernatural darkness occurred shortly before the liberation of Israel from Egyptian bondage. Lightning and thunderbolts of an unprecedented magnitude will strike the earth. Sometimes we over think things. There shall be innumerable conversions of heretics, who will return to the bosom of the Church; all will note the edifying conduct of their lives, as well as that of other Catholics. Any priest can bless the candles; however, if you have access to a Traditional priest, the blessing is especially beautiful and profound. I light them to protect us from storms. thank you. Then all of a sudden a light started penetrating into the palms of my hands and going down my arms, through my body. So I just scrolled along watching venus come directly between the earth and Sun on the 4th 5th 6th of June! The phony religion? Look to the miracles, Google all the unexplained divine interventions, the evidence of things unseen, thats what proves Faith. But there are constant truths that transcend time and place especially in the words that Jesus spoke. so when seeing this three days of night as a way for those to be punished. Show your children how to have a loving heart and care about all human kind and living things. Excellent 100% beeswax candles. The Anti-Christ will eventually come and that will be a horrible time. Pray, make reparation, be fervent, practice mortification. Internal New Testament evidence suggests that no sign will announce the 2nd Coming of Jesus. So as long as the candles are pure wax & unscented & blessed I understand they should be fine, I am Catholic and have heard of the 3 Days of darkness. Now thats only a summary of a longer message..Padre Pio said pray, hope but do not worry The Holy Father shall be obliged to leave Rome., Wife Mother & Mystic: Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi. It shall be sent as a warning for the faithful. Posted on May 23, 2022 by 0 During the coming 3 Days of Intense Spiritual Darkness, the entire world will be like an INSANE ASYLUM . IT IS MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 ,2022 . Just before the prophesied Era of Peace begins, there will be Three Days of Darkness. I think that this website is also selling blessed cigarette lighters ho! . This is where the scary stuff comes in. You learn something new every day! Hi. Another date has been revealed but I won't share that. . It is produced by the bees actually consuming honey (honey itself is a symbol for the superlative in sweetness, the sweetness of the Word of God). My previous blogpost consisted of two documents very relevant to understand the Three Days of Darkness (3DD) one by Bl. Look it up. I have since been blessed to unseal the Book of Daniel, anticipating the Three Days to be just before the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12, Ascension Sunday, May 8 ,2016 A.D, and then the 2,300th day, Holy Family Saturday, December 29, 2018 A.D. Now an incarceration period through which some have done me damage remains, tagged on to these dates, due to end on November 30, 2020 A.D. so count your blessing all the same, and keep looking up. I felt great peace and love. I shall protect the just. Check out our article on Prepping. . I didnt see any other signs nor the Prius that had the right of way now my car is totaled and I have a fractured knee. There is not far away (? ) survival supplies strength of our discussion nephew! That your adversary shall have no dominion over you / 2019 I went and told my wife the.. The kind and living things is what the Church 3 signs before the 3 days of darkness 2021 conspiracy site Planet X News says that day... A coming terrifying chastisement that would last for three days of darkness of darkness 2021mark giangreco cheryl burton.. The women looked like they were scared or worried, and I said to have received from our Jesus! 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Peachford Hospital Investigation, Articles OTHER