[270] According to DH, the campaign aims to inspire a societal movement in which everyone who has an interest in preventing obesity, including government, business, healthcare professionals, charities, schools, This phase included social marketing training (including briefing on the research findings), face-to-face presentations and direct marketing. (Tasker, 2010), Lansley praised the scheme by saying that it has achieved a lot; especially in the way it has bought many people together such as healthcare professionals, teachers, charities, businesses and thousands of volunteers who have their support. Interactive communication is the key requisite of a campaign on social media. Dan Einzig, of the design agency Mystery, believes that brands must embrace the campaign or risk losing out: Theres no doubt in my mind that campaigns like this are indicative of the movement for consumers becoming more health aware and more health concerned. Get Help With Your Essay THE STRENGTH THAT'S ACTUALLY A WEAKNESS ANSWER "I'm a total workaholic. At the stakeholder launch, seven commercial organisations had signed the Change4life terms of engagement and made pledges to support the campaign. 'Five-a-day' is perhaps the best known of all the government's health messages and, as such, it can be seen as one of the most successful. (It's easy to take an online course and get better at a program.) A small survey conducted by Food and Beverage News amongst 25-30 year old single working professional, seemed to support Shauns point of view. This essay should not be treated as an authoritative source of information when forming medical opinions as information may be inaccurate or out-of-date. a freshwater fish was accidentally placed in saltwater. (Bawden, 2010), It has been stated that the pregnancy rates will rise unless the government takes renewed action. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the NursingAnswers.net website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! (Bawden, 2010), Victoria Sheard, who is deputy head of police at Terrence Higgins trust, stated that there is a need for young people to be given more information to protect themselves. strengths and weaknesses of change4life. (Watts, 2009), The department of health is now keen on getting corporate partners that the department seems to have forgotten the certain steps that need to be taken that can stop obesity such as protecting children from junk food marketing or forcing companies to use effective nutritional labelling. Ability to deliver to customer commitments. Here are 5: 1. Change4Life is a health awareness campaign that focuses on the daily changes that most people in the UK can make to improve their health in the short and long term. Other criticisms are that the White Paper was a waste of time and a waste of money. In years two and three, the campaign has expanded to address other at-risk groups. Strengths & Weaknesses Debater Strengths. Proven in 7 studies. The changes will be in place in 2013 and in the following year all hospitals will be foundation trusts, which will mean that hey will be controlling their own budget and have control. Change4Life brand has also been incorporated into Healthy Heroes programme that was developed in primary schools to encourage children to be more active. The main marketing mechanic for this phase is a How are the kids? questionnaire on childrens health and activity, constructed around eight desired behaviours. Public speaking. (BBC, 2004), On the 1st July 2007, England introduced a new law to make all enclosed public places and workplaces smoke free. Find support, ask questions and share your experiences with 350,000+ members of the diabetes community. A criticism of the campaign is that the dairy swaps suggested encourage consumers to buy foods that are lower in fat and also more processed. Health Promotion through media campaigns can reach a large population in a relatively short period of time and therefore are efficient and effective. The advantages of NGO Aid over Official Development Aid. Hiring. The Change4Life advertising campaign has made the subject of weight and physical activity a hot topic and it urges us to make changes to our diet and levels of activity. (Pharmaletter, 2010), There are criticisms of the new proposal it has been stated that the plans could cost the NHS its 20 billion efficiency savings target. The initial focus has been on childhood obesity, where the Governments target is to reduce the percentage of overweight and obese children to 2000 levels by 2020. Last financial year and next financial year? The following are examples of strengths at work: Hard skills. Accurate forecasting. Registered in England with company number 07856984, Website design & development by 54 Degrees, Yes, please send me social marketing tips and news by email, The campaign reached 99 per cent of targeted families, 413,466 families joined Change4Life in the first 12 months, Over 44,833 families were believed to still be involved with Change4Life after 6 months, Over 1.9 million responses (postal, online, face-to-face, telephone) were received in year one, Create a societal movement in which everyone plays their part, helping to create fundamental changes to those behaviours that can lead to people becoming overweight and obese, Create a segmentation model that would allow resources to be targeted to those individuals most in need of help (i.e. The focus of the social marketing programme is on: The Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives research programme was developed to provide insights into the attitudes and behaviours of families with children under the age of 11 in relation to diet and physical activity. (BBC, 2011), GPs will be expected to publish yearly reports of their performance. She also stated that it is not easy for the teenagers to get hold of information and support that they need from schools. Avoid coming off as arrogant or insecure in your answer - neither will leave a good impression. The team believed the programme would need two stages: Before behaviour change could be achieved on any significant scale, people would need to: Consultation and dialogue would need to play a central role and include the following elements: The scoping work resulted in the development of a marketing strategy, which set out what the campaign would say and what tools, techniques and products would be provided at each stage. In a survey published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), Two-thirds of the British public say it is important that genetically modified ingredients are labelled on food. (Minkler, 2009). (Hadley, 2009), Statistics have shown that teenage pregnancy rates have fallen, according to data collected from the Office of National Statistics there was a fall of 3.9% of pregnancy rates of girls under the age of 18 in 2008 while pregnancy rate for under sixteen year olds fell 7.6%. (Watts, 2009), Change4life tried to justify the partnerships by claiming that they want everyone to work together to fight obesity. It has also provided a rallying call for those already working in the area, The How are the kids? mechanism was the entry point into Change4Life for 63 per cent of those who joined. . The Teenage Pregnancy Independent Advisory Group (TPIAG) has warned that the budget cuts and the changes in the NHS are going to threaten the current downward trend in teenage pregnancy. Policy mechanisms to in uence health behavior vii Generally smaller and thus more responsive to the needs of local communities than the kinds of large scale development projects undertaken in the days of Modernisation Theory. Many have complained that the culture and the increase of sex education promote promiscuity which makes it certain that people will transmit STIs or unwanted pregnancies. Instead, mothers within the six communities fell into four broad groups. Shaun Bowen of B&B Studio had this to say: The advertising campaign for Change4Life uses shock tactics to focus our attention on the hidden nasties in our favourite foods. This involved the creation of a product (Snack Swapper), television advertising, public relations, partnership activity (including free distribution through schools and the NHS) and an online version. It will then go through whether enough is being done to promote healthy lifestyles. The aim is to make it much easier for consumers to quickly tell the fat, salt, sugar, saturated fat and calorie content of particular foods from the colour used. What you cover in your answer can give them insights into your particular skillsets and areas of improvement. Firstly, you need to remember that we all . It will also help you to show the recruiter how well you've researched for the particular job role and company. In keeping with the life course approach outlined in Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our strategy for public health in England, the Change4Life programme will provide information, products and tools for Disclaimer: This essay has been written by a student and not our expert nursing writers. (Department of Health, 2010), The Change4Life advertising campaign has made the subject of weight and physical activity a hot topic and it urges us to make changes to our diet and levels of activity. All three of the campaigns are linked by the personal responsibility agenda which states that the people have to take responsibility for their own health, this has its own strengths and weakness with one of the main criticisms being that the government do not want to take the blame if this does not work instead the blame will be going to the individual who did not take responsibility for their own health. Leadership weaknesses are characteristics that can negatively impact both an individual and a business. The campaigns overall do give out a positive message to the public but now need to improve on how they are going to lower the rates of the health risks mainly in those who are living in poverty. Being detail oriented. The desired behaviours promoted are: For people to move from an intent to actual change, they need to be convinced that change is possible and normal. (Tasker, 2010), Although there have been criticisms of the campaign there have been achievements. Since then the movement has grown and is now targeting parents of 1-4 year olds (Early Years) and new parents with babies (Start4Life). The programme has produced targeted interventions and materials for pregnant women and parents of children under the age of two (under the Start4Life sister brand, which launched to the public in January 2010), for ethnic minority communities (a bespoke campaign launched in late 2009) and for middle-aged adults (a campaign targeting 45- to 65-year-olds launched in February 2010). In its first year, Change4Life focused on families, particularly those with children under 11. Answer example: I would definitely choose the ability to build a rapport and work as part of a team as one of my strengths. A key focus of the campaign is the promotion . Step 5: Now, move to the weaknesses part. This free app is part of the NHS' Change4Life campaign, you may have seen their adverts on the tele. We can not succeed alone. Pitfall #3- Passing Yourself Off as Perfect. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher in nursing or healthcare? Cowpe's Chip Pan Fire television campaign significantly reduced the number of chip pan fires by 33% in Tyne Tees . In addition, it funded advertising space in those publications that have good coverage among at-risk target audiences and invited obesity leads in PCTs and LAs to nominate local services and initiatives for inclusion. Without it, the campaign would have ended the year with a database of only 149,458 families, about 50,000 short of its target. The changes in the NHS are complex and are mainly to do with management although Andrew Lansley the health secretary has ensured that patients are at the heart of the changes. Even professionals who work independently can benefit from the ability to work well as part of a team. A further 90,000 people received a lower-cost electronic version of the CRM programme. (Pharmaletter, 2010), The changes to the NHS will be taking place in 2013, already it has emerged that GPs that are covering half the country have already signed to start piloting the changes. Due to differing cultural drivers, the six ethnic minority communities surveyed did not fit neatly into the mainstream segmentation. Their problem-solving strengths allow them to think of new ideas and approaches to traditional problems. Published: 11th Feb 2020. The final campaign is sexual health campaign it will go through its aims, what it has achieved and its criticisms. (M Prasad is Sr. The key advantages of the model are that it is simple to understand, is backed by extensive research, and can be applied in many situations. This will ensure that England has a healthier environment so that everyone can socialise, relax, travel and shop free from second hand smoke. Competitive, Disorganized, Limited experience in a nonessential skill, Not skilled at delegating tasks, Not skilled at . To tell workforces that Change4Life was coming, the CMO and Chief Nursing Officer wrote to every general practitioner and nurse, and the Secretary of State for Children, School and Families wrote to every headteacher, urging them to lend their support to the movement. However, it is what is needed as it could change behaviour. 2.) Strengths allow people to stand out and provide the tools to shine brighter every day. This led to the creation of a three-year marketing strategy to drive, coax, encourage and support people through each stage of the behaviour change journey. Strengths Weaknesses Can be seen as a campaign against sugary and fatty foods all together which could impact people's health and mindset, increasing cases of unhealthy diets and anorexia (extreme cases) The "call to action" may only appeal to adults or parents as children would not download the app. During the second phase of the programme (2010 to 2012), more effort has been put into providing materials for schools to encourage children to make pledges to change their diet and/or activity levels, and developing a clearer role for the Change4Life sub-brands and ambassadors. Change4life puts the blame of obesity onto modern life, which affects everyone instead of blaming the parents. By taking a detailed look at 4 types of educational campaigns, it is possible to assess the strengths and limitations of each, as well as determining the psychological and social factors that might make a campaign more or less effective. These figures are worrying given that in 1993, when the first study was carried out, only 13% of men and 16% of women were classed as obese. Our history. In England 24% of men and 26% of women are obese, while 65% of men and 58% of women are either overweight or obese. (Martin, 2008), The Health Survey for England, which was carried out by the NHS has raised fears that smokers are now simply smoking at home which is now putting children at risk. Make sure to include a range of strengths, including knowledge-based skills, transferable skills, soft skills and personal traits to demonstrate your versatility. The current Change4Life campaign also recommends the following Small Swaps: Choosing porridge and low sugar whole wheat cereals instead of sugary cereals Having skimmed milk instead of whole or semi skimmed milk Swapping full fat cheese for low fat cheese Eating low fat spreads instead of butter. (BBC (a) 2010). (Walayat, 2010), Andrew Lansley the UK health Secretary launched a White Paper which was titled Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS under which every GP will have to join a commissioning group by 2011/12 which will close down the Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities systems. The new health secretary Andrew Lansley stated that the campaign should be supported by businesses not the government. Previous Change4Life campaigns have focused on the ways families can take more exercise and how adults can prevent becoming over reliant on alcohol. Not listening to employees. But for this agenda to work there has to be support from the coalition government. The boundaries that were set for registering with the GP are not in use any more and now they can choose whichever doctor they wish. In response to the rise in obesity, the Government set out its ambition that, in future, all individuals will be able to maintain a healthy weight. Focus on strengths you have that are required for the job. Derecho-y-Blockchain strengths and weaknesses of change4life As part of this new approach, the Great Swapathon campaign was launched in January 2011, which aims to urge families to swap at least one unhealthy habit for a healthier one. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a framework used to evaluate a company's competitive position and to develop strategic planning. It was published in a report that it is urgent to act on the obesity crisis now as it was predicted that 9 out of 10 adults will be obese by 2050. There are now penalties and fines for those who do not abide by the law, some of these fines are as follows: if someone is caught smoking in smoke free premises or in work vehicles will have a fixed penalty of 50 or a maximum of 200 if they are convicted by court. In your student application or interview, you can share an instance where your openness to criticism helped better your performance. Launched in January 2009, Change4Life focuses on prevention and aims to change the behaviours and circumstances that lead to weight gain, rather than being a weight-loss programme for the already obese. When you spend time reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses, you get to know your true self better. This will go through what might improve in the NHS due to changes and what will not improve. E.g. Specifically, SWOT is a basic, analytical framework that assesses what an entity . All campaign materials would give at-risk families the opportunity to sign up to an ongoing CRM programme that supports behaviour change. While much of the research has been conducted with males only, resistance training has also By telling your employer that, you're letting them know you lack self-reflection. The 2008 Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: A Cross Government Strategy for England announced 372 million for a major cross-government programme of measures, including increased funding for pregnancy and early years, promoting a culture of healthy eating in schools and building more cycle lanes and safe places to play. The second phase was launched in 2010 which shifted the focus onto Chlamydia with the warning that this has no symptoms and can be passed on without people knowing. Since there was no universally accepted model for behaviour change with regard to obesity and since this was the first time any government had implemented a programme of this nature, scale and ambition, the team derived a set of assumptions from existing literature on behaviour change for diet and activity, which it used to drive its marketing campaign. Accordingly, agency partner M&C Saatchi created the Change4Life brand, along with a suite of sub-brands (Cook4Life, Play4Life, Swim4Life, etc.) What are the socio-demographics of the clients / users of change4life programme / apps? This is surprising as whilst butter contains natural fats, many low fat spreads, such as margarine, are known to contain trans fats, which can be a danger to health if consumed regularly. It will go the criticisms that the proposed changes have received and also the positive points that have been received. Leadership skills. For intervention-there will be integrated education and service delivery. Inability to motivate teams. What do we know about the strengths and weakness of different policy mechanisms to in uence health behaviour in the population? The weaknesses are the antithesis of strengths. But do campaigns like these really work? Example strengths for job interviews Being adaptable Being proactive Building relationships Being willing to go above and beyond to help others Coming up with innovative solutions Communicating in writing Delegating Being detail oriented. Overworking and not delegating. Low adaptivity. The following are common business strengths. The evaluation from the first years activity made it clear that more targeted approaches would be needed for specific subsections of the community. 200,000 at-risk families who joined Change4Life were entered into a CRM programme, which comprised 4 separate packs of information and resources, designed around the calendar of family life and delivered to their homes. (Waters, 2009), The campaign gets their information across by using the television, radio and the press. Population health monitoring: Is a well-recognized function of public health. 5. (BBC, 2011), With the changes the ministers, including the secretary of state, will no longer be able to intervene when a hospital is threatened to close. NO FOOD IS BAD FOR YOU! The Liberal Democrat Health spokesman Norman Lamb stated stark figures which demonstrate the governments strategy on smoking has not been successful. Listening, Observing. If GPs do under perform they will be financially penalised as a proportion of their income. All work is written to order. Some of the advantages of Facebook business pages include: Brand awareness: Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. (Everett, 2009), They have stated that they were behind in their target which was to halve the under 18 conception rate by 2010 and also another aim which they need to do is to lower the rates of abortion and repeat abortion as they remain high in people under the age of 25. 5 Benefits of Listing Your Personal Strengths and Weaknesses. Poor decision-making. Delivered online and by post, this programme would provide encouragement, information and support for families to get their children eating better and moving more. (Kanigher, 2010), The sexual health campaign is in place to inform people to have safe sex to prevent sexual transmitted diseases (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. However the question that has been put forward by critics is the involvement of manufacturers of fatty, sugary snack products going to help reduce obesity? These insights on diet and activity have underpinned national and local service design, in addition to the development of the social marketing programme. Smoking has been estimated to cause 114,000 deaths in a year in the UK, 30,000 of these due to cardiovascular disease. The Change4Life advertising campaign has made the subject of weight and physical activity a hot topic and it urges us to make changes to our diet and levels of activity. The three campaigns that have been mentioned in the portfolio have given an overview of what the campaign does and the strengths and weaknesses. Competition. First, the leaders' intention to focus on strengths. If you fail to respond to the queries and doubts posted by your target audience, then your customers will feel ignored. However, this is far short of the government aim to have it halved. We've received widespread press coverage This stage would seek to inspire people to believe that change is possible and convince them that change is already happening. Poor communication. The local health authority had determined that to counter methods that tobacco companies have used to lure young people into thinking that smoking is cool, the most effective way to stop people from smoking is to fight fire with fire. Change4Life was launched in 2009 as part of a national ambition set out in the government's Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives (2008). The term "strength" implies strength, firmness, endurance and resilience; but, in addition, the virtues, capacities, principles, positive traits and values that structure their thinking and behavior in society. SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis is a framework businesses use strategically to plan out the trajectory of their product, service, or commodity. Rather than a trend (which somehow suggests it might be short lived) I see this as more of a cultural evolution or on-going long-term change., By Mahir Prasad No man is an island and in today's world, ever before, a person relies on a team . When asked to present a weakness, find a way to emphasize the upside. It focuses on the traits: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion,. . Box 9 The bene ts of partnership working: the Change4Life campaign. In designing it, the Department of Health and its agencies drew on academic and commercial sector expertise, behaviour change theory and evidence from other successful behaviour change campaigns, and commissioned a substantial and ongoing programme of research among the target audiences. The survey was available online and on paper and was door-dropped directly to high-risk cluster areas, delivered face-to-face via field marketing, supported with direct response television, made available in doctors surgeries, pharmacies and post offices, and distributed in womens magazines. Do you collect any personal data of the users of the app? The research programme consisted of five phases: Analysis of the quantitative data showed that participating families could be grouped into six clusters according to their attitudes and behaviours relating to diet and physical activity. Here are some possible strengths and weaknesses you can use as the basis of your answers for these questions. In addition, families who joined Change4Life through How are the kids? engaged more frequently with other aspects of the programme, Spend more time on the Mobilising the network phase: On reflection, there was an under-estimation of the amount of time it would take to engage properly, Start the CRM programme sooner Many families waited months for their first CRM pack. Strengths and Weaknesses of Research into Health Promotion. If you understand your strengths and weaknesses as a manager, you can be a more self-aware leader and create a targeted strategy to develop and improve your skills. (Smokefree, 2007), The smoking ban has triggered the biggest fall in smoking ever seen in England. If I'm on a project, I'm going to make sure to stick with it to the bitter, bloody end." Although this might sound like a strength, it's actually a weakness in disguise! The campaign aims to create a culture change where stakeholders and consumers are equipped and have the confidence in engaging in conversations about sexual health and relationships. Assessing the needs and preferences of customers Assessing outcomes Creative thinking Designing innovative products Efficiency Good judgment Innovation Logical thinking Open minded Solution oriented Solving complex problems Statistical analysis Communication Written and oral communication skills are critical for almost any job. Justify the partnerships by claiming that they need from schools publish yearly reports of their.... What might improve in the population three, the How are the kids to get hold of information when medical. Of Listing your Personal strengths and weaknesses Bawden, 2010 ), campaign. Per cent of those who joined version of the clients / users of the app ; s easy to an! 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