First, autocratic leadership is a rather popular form of leadership, which is growing daily. He is well-known for having a strong vision and is determined to bring his country back to the forefront of international power. They were an extension of himself and their thoughts were an extension of his own. His beliefs, values, and ethics were the sole reason for the beginning of world war 2. stated that transformational leaders create a connection with followers, attend to their individual needs, and help followers reach their potential. These behaviors and outcomes align with Elishas leadership goals and make a strong case for the role transformational leadership could have played in his ministry. When we refer to a leader, we do not only look at the aspects in which he inspires others. This medium of direct communication takes away any room for error in communication. An autocratic leader focuses less on collecting input from team members and tends to make executive decisions that others are expected to follow. Here, its power is on the one hand and not decentralized like democratic leadership. In this authors life, autocratic leadership has been beneficial during a combat deployment, domestic military service, dealing with mentally ill patients, working with those under the influence of drugs, raising young children, and in educating younger students. The historical examples of autocratic leaders hold the key to understanding the type of leadership this model suggests. Merida, T. (2015). Autocratic leadership is a type of leadership where the leader solely makes all the decisions, and his teammates have to become followers and accept the decision. 2. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Burns defined transformational leadership as a construct in which leaders and followers make each other to advance to a higher level of moral and motivation. Merida described Judahs king Josiah as the ideal king who follows the Shema wholeheartedly, surpassing even Hezekiah in his devotion to the teaching of Moses. This description indicates Josiahs elevated levels of morality and motivation. Autocratic leadership is an authoritarian leadership style. From King David to the Babylonian exile, Israel and Judah had good kings, bad kings, wicked queens, and mighty men of God serving as prophets. Jezebels autocratic leadership has turned Gods chosen people to idolatry and tried to remove Him from their nation. Autocratic leader is knowledgeable: - The leader is the only driving force who possesses the quality of taking the sole responsibility of any project. Jezebel and Naboth. For example, an autocratic style can be used effectively in situations where the leader is the most knowledgeable member of the group or has access to information that other members of the group do not. This leader will make all of the decisions about what work will be done and how. In the Beginning. Only those with a lot of experience and a great deal of confidence will be chosen. Each type of leadership has its own unique characteristics, and each is best suited for different types of situations. What is an autocratic or democratic leader? Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Martha Stewart turned a cooking show into a billion-dollar empire. Autocratic Leadership in Politics Although many countries elect their leaders through a democratic process, the general population is electing people who will govern using autocratic leadership. They are sincere and their decisions are based on their morals and values. In the system, a top spot can be called a 'leader' loosely. However, his tactics worked,andhe became one of the greatest military leaders in history. Eventually, he was forced to resign by the Times' owner, Arthur Sulzberger Jr, having already alienated and lost a large segment of the publication's key reporting staff. They expressed verbal hostility, rejected Rehoboam as their king (turnover), and returned to their tents (absenteeism). Frontiers in Psychology, 6(JAN), 1-12. They are highly skilled at reading people and can quickly determine if an applicant is someone that will challenge their authority or be someone that will fall-in-line. Once they had removed the desecrations and resumed appropriate worship, Judah went the extra mile by celebrating the Passover, an event that had not taken place since before the reign of King Saul (2 Kings 23:21-23). He . . Autocratic leadership style: Obstacle to success in academic libraries. Jezebels autocratic leadership is also on display in her murder of Naboth. Although Helmsley was often harsh and unsympathetic, her demanding and authoritarian style proved successful for Helmsley Hotels. Just like Rehoboam before her, Jezebel meets Shaubroeck et al.s standard of provid[ing] a singular and unambiguous version of the groups identity with which individuals can identify. In this case, the groups identity is pagan worship, and Jezebel clears up any misconceptions about that by killing off Gods prophets (1 Kings 18:13). As time went on, as Paul was better known, and as the crises on board the ship became more pronounced, Paul stepped forward, giving both direction and hope to all the others on ship. The CEO of one of the most successful companies in the world, Gates was a mix of an autocratic and democratic leader. It is imperative that everyone is on the same page as the leader and following through on their instructions 110%. stated others claims that the defining transformational leadership behaviours are outstanding and have robust effects. Transformational is an effective leadership style in the contemporary world. For obvious reasons, the dictator who went down in history as one of the most brutal authoritarian leaders was an autocratic leader. Their biggest argument about the benefits of autocratic leadership is that this allows them to work more . His first time at Apple he rubbed so many people the wrong way that he was eventually ousted as CEO. A dogmatic and controversial leader, Elon Musk is one of the most influential CEOs and entrepreneurs in the world today. She is well-known for her strict management style and her meticulous demands for perfection from her staff. They usually have the overall knowledge of everything and act as a dictator on the team members. One of their primary goals is to stay in power, so they will make sure that people coming into the organization will not present a threat to that objective., Tian Q., Sanchez J. I. Most of the research on autocratic leadership has shown that ultimately subordinates dislike managers who have an autocratic leadership style and experience more job stress when being managed by such an individual (Harms et al., 2018). The SpaceX and Tesla CEO is an autocratic leader in both of his companies who have garnered tremendous growth and success to its name. Evidently, when considering the above examples, the authoritarian method certainly has its share of success stories. For more details, please refer to the Cancellation & Refund Policy. They know the leader has been in extreme combat situations many times before and has what it takes to lead. Autocratic leadership negatively affects the employee or teammates' motivation and makes them less motivated as they are not allowed to participate at a certain level. Autocratic Leadership in Politics Although many countries elect their leaders through a democratic process, the . 6 Weaknesses of The Autocratic Leadership Style. Interestingly, in his current role as US President, Trump has had to temper certain aspects of his autocratic tendencies, reliant as the position is on compromise with the country's governing houses. The same pattern is present here as with Elijah. They tend to micromanage things and supervise everything on a personal level. stated that authoritarian leadership refers to an approach to leadership that emphasizes the use of authority to control followers. Rehoboams plan to add to [Israels] yoke [and] chastise [them] with scourges (1 Kings 12:14) exemplified his use of authority to control his followers. Lee, A., Lyubovnikova, J., Tian, A. W., & Knight, C. (2019). An authoritarian method of management, the autocratic leadership style is built upon the concept of having one person in power, making the vast majority of decisions. To run any organization, state, or even nation, you need to have a system in place for efficient and effective management. In doing so, he cites Romans 15:4 (NKJV), which states, "whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the . McCutcheon, A. S., Doran, D., Evans, M., Hall, L. M., & Pringle, D. (2009). This is avoided when authoritarian leadership in the work environment is maintained. Disclaimer: The content on the website and/or Platform is for informational and educational purposes only. military leader) can drive discontent, high attrition, and fear among employees. This can be the deal breaker for whether the trust is there. They set high standards and will enforce them with an iron fist. Because the autocratic leader likes to maintain control at all times, they will be heavily involved in hiring. The South African-born billionaire also understands the benefit ofmentoring employees, which, even if done firmly, can create a solid leadership foundation for a company. They usually do not take their members' opinions into consideration because they believe that their judgment is always correct. Here are some features you may find it in yourself, or in a colleague. Keskes et al. In the case of leaders leading empires in history, an. Therefore, they hold the responsibility, criticism as well as appreciation for the outcome of any task. 6. Does paternalistic leadership promote innovative behavior? And if the benefits of autocratic leadership are discussed, it's typically some version of 'strong leadership is necessary when the building's on fire and there's an urgent . PMP is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. CAPM is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, InRead More, 2011-22 KNOWLEDGEHUT SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED. discovered millennia later, that servant leadership is significantly associated with better attitudes, less turnover, better organizational citizenship behavior, and increased performance. Rehoboam would likely have preferred this result to what he achieved using autocratic leadership, circumstances which Chukwusa would have likely described as hostile attitudes [and] high labour turnover and absenteeism.. What Is Autocratic Leadership Definition? While Jezebels leadership objectives and personality traits make it unlikely that she would consider any other leadership styles, a transformational leadership style would be the most effective in her situation without a complete reinvention of her person. Moses (in my opinion) is the greatest called leader of the Old Testament. B & H Publishing Group. Here are a few other attributes of . Undeniably strict in her management of the company, the ex-real estate broker directly controlled 23 hotels in her husband's chain by the beginning of 1989. Martha Stewart is a great example. Merida noted that Elisha spent years serving Elijah prior to leading in his own right. Examples of autocratic leadership in business Despite popular belief, enterprises are often best led autocratically. British Journal of Management, 27(2), 390-405. Public criticism or dissent can result in legal problems, imprisonment, or perhaps worse. Long before modern scholarship rediscovered servant leadership, these advisors knew what Lu et al. Shaubroeck et al. Martha Stewart is a great example. Trust is an important part of leadership, but it is also one of the things autocratic leaders tend to struggle with. Therefore, if at all practical, they will insist on seeing the resume of each applicant before any are selected for an interview. The French Revolution military leader was known for his infamous autocratic leadership style. So, when each department submits their spreadsheet, the autocratic leader will simply go through it line by line and delete any items they disapprove of. Schaubroeck, J., Shen, Y., & Chong, S. (2017). Therefore, it is a loomingthreat to the employees of being micromanaged andtakes away their freedom to do the work according to their creativity and as they see fit. KnowledgeHut reserves the right to cancel or reschedule events in case of insufficient registrations, or if presenters cannot attend due to unforeseen circumstances. Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of leader-member exchange. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. Josiah was in the literal and theoretical senses, a truly transformational leader. They lay out the workplace conditions to avoid overlapping rules and attain maximum efficiency. Romans 13:1-3 ESV / 3 helpful votes Not Helpful Shaubroeck et al. An autocratic leader is driven by motivation because he is the sole decision-maker of the company. Despite these characteristics, there are many instances in which an autocratic leadership style works best. Autocratic leaders exhibit total control over company policy, goals, and procedures. And of course, the final say over who gets hired is completely their decision. Strict Control over Choosing their Team, Dyadic Communication: Definition, Types and Examples, 21 Lateral Thinking Examples (And Definition), Social Integration: Sociology Definition & 10 Examples. Merida introduced his Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Kings by touting the relevance of the biblical text to the modern world. Another strategy they might use is to require that all departmental budgets receive their approval. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47, 235246. Lee et al. Direct combat against the enemy is a situation that absolutely requires an autocratic leader. Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. When a building or house is ablaze and lives are at stake, it is important that decisions be made quickly and decisively. For example, many leaders follow the democratic style of leadership. (2018). Autocratic leadership, although sounding intimidating and wrong, can have its perks just as much as it can have rightful disadvantages. If they do so, there is a higher chance of the employees leaving the company. It leaves no room for discussion and innovative ideas to be discussed, which is not healthy for the company. Probably, one of the most influential leadership figures represented both in Christianity and Judaism is that . 1. By this, they are also able to save precious time. Their biggest argument about the benefits of autocratic leadership is that this allows them to work more efficiently; thus, the company's results are better. As we discussed above, the autocratic leader may micromanage things that take away the employee's creativity. A within-country study of leadership perceptions and outcomes across native and immigrant employees: Questioning the universality of transformational leadership. What are your experiences so far? The Bible provides numerous examples of Christian leadership. Creating rules and highly structured work environments. Prison officer National Average Salary: 22,616 per year Primary Duties: Prison officers are law enforcement and corrections professionals who patrol correctional institutions, secure the facilities and assist in the correction of inmates. Introducing a short measure of shared servant leadership impacting team performance through team behavioral integration. Here are some examples of their leadership. The Bible interprets leadership as an act of serving and influencing others while having Christ's interests at heart. Rehoboams autocratic leadership style is on full display at the very beginning of his reign. recommend organizations develop their existing leaders into servant leaders and aim to select servant leaders into influential positions.. All Rights Reserved, What is Autocratic Leadership? Trying to manage everything makes the systems within the organization ineffective. Because of the life-and-death nature of battle, leaders are selected based on a long and very deliberative process. We cite peer reviewed academic articles wherever possible and reference our sources at the end of our articles. CSM, CSPO, CSD, CSP, A-CSPO, A-CSM are registered trademarks of Scrum Alliance. In autocratic leadership, leaders tend to take credit for all the work which leads to team members not taking ownership of their work. In the system, a top spot can be called a 'leader' loosely. Some of the most successful people in life are autocratic. They rarely seek the opinions of others, are highly instructive of how others should do their job, and have a tendency to micromanage and maintain as much control over all aspects of operations as possible. 4. As an autocratic leader, you hold complete authority over your company's policies and procedures, immediate direction and control of your employees' work-related activities, and the final say on the goals and targets of the organisation. The literature supports these anecdotal benefits. What is an example of an. The British Director Ridley Scott is a great example. He commanded a huge army and, later, an entire nation comprising millions of people without sharing his ideas or military tactics with anyone. There are numerous examples of leadership throughout the book, and it includes examples of several modern leadership styles. The definition. Unsurprisingly, as such an extreme form of leadership, it is not always implemented capably by those in control, while it isn't always accepted by employees, either. Here are two examples of the best examples of charismatic leadership style: 1. North Korea's government is headed by Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un. A social information-processing perspective. Follower Behaviors. points out that authoritarian leaders provide a singular and unambiguous version of the groups identity with which individuals can identify. In the case of Rehoboam, the singular and unambiguous identity was evil. Donald Trump, the former president of USA is one of the popular leaders known for his autocratic leadership style. Virgins Richard Branson: Apple boss Steve Jobs was the entrepreneur I most admired. Any employees deemed to be carrying out a sub-standard job were reprimanded or instantly dismissed, creating a culture in which high standards of service were expected and subsequently delivered at all times. Nonetheless, it's important . Autocratic leaders tend to do well in these settings because they ensure that projects are finished on time and that workers follow safety rules to prevent accidents and injuries. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. The Journal of Management Development, 37(3), 271-284., Lee, A., Lyubovnikova, J., Tian, A. W., & Knight, C. (2019). Stalin was responsible for ordering the executions of millions . This, too, takes away creativity from the employees. When confidence is showcased positively, it is deemed desirable. This leadership style is also called authoritarian leadership. (2020). As we know, the top head, who is an autocratic leader, is the one who takes the final call on any task. Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of leader-member exchange. They do not consult their team, or let them make . Some examples of well-known autocratic leaders include Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il, and Omar Hassan al-Bashir. Therefore, someone needs to be in place to provide immediate direction. This concept is better known as visionary leadership. 3. The positive effect of authoritarian leadership on employee performance: The moderating role of power distance. Here's anautocratic leadership example. The principles are mentioned below with brief explanations:-. Instead, Chukwusa asserted that autocratic leaders are known for individual control over all decisions and little input from staff. The sequence of events in 1 Kings 12:8 suggests that Rehoboam first rejected the advice which the elders had given him, and [then] consulted the young men who had grown up with him. His friends had grown up with him and shared his life experiences. There is centralization of power and decision-making, which helps a lot in times of crisis. They are considered to be serious, rude, and obnoxious. There was never a decision made in any of the companies that Steve Jobs ran that did not come from his authority or pass his approval. Despite the close association between autocratic leadership and despotism, there are some contexts in which it is effective, and even preferable. This type of leader likes to control the direction of the company based on their own instincts and knowledge. Ridley Scotts movies are well-known for their visual style and emotional impact. Leadership is essential to the expansion of the kingdom of God on earth. While Jezebels and Elijahs paths cross several times, her threat to kill him is the strongest display of her autocratic leadership. Project management strategies for smooth flowing of project. All of the responsibility and burden of making strategically advantageous . Lu, J., Zhang, Z., & Jia, M. (2019). There can be no better example of how this style is beneficial than in the hospital emergency room. 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