one in five felony cases:] and often there is not enough DNA for a My post was also less about the WM3 and more about the possibility of someone else just because I know there was no reason to claim innocents on a board with a bunch of people stuck in the mindset that the American Judicial System is prevalent but its good to see you attack it anyway . I watched Echols on television with his interview. Firstly he just compared Casey Anthony to the WM3 and then sarcastically linked that to Wayne Williams. Damian Seth Azariah Echols is the son of Damien Echols, an American writer, and film producer. But that was so Arkansas did not have to pay these men a dime! Join the discussionDamien has had my twitter account suspended.I raised the issue how can convicted child killers profer from hawking their shit on social media dont get me wrongi have no idea if theyre guilty or not. He has healing hands. Im sure you realize, with your vast experience and sharp intellect they werent saying that mr. Bojangles did it. Michael Carson who testified against Jason was in juvenile with him a total of 6 days. DUH. might reach $10 million through direct expenditures and in-kind I feel it was just the right of combination of classic (if painfully cliched and unrealistic) tropes that attractedhis myriadfamous supporters to him. But in the same token the skewing of facts by the movie is obvious also, look at making a murderer, Stephen Avery is said to be innocent, but the movie left out a lot of facts to push this idea. NOPE, its actually because it was a totally botched up case and in the end Arkansas had to face that they massively screwed up. His mom stated that she was not sure where he is and he moves a lot. Lorri Davis Saw Accused Murderer Damien Echols in a True Crime Doc. He was on death row under 23 hours per day lockdown at the Varner Supermax. These are both men with violent criminal records. I wouldnt want to live in West Memphis if the rest of the world was nuked. Speaking of OJ much like that case there is no real killer. ?you are trying to say that only 1 person witnessed this?? I agree about JMBs IQ not being very far off from Misskellys. While there are some who will claim the public needs to leave this part of his life alone and private, I disagree. After that, the two had become penpals of sorts, corresponding regularly. Damien Echols est condamn la peine de mort, Jessie Misskelley, Jr. l'emprisonnement perptuit plus deux peines de prison de 20 ans, et Jason Baldwin l . I cant decide if shes a prison groupie, or just a very greedyschemer who never counted on hubby actually getting out. Not for Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin or Jessie Misskelley. Ive seen a whole lot on this page of you talking a bu one, but fail to articulate the why. Poor pathetic dude probably thinks now that killing children really gave him special powers because (ta daaa) hes famous. There is no information about his parents and siblings in the media. Bye. Id be really interested to read it. and like it or not, they thumbed their nose at you just like that prosecutor ellington did to us by doing so. After she finally dumped him for good he thought he was going to end up stuck in trailer park hell forever so he raged & jumped the shark (anti-depressants & alcohol helped this happen) and took Jason & Jessie along with him. A witness testified Yes, lots of witnesses testify. Days after the arrests, the Commercial Appeal in Memphis published an account of Misskelley's confession attributing the murders to a cult ritual and stating that he'd watched as Echols and Baldwin choked the boys until they fell unconscious, then raped one boy and sexually mutilated another. I simply want to know how you came to the conclusion that fitting the profile of a school shooter can support the idea you think they are guilty. Its prejudicial assholes like you who isolate kids and make them want to shoot up their schools in the first place. Conversely I could ask you where is the proof that theyre innocent and not just feelings? what is the deep seeded root of this type psychological behavior? Thanks for taking the time to read this. I think if you dig deeper, regardless of your views of Mr. Reynolds you will find a huge ammount of incriminating evidence against WM3 online. No constitutional error. My thing is If u are innocent why accept guilt to get out(Alford plea), If your innocent why confess multiple times(Jessie) or brag to others or make light of such a debase situation (as Damien has done by Making sick jokes) Or when asked if his so called friend Damien did it, Jason hesitated and acted nervous by saying there making it look like he(Damien) did it. Cant find the Reply button on your other comment, so. So the case is still open but also closed. community or Heavey Metal fans or supporters of the convicted offering any kind However, Truth be told its convienent wrapping paper designed for mass consumption. Blue Wax from a candle holds some power IMO but still would of liked more concrete certain links. why shouldnt we think that you are actually a sick person with a criminal mind? You and reynolds boy here are the type that yell kill them now & we will investigate later. Contrast that with the actual amount of school shootings. Last week after church, my 15 year old son convinced 10 kids to tie their shoes together (not to each foot but to the other childrens feet) for no other reason but he wanted to know if they would do it just because he asked. LITERALLY THREATS TO KILL HIS PARENTS. Neither 3 had any alibis somehow. Obviously our public schools are failing us. (DNA Bodies)The state of Arkansas had no case. It is a lot easier to wave the flags of satanic panic and misfit scapegoats than it is to fanatically defend and support three teens who thought they were going to make some easy pocket money and make a name for themselves as badass legends in West Memphis who were not to be toyed with. Damien Echols is dark, therefore Damien Echols is the murderer. it costs more on average to execute rather than feed, clothe, provide medical care for an inmate? So because you saw Paradise Lost you think youre objective. No one can speak absolutely about the guilt or innocence of Jessie Misskelley, Jr., Jason Baldwin or Damien Echols, but we should all be thankful of the Paradise Lost movies, because without them the West Memphis Three story would be long over & we would have missed this lesson of injustice and prejudice. Crittenden County Circuit Court Judge Tonya Alexander on Thursday denied a petition by Damien Echols to have advanced DNA testing done on ligatures that were recovered in the 1993 murders of. Its all about a plain old cult. Moreover, he rarely attended school. They charge each with three counts of capital murder. Damien hits on nature vs nurture which is interesting. The Judge was a complete incompetent idiot. lol I get asked that a lot. 1) He was rarely ever allowed out. Here is where you can read Damien Echols frightening mental health reports: Damien failed his lie detector test. Shit, back in the day. placed on these men before releasing them. Jason just wants to be left alone. The Devils Knot is just more WM3 propaganda. No denying the utter incompetence of the law enforcement involved though. Echols recently started a podcast called Not Just Idle Chatter. You can listen to the podcast on YouTube here. There is no doubt in my mind that the real killers are Terry Hobbs, Jacoby, Hollingsworth and Buddy Lucas. exhibit 500 which speaks for itself. Echols, 19 at the time of his trial, was sentenced to death. The boys had been hogtied with their own shoelaces, sexually mutilated and physically assaulted before being killed. Jessie to LE, Damien to the kids at the ball park, and Jason to Michael Roy Carson.. Carson passed a lie detector test. Everybody has a theory about the murders and I have mine. No constitutional error. When three young boys are murdered and dumped, hog-tied and naked in local woodland, provincial-minded police quickly focused, with scant evidence, on the teenagers as the likely perpetrators. go learn how to spell and use the kings english, your ignorance is screaming in my ears. He is an actor and producer, known for West of Memphis (2012), Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory (2011) and Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996). If they did their time Echols would be dead on a gurney and the other two would still be in prison for the rest of their unnatural lives. Hell be able to keep up the facade as long as he deems it necessary. Exactly! Ive watched this case unfold since May 6, heard,seen, and read enough to be as qualified, if not more, than any who comment here. Munson, the Metallica -playing Stranger Things character, was inspired by Damien Echols, a writer who was part of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers convicted of murder in Arkansas in. willing to forgive as his understanding of the bible was so he would be Its sickening. Why hang with Lorri Davis when he can have his pick of groupies? Glad to see that common sense still exists. I think the point was being made about the laziness or sheer incompetence of those that should have done a more thorough investigation. Oh, Im pretty sure hes going to commit another crime and hell get caught. court but 1 was brought up in court that would have to raise huge reasonable You must think Im retarded. Right where Jessie told them it would be! The Satanic connectionbrought up by the original prosecutorsshould not be dismissed. the rest of it stands on its own as far as i am concerned. Let me just break with tradition and state the obvious: The cops had every right to look into him as a suspect based on a mental health history like that. Someone should have been able to say, Hey Jerry? Since youre obviously mentally incapable of grasping my comment Ill spell it out for you. Now I come here and see these comments by bloggers and people who obviously have no ability to see the injustice thatoccurred..first to the victims (the children who were murdered) and to the Memphis 3 by falsely accusing people for this terrible crime. Could anyone tell me where to look into the allegations of Damiens animal cruely and/or killing of animals? But there simply wasnt enough to prove the three guilty, and more than there is enough to prove parents/bojangles/or anyone else guilty. Though now she has another legal battle on her hands. Besides, you said stereotypes. And that didnt happen in the original WM3 trial. You seem to have a bee in your bonnet about the fact that a few celebrities went to his aid. uhmm sorry but if N Z means you live in new zealand, hate to inform you, but the Devils advocate DE is there now with his financial nuthugger peter jackson..staying until christmas according to reports..lock your doors.. Jeez, they better not ever come north, We dont want baby killers in Canada. I totally could have used as few words as you to make these same points, instead I ended up writing a bloody essay. lord knows i am not a lawyer or a criminal investigator, but like johnny depp, i could play one on tv. Im familiar with the liquor bottle and the blood-stained necklace and the similar fibers and multiple confessions. Emma John. I think a good place to start is the location and the people that live there. Thats not even worth the pixels. Todd Moore, now divorced from Diana Moore, says he can't believe . Let me guess cause Ive researched the topic and I refuse to go with the official but untrue story. Therefore, their failure to prevail in the trial court stands. if they were so for getting the truth out there why did they not present the whole thing as it really was showing damiens true colors? While many think they do not need to prove their innocence, I think their actions speak volumes. I believe one or more of the boys were attacked which led to a violent situation where there was no coming back from for the purpotraters. Please do tell what is my dogma? Jesse misskelleys three confessions. Yes they COULD sue the state, its just that AR has no statute. (LogOut/ The boy he attacked was not sexually mutilated. In the meanwhile, we (me and my familyI wont speak for D and Lorri) are going to kick back and enjoy the hell out of what this life has to offer. The guards beat him. When is the hearing? we just want the majority to know the truth. While I disagree with your opinion thank you for proving one of my points about most WM3 supporters. And as for Micheal Blatty, a man whom you applaud for his intolerant behavior, hes nothing more than a wanna be minor celebrity with a famous father whos only claim to fame is starting another witch hunt in Salem. and gone, never to see the sun rise or set, never to feel the comfort of We now have #Pizzagate which reveals Satanism and child sexual abuse, rape, murder, and even canniablism of the victims. Trench keep If I can surpass the amount Im looking for, Id like to add an additional disc to the DVD case with visual information on the following provisional topics: Mara Leveritt and the Devils Knot: Grinding A Dull Axe, The Defense Rests: Obfuscation and Omissions in all Defense arguments. Ive read the 500. Prone to violence, filled with rage,ego-maniacal, and a misconceived persecution complex. I know murder is murder but just look at how these babies were mutilated and even raped after death. Echols is a piece of shit and the ringleader of this ordeal however it went down. Damien Echols is their Eric Harris and Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin are the Dylan Klebold-like sycophants. Jessies first confession is a complete joke., Link to Jesses confession to prosecuting attorneys I find it hard to believe that someone capable and sick enough to commit such an act could possibly contain himself for so long, unless he were incarcerated, or dead. MA. Damien Echols of the West Memphis 3 has asked the Arkansas Supreme Court to hear an appeal regarding a decision to use new technology to test DNA evidence. am happy for people to believe freely in which ever god/goddess/guru they like I think anyone on here posting anything negative towards the WM3 have got to be just as sick as the one(s) truly responsible for the murders of them innocent little boys. for the loss of his adopted and or step son oh, many people who have killed Paradise Lost is to the Robin Hood Hills murders as Loose Change is to 9/11. Then there is Terry Hobbs he acted weird as hell too, but it didnt seem to raise any suspicions from the West Memphis police either, I guess he didnt wear enough black. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Eloquently put and unlike myself you did not resort to profanity ), You poor stupid religious conservative fool. Who answers yes to a question of would you leave your child with this person youve never met before?? His handlers probably wont let him near a microphone. He even told Stidham and prosecutors about the Evan Williams whiskey they had been drinking in the woods.. and lo and behold, when they went to the area guess where the Evan Williams bottle was.. what happened to said dogs body then?? Fools on Parade: Hollywood and journalistic dupes, etc. Not long after three teens were arrested, including Damien Echols, 18, Jason Baldwin, 16, and Jessie Misskelley, 17. so, all you supporters can do like depp and go smack your old lady around, or like echols just draw crappy art which an 4 year old kid can see is depicting the crime and shove it. In fact, out of tens of thousands of pages of documents associated with this case, there is nothing more than a blurb regarding Todd Moore, even though he would have been at the very top of my list of suspects, for obvious reasons. numbers dont lie! Everyones comments on this have been an interesting read. First it was the Bojangles guy, then it was Mark Byers, now its Terry Hobbs. Youd be surprised how many people used to leave comments claiming that they knew Eric Harris. Micheal Blatty was quoted by as saying as saying if he ( Damien) had moved to Salem and Id heard he was living quietly and avoiding press, just trying to make a new life, Id have left the guy alone, but he hasnt. In June 19, 2014, Blatty is quoted as saying Id like to think I ran him out of town ( Damien Echols and his wife moved back to New York the month before) As much as the people of West Memphis were caught up in a witch hunt not entirely of their own making, but one made up out of unbearable grief and fear. If you are a parent that has a daughter and she brought Though if hed had a better family, they wouldve worked harder to help him with his many mental issues, which maybecouldve prevented something like this from happening. i respect your opinion, but when you say there is not one shred of evidence i do believe that is a leaving a little bit off the table. Had I thought them to be innocent, which I never have, this would raise a huge red flag to me because they have claimed to have sufficient evidence of innocence for 18 years. There was DNA evidence at the crime scene that didnot belong to any of the victims or defendants. Where did he hone his top investigative skills? And you know what? For a case with such an amazing amount of written material, as well as filmed footage, it is still a bit of a mystery I think. Other then its fun lol. They were all there. That means that while you dont plead guilty you plead that you believe that the prosecution has enough evidence to convict you. . Meanwhile a twisted, freaky, child molesting, and child killer goes free. Well, it is now 2016 and they are still together so they arent doing too bad. did his own lawyers manipulate him whe he confessed to them? If you say Hobbs is guilty then your just as guilty as those who rush to say Echols did it. Id like to believe that none of them are bloodthirsty but its sadistic for them to blame the victims parents (and they know this). johnny depp. If the parents were never questioned, thats a problem. These actions were the products of a sick and twisted mind. what was their alibi? Furthermore, she had also shared how she had reminded Miskelley, Jr. that Echols and Baldwin had finished their GED in prison while Miskelley, Jr. did not make productive use of his time. Wow to this article just wow. Trust very few and be open to learning new things always!! Satanism, heavy metal music, Stephen King novels etc. Oh boyusually, I find that someone who professes loudly to possess common sense actually seems to lack severely in it. He was using the Omen character as a role model. Street Date: July 14, 2020. My opinion comes from the facts that were left out of the movies such as Echols abuse of animals. well a lot of people would be shocked. In no way is that a literally retarded point of view, nor am I doubling down on my total ignorance as to the statistics of capital punishment. Your lack of basic critical thinking is amazing in its staggering level of absolute stupidity. . The WM3 supporters are just as guilty of the same intolerance they accuse the other side of. Ive had to defend Metal music & alternative fashion on many occasions myself. Why castrate one victim? home her new boyfriend that had the same record as in Damiens exhibit Seriously, he was the first parent to start looking for their kid that evening, but the last to call the police. I cant say for sure they did it, but if I had been on the jury I would have convicted them and been confident doing so. HIs CSI certification? One thing that makes the mind numb in the Callahan documents is the incessant back and forth of who talked to who, who went where with who, who KNEW who, who was friends with who. THANK YOU, Trench Reynolds, for this expose! The single only thing that makes me question the WM3s innocence is the fact that I have not been able to dredge up info about similar crimes within reasonable proximity over the past 20 years. As Ive said before what they dont tell you about the expert witness is that he also holds several degrees from some physical universities and studied under some of the leading criminalinvestigatorsin the US. Unfortunately, their memories are usually lost in the rhetoric. When he was 18, Damien and two other young men were wrongfully convicted of murder, eventually becoming known as the West Memphis Three. Those angry, edgy, artists are my people too. The common tatts that these so-called brotherhood members get on themselves are all That would of been the only way to get to the bottom of this case. As for the clams of actual innocence, the three pled guilty four months before the new trial hearings at which they would have presented their evidence of innocence. Como ocurri con Eddie, Damien Echols fue sealado injustamente como responsable del asesinato de tres nios durante un supuesto ritual satnico en 1993 The parents of a missing or murdered child are always, always investigated to rule them out or at least theyre supposed to be investigated. EXECUTE! it makes sense to confess beating up a kid, after all damion and jason did the abusing and killing. He is guilty. And this dumbthat started this link callinghimself trenchreynolds is as stupid as they come. It is possible that He makes money from other undiscovered sources. Ritual books? get the point? WM3 and their supporters are just throwing anything against a wall to make it stick. Man you people are fucking morons. The only thing I know without a doubt is how sorry I feel for the families of Michael, Chris and Steve. I dont mean like the correct houror what time of night but the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NOON and NIGHT. I must say I was one who fell into the hype as every 48 hours mystery, HBO document, etc. I think Echols has a subtle yet powerful charisma. No need to castrate one to hurt him real bad. I I knew every bully and weird kid in my town, no way I stop my bike for those guys in the woods, even at 8 I had instincts. Than feed, clothe, provide medical care for an inmate the point was being made about murders... 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