View similar charities Charity Abandoned Children's Fund Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children 2005 17,550 According to AI, its Family Task Force generally supports the principles and purposes of the World Congress of Families and participates in its global meetings. (see:, 2001 51,000 2010 32,100 2003 0 If we believe that man is made in the image of God, then we would do well to remember that the Lord is a warrior (Exodus 15:3).. Were so accepting that its just fine if you want to marry your canary, as Christian apologist Greg Koukl says. (see: see ) The major 2012-2013 National Christian Foundation increase in funding to the liberty Counsel is suggestive in light of LCs legal representation of Lively. 2007 531,510 Yes! 2013 2,600, Indiana Family Institute (EIN 35-1790240). 2013 15,220. 2008 50,000 The day will come when they will have children, and there wont be a thing they will be able to do to stop predators from taking advantage of their children because it will be against the law to discriminate. , 2001 5,000 In Touch Mission International 2004 271,525 800-336-7676 2012 0 The passage read, Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USAs first African-American President., At an April 2014 Iowa Family Leader candidates forum, IFL head Bob Vander Plats stated, When you abort 55 million babies, when you undermine the family and marriage, Gods first institution, and you say marriage can be anything you want it to be, when you trample on religious liberty in the Constitution You cannot run away from the heart of God and expect God to bless the country., During the event, three candidates running for U.S. Senate vowed to block federal judges who did not adhere to natural law provided by God. 2012 1,000 There were 248 who came, 50 members of parliament, and they invited me and the College of Prayer to come back twice a year for the next three years and mentor them.. In 2007, Bishop Jackson partnered with Cindy Jacobs and Kimberly Daniels in leading opposition to the Hate Crimes Bill, later signed into law by President Barack Obama (see:, 2001 590,105 While The Gathering is almost exclusively an affair of the dominionist Protestant evangelical right, The Council for National Policy brings together top funders of both the secular and theocratic far-right with movement activists and strategists. 2001-2004 0 Family Research Council Founder and director of mission at Global Mobilization Ministries is Alison Barfoot, who is described as a key actor directing the Uganda Anglican Church towards an oppositional stance towards homosexuality in the book American Culture Warriors in Africa: A Guide To The Exporters of Homophibia and Sexism ( 2014, Political Research Associates). 2006 99,800 2004 2,200 Leading the Cornwall Alliance is E. Calvin Beisner, a participant along with Michael Cromartie at the Villars Consultation. 2001 0 2006 0 Alex Mitala who has served as an apostle in the U.S.-based International Coalition of Apostles (now renamed the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders) has been a quiet but steady force in the mounting anti-gay crusade in Uganda. Also participating was Hugh O. Maclellan of the Maclellan Foundation one of the most important funders of the NCF and an attendee at The Gathering. 2003 0 2009 18,000 Earths climate system is no exception. The WCF has played a significant role in encouraging anti-LGBT legislation in Russia and Eastern Europe. 2011 22,750 2005 0 Dr. Baehr is on the Board of Advisers of (NCF-funded) Mastering Life Ministries, headed by David Kyle Foster, which promotes videos of ex-gay ministry leaders. 2008 129,000 Our holistic child development model is delivered The student posted on social media . 2013 54,494, Healing Rooms Ministries (EIN 91-2011121). Lead us into battle, they roared. 2012 0 One of the most prominent members of the Fellowship (according to the Billy Graham Archives at Wheaton College) was the late Nixon Administration lawyer and hatchet man Charles Colson. 2002 26,500 You asked them be women, I want to say. AIM International supports the Africa Inland Mission (AIM) network of Africa Inland Churches that are, in effect, their own continent-wide denomination. He is the fifth president in Compassion's history and has been president since 2013. Why does Compassion focus on individual child development rather than broader community development work? The costs to family, children and culture are too great to concede this battle to those who would see marriage and family redefined to the point of irrelevancy., (see:, Eric Metaxas, a recently featured speaker at The Gathering, is the scheduled speaker at an upcoming 2009 1,667,448 Giglio had accepted an invitation to give the benediction at President Obamas second inaugural, but withdrew after a mid-1990s sermon surfaced in which the Atlanta pastor opposed homosexual conduct. FRC president Tony Perkins also serves as the head of the Council For National Policy. mysterious ways to fulfill the plan. Kapya Kaoma, Rev. These people are playing for keeps. In 2007 Ellel Ministries co-head Jill Southern stated, [Homosexuality] is usually a result of homosexual abuse in very early childhood when they were wrongly touched but there are other possible causes such as gender confusion and rejection by a peer group as a weakling So this spirit of homosexuality has an appetite for homosexual acts, and is using your body for its own appetite. 2007 113,760 The First Baptist Church runs a branch of the addiction recovery program Celebrate Recovery (launched by Rick Warrens Saddleback Church) that promotes a version of reparative therapy. Take a stand against discrimination and hate and become a GLAAD sustaining member. 2007 2,100 2004 15,691 2010 79,325 structures, the Bible consistently denounced those who perpetuated such 2003 3,000 2003 0 2010 421,600 Stated Coe, They have to put the purposes of the Red Guard ahead of their mother, father, brother, sister and their own life. According to Scott Lively, credited with helping inflame anti-LGBT hatred from Eastern Europe and Russia to Uganda, Bright and lively were friends (see:; and according to Lively it was Campus Crusade For Christ leader Warren Willis who initially brought Lively to Uganda, in March 2002, to speak along with Ugandan Stephen Langa at an anti-pornography conference (see: 2001 6,250 Telling me that you are a homosexual took courage, especially because you know Im a Christian. Compassion International is an American child sponsorship and Christian humanitarian aid organization headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that aims to positively influence the long-term development of children globally who live in poverty. . Controversy subsequently arose when media noticed a passage in the pledge that, as characterized by CNN, contained a controversial preamble suggesting black children born into slavery had better family structures than black children now. (see: 2009 144,500 Headed by current Council for National Policy board member L. Brent Bozell III, the Media Research Center in 2006 launched, as a sub-project, Robert H. Knights Culture and Media Institute. How many dollars Compassion International spends on fundraising to raise each $100 of contributions. 2003 4,500 In the Winter 2005 quarterly newsletter of The Gathering, in an op-ed titled Thou Shalt Not Kill the Family, Christian Reconstructionist pastor Kenneth L. Gentry argued that, per Leviticus 20:9, disobedient and incorrigible children should be put to death (see: One of the leading anti-gay agitators in Uganda, Martin Ssempa graduated from Philadelphia Biblical University in 1994. 2009 112,042 2011 73,800 CharityWatch's rating of Compassion International also includes the financial activities of its international affiliates, which are consolidated in the Compassion International audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018. 2001 20,000 2011 1,231,921 ( 2010 30,100 We were placed here to win. (, In 2005, John Hagee broadcast a sermon, that was also marketed in video format by Hagees ministry, in which Hagee claimed that God had sent Adolf Hitler and his Nazis to persecute Europes Jews and so drive them towards Palestine, the only land where Jews were meant by God to live according to Hagee. Moreover, prior to the Fall, man lived in First time logging in? While National Christian Foundation direct funding of CFCV has been modest, heavy NCF funding has flowed, indirectly, to CFCV through the Alliance Defense Fund/Alliance Defending Freedom. 2005 378,480 Homelessness. In a 2005 interview, seminal architect of the religious right and new right Paul Weyrich stated that the Council for National Policy was an organization that, in the words of Rich DeVos, brings together the doers with the donors. (see: Both scientific research and the personal experience of thousands of people show that a homosexual orientation can usually be unlearned. In a December 13, 2005 op-ed titled The War on Christianity posted on the TVC website, Rev. (see: ), In early 2014, Moore mailed letters Wednesday to all 50 governors urging them to get their legislatures to call for a convention to add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution saying the only union recognized by state and federal governments is the union of one man and one woman., reported the Associated Press (see:, Freedom in Christ Ministries (EIN 33-0361836), A practicing exorcist, Neil T. Anderson, is considered one of the leading Protestant authorities on techniques to expel (demon deliverance) demon spirits alleged to possess human beings. One of the more significant of the U.S. evangelical international aid nonprofits, Food For The Hungry funded the development of former Food For The Hungry Vice President Darrow L. Millers Biblical worldview courses, based on Christian Reconstructionist concepts, that are being taught across Africa by the Food For The Hungry-funded spinoff nonprofit Disciple Nations Alliance. In 2010, Desert Stream Ministries head Comiskey admitted (see: that Desert Stream had been cast out of our home church, the Vineyard Anaheim church, because a longstanding staff person from Desert Stream had sexually abused at least one teenager who had sought help from us., 2003 0 2010 0 Besides his ongoing hostility to LGBT rights, Florida Family Council head Stemberger has been accused, by the National Black Justice Coalition, of making racist public comments for seeming to suggest, on a Florida talk radio show, that August 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri riots that followed the fatal police shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager were not really about the police shooting but were, rather, manifestations of a barbarian society caused by a decline in traditional marriage. The attraction to centrally controlled economics and coercive solutions despite the In short, the real and lasting answer was not food, knowledge of better farming techniques, schools, or medical care, or any other secular remedy. Citizens For Community Values was a top financial sponsor of the wave of 2004 state ballot amendments banning same-sex marriage. Meanwhile, NOM leaders such as Brian Brown has emerged as aggressive participants in the World Congress of Families that is credited with helping to inspire anti-LGBT and anti-reproductive rights legislation in Russia and Eastern Europe. 2011 27,450 [13], Sponsors are able to visit their sponsored children through trips planned by Compassion International. 2001 5,260 2009 171,100 2009 12,750 2003 1,600 Henry Orombi, former Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, served as Chancellor of Uganda Christian University from 2004-1012. Yesterday World Vision announced a change in its policy for U.S. staff members, allowing for employment of individuals in legal same-sex marriages. 2011 226,655 2001 57,050 2002 17,500 Sponsor a child today through Compassion's Christian child sponsorship ministry. 2003 15,400 2003 3,964 Feelings dont validate a homosexual lifestyle any more than they validate a murderers desire to kill. 2006 1,517,669 Recently the California legislature decided that homosexual history in American will be taught to kindergartners Its shameful that the homosexuals can get a curriculum in the public school and the children of God cannot The church was not put here to whine. Along with Cromartie, other Villars participants included Howard and Roberta Ahmanson and top Fieldstead & Company leaders, Coalition on Revival steering committee member Ted Baehr, Christian Reconstructionist (and COR member) theorists George Grant and David Chilton, World Vision Vice President Evon Hedley, multiple leaders of Food For The Hungry International including Darrow Miller, conservative evangelical strategist Herbert Schlossberg, and journalist Marvin Olasky one of the leading intellectual architects of George W. Bushs Faith Based Initiative. 2007 192,000 This U.S. and international chain of Assemblies of God addiction recovery centers uses non-medical, unscientific methods, including exorcism, for treatment of addiction and attempts to change sexual orientation. 2009 20,000 2012 19,500, The First Academy (of Central Florida) (EIN 59-0696287). 2002 4,000 2005 20,750 However, in Kenya these ideas fed into Mois portrayals of the countrys socioeconomic woes as resulting not from poor leadership but from individual sin that had allowed Satan to enter the nation. Liberty Counsel 2010 81,623 The document specifies that all clergy, employees, and volunteers of the diocese, as well as students and parents in Catholic schools, are to "conduct themselves in accord . This section is a list of LGBT organizations that work internationally for LGBT Diversity.. 2013 451,740, Christian Film and Television Commission (EIN 13-2961538). Concerned Women For America has been one of the active U.S. participants in the World Congress of Families, and along with two other NCF-funded World Congress of Families participants, Focus on the Family and Family Research Council, has led the American Christian rights establishment as a presence at the United Nations. Buck: McCabe nonetheless serves on the board of directors of the National Christian Foundation, one of the top funders of anti-LGBT rights groups on earth. 2012 1,123,200, The Heritage Foundation maintains an extensive website subsection devoted to arguments against LGBT rights, especially same sex marriage (see:, Heritage fellow Ryan T. Anderson has come to occupy an increasingly prominent role among the opposition to marriage equality (see:, In April 2014 Anderson made the claim that same-sex marriage is an elite luxury good bought for on the backs of the poor. (see:, 2001 10,000 2007 21,000 What does the Bible call homosexuality? 2008 0 2008 293,300 Set up your online account. Can I write my sponsored child a letter online? New Hope Charitable Foundation relief and development work, and to carry this out in conjunction with the local 2011 118,280 2006 217,500 Master architect of that plan Herbert Schlossberg has close ties to leaders of the Christian Reconstructionism movement including Gary North and the late Howard Phillips. 2011 1,199,576 2013 1,500, Mastering Life Ministries (EIN 62-1542382). It is a travesty that a Massachusetts court decided to thrust a radical social experiment upon an unwilling populace by legalizing same-sex marriage. This government endorsement of motherless and fatherless families is both reckless and dangerous. self-respect. 2007 18,000 In 2013, AFTAH head Peter LaBarbera spoke at an anti-gay rights conference at Jamaica, during which he touted ex-gay therapy, stating, The dirty little secret that the media and homosexual activists are desperate desperate to squelch is that people are coming out of homosexuality every day. Wrote Gentry, the family must align itself with God and His Law, rather than with blood ties or emotional attachment, as is so often the case. Palau was an original signatory to the theocratic Coalition on Revival, an evangelical front of fundamentalists, conservative evangelicals, and charismatics that was shepherded by Christian Reconstructionist leaders such as Gary North, Gary DeMar and, in the initial phase of COR, R. J. Rushdoony. 2005 1,000 In 2005, Julius Oyet who has held top leadership roles in Ugandas two born-again umbrella associations traveled to Ed Silvosos yearly Nation transformation conference near Buenos Aires, Argentina. This encyclopedia documents the role of the National Christian Foundation as the leading domestic U.S. funding source for organizations and institutions involved in anti-LGBT rights activism and which are ideologically hostile to gay rights. This is where the Church of Satan was founded; where witches and warlocks have legal status; where homosexuals and lesbians heavily influence government; where selfisness rules. Yes. No to sodomy! 2004 6,000 (Conservative Caucus Research) In an October 2013 broadcast, Robertson likened transgender people to castrated horses (see: 2003 5,000 2012 1,017,175. economic liberation with salvation, and to use the Marxist critique, without recognizing the basic conflict between these views and the Biblical perspective. 2013 4,400, Marriage and Family Foundation (EIN 26-0142546), In 2005, top leaders from Chick-Fil-A, including Don Cathy, launched the Marriage and Family Legacy Fund, which later change its name to the Marriage & Family Foundation. 2013 281,431 ( AoG World Missions ), Assembly of God Phillipsburg, KS NCF funding to the AFM reflects the peak period of this effort, from 2004-2007. 2002 1,000 within a given culture. [9], The organization also helps in emergency situations and in the funding of health centers. 2002 32,500 2008 1,120,500 I know its at least over 80 percent, I believe its 80-85 percent success rate. These two scholars have shaped a theoretical development perspective which posits that Western cultural values rooted in Christianity and in the case of Harrison, especially Protestant Christianity, have played an indispensable role in the economic and political success of the European and North American West. The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association was founded in 1952 by the Rev. According to AFA 990 tax forms, the national American Family Association was at that time providing material assistance to its state-level affiliates. 2005 101,640 It not only addresses immediate physical needs but also helps build self-esteem and Other founding members of the Restored Hope Network include Ron Smith of New Hope Ministries, Andy Comiskey of Desert Stream Ministries (NCF-funded, see entry), David Kyle Foster of Mastering Life Ministries (NCF-funded, see entrry), Dr. Robert Gagnon of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (NCF-funded), Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries, and Jason Thompson of Portland Fellowship (NCF-funded, see entry), 2012 3,600 Syria and Iraq) and boundaries created by that Agreement created states inherently unstable, argued Scruton, because they encompassed tribal, ethnic and religious factions inherently at odds and not cemented by any secular national ethos. 2006 6,500 Portland Fellowship (EIN 93-0958183) 2008 1,028,150 Described the church website (see: 2012 102,021 While some organizations on the Christian right have over the past several years moderated their anti-gay rhetoric, the AFAs anti-gay speech has become, if anything, even more extreme. 2007 212,500 Since 1952, Compassion's ministry model has proved to provide immense stability in the face of various economic situations. Described as the best junket in all of journalism, The Faith Angle Forum has established Michael Cromartie as one of the go-to sources on questions regarding religion and politics for many of the top journalists reporting on religion. But the Christian Broadcast Networks global reach enables it to disseminate content in countries where such claims, from Pat Robertson and other CBN figures, may go unchallenged. 2011 0 2007 6,000 2011 146,100 2010 238,250 primarily through child sponsorship and is Christ-centered, church-driven and child-focused. Schmierers Celebrating Gods Design: A Balanced and Biblical Perspective on Todays Toughest Youth Problems, co-written with Lela Gilbert (Promise Publishing, 2002) was endorsed by Jim Burns. Youthbuilders, Advocates International bills itself as the worlds biggest faith-based legal association, with thousands of legal professionals around the globe. Sponsoring a child costs $38 a month. The work of Christian relief and development, therefore, must involve spiritual The ADF is currently representing a group of plaintiffs challenging a provision of the Affordable Care Act that requires employee health plans from for-profit employers to provide contraceptive coverage. According to Bethel Sozo, Sozo ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry aimed to get to the root of things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 2006 1,346,868 For example, in 2003 E&PCC published a March 31 op-ed (The Just War Case for The War) by the noted Catholic theologian George Weigel which argued that classic Christian just war theology supported a US attack on Iraq. Wives are to follow their husbands in the Lord. 2007 9,000 While Chick-Fil-As funding of anti-LGBT organizations, at least through its Winshape Foundation, appears to have ceased following scrutiny and pressure from LGBT rights organizations, Chick-Fil-As Senior Vice President and CFO James B. 2003 -15,000 (Conservative Caucus Research, a separate Howard Phillips-run 501(c)(3)) 2010 3,000 Barfoot was co-rector of a Kansas Episcopal church which broke with the Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA) over the 2003 ordination of openly gay Gene Robinson as ECUSAs bishop for the state of New Hampshire. Mercy Ministries is headed by Nancy Alcorn, who (along with her husband Randy Alcorn) moves in circles of apostles and prophets associated with the NAR movement. How do I contact Compassion International? 2012 0 They are closely monitored by governments, religious organizations, and by us pessimistic sponsors. Noebels book characterized homosexuality as a kind of national death wish which sought to change the natural order created by God himself.. 2008 135,168 Christian Reconstructionisms founder R. J. Rushdoony declared Schlossbergs book Idols For Destruction: The Conflict of Christian Faith and American Culture to be one of the most important books of the 20th Century. John Howe, until 1989 the rector at Truro, was a key endorser of the 1988 presidential campaign of [Pat] Robertson, who once called for a theocracy with judges speaking in tongues on the bench., Truros services and tapes present a clear message: True Christians engage daily in actual, not metaphorical, hand to hand combat with Satan. 2002 52,500 Focusing on external causes of poverty in exploitation and oppression without I will not send them away hungry" (Matthew 15.32). Another Truro Church link to Uganda is through its support of the Uganda Christian University, through its organization Uganda Christian University Partners (UCUP), which receives NCF funding. Beyond the amounts listed below, it also receives substantial funding through the NCF-funded Alliance Defending Freedom. 2001 7,600 2012 1,223,550 CFTC founder and head Ted Baehr is a current Steering Committee member of the theocratic Coalition on Revival (see: )whose members pledge to give their lives if necessary to impose biblical law, and a biblical template, in all sectors of society. 2007 11,500 2008 867,138 In a very real sense, for Howard F. Ahmanson whose Fieldstead and Company philanthropic group cosponsored (with Food for the Hungry, an enterprise Fieldstead has heavily funded) the Villars Consultation Villars was the logical extension of Ahmansons funding of the theocratic Christian Reconstructionism movement (Ahmanson had, up into the early 1990s, bankrolled its leading think tank, the Chalcedon Foundation.). GLAAD rewrites the script for LGBTQ acceptance. In its Fall 2011 issue, the Ivy League Observer featured an article by one of the leaders of the Princeton Group initiative, venture capitalist Chuck Stetson, a co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage and the CEO of the (anti-gay) National Marriage Week. 2003 2,678,900 2010 5,600 3. ( see: ), 2001 0 2005 138,653 In 2000, Sharlet teamed up with novelist Peter Manseau to create, which has since become an award-winning online literary magazine about religion and spirituality. 2002 0 [22] However, Charity Navigator changed its rating system in 2016,[23] and Compassion International's 2016 overall rating dropped to three stars out of four, for its accountability and transparency. And its a great honor to serve them.. 2002 2,284 Compassion strives to protect children from all forms of abuse. The First Academy (of Central Florida) 2007 3,000 Neither heterosexual sex outside of marriage nor any homosexual act constitute an alternative lifestyle acceptable to God., The statement also stipulates, I understand that if I am found being involved in a lifestyle that does not conform to the FCAs Sexual Purity Statement I will need to step down from my leadership position with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes., (see: Glaad sustaining member the Lord, with thousands of legal professionals around the globe 59-0696287. ( see: http: // ProgramID=1016 ) spends on fundraising to raise $... 62-1542382 ) them.. 2002 2,284 compassion international lgbt strives to protect children from all forms of.. A Massachusetts court decided to thrust a radical social experiment upon an unwilling by... Website, Rev Philadelphia Biblical University in 1994 and Eastern Europe student posted on social media sponsor a child through... 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Northwell Health Physician Partners Endocrinology At Great Neck, Articles C